posted on May, 16 2009 @ 08:48 PM
I've waited to respond on this thread because when I read the title I was so appalled that I was speechless.
This is beyond horrific. I honestly did not think people could sink this low. If the man was on PCP (has anyone seen an update?) he will still be
held accountable for his actions. And yes, he should donate his eye to the child.
For those who think PCP makes the user docile: I've worked as a critical care nurse and seen my share of PCP users come through the ER. Once you
acquire the necessary 20 people it takes to wrestle them to the ground so the nurse can draw some blood, PCP is confirmed on the lab test.
One guy went ape outside the ER after getting his blood drawn, OKC cops shot him 6 times and he still managed to overtake one of the cops, disarm said
cop, kill cop with cops own gun before he dropped dead from the bullet wounds he already had in his heart and head.
OT: What has become of the child? Is he in hospital? Is there a mother around?