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Another 1,225,980 guns bought by law abiding Americans

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posted on May, 18 2009 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by bismarcksea
Still low on ammo in the Denver area from every source.

Gun store shelves are not what you would call "bare" but they have not been able to keep AKs, ARs and other Mil style weapons in stock.

In this area at least, this article holds true.

Same down in the Springs. No 9mm, .45 is getting scarce, as is .40. .223 and .308 are also non-existent. Did manage to find one box of 9mm, it was $54!

00 buck is still plentiful though. However, if you're shooting a Mossberg, Uncle Sam has already purchased all your spare parts. Not a barrel in the land...

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 05:55 PM
oh my word. i don't get it, are all americans born retarded as a result of centuries of inbreeding?

more people die every day in america from gun crime than do in britain over the course of an entire year (don't make me source it, cba) and the main noticable difference (apart from the size)??? one country has guns as being legal the other bans them.

and i thought, you say that you have your guns to defend yourselves from criminals who may be armed. ok then well, what if the criminal doesnt have a gun because it wasnt as easy to get hold of one. making accquiring a gun more difficult would have some impact surely.

sure it will still be possible as it is in both britain and the US to get a gun but wouldnt the number of law abiding americans going around shooting each other decrease? saving lives? surely a good thing right?

or what do i know. you guys go ahead and shoot the crap outta each other.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by RuledBySecrecy

What do you care?

You're at the mercy of anyone who is armed, larger than you, can swing a stick better, or knows how to use a knife.

You non-US personnel argue your gun control laws for your country, and don't even concern yourselves with what we in the US do in our country.

We may suffer from inbreeding, but we don't wear our shorts backwards and rely on others to defend us.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by NatureBoy

You mean the 17 percent of guns seized of which 90 percent of the 17 percent were traced to the United States? 15.3 percent of the guns seized in Mexico are from the United States. The rest came from other sources.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by RuledBySecrecy

Since you don't seem to know anything about our Right to Bear Arms, kindly don't try to debate it with us. It was never intended to defend against criminals. It is there to ensure the continuation of every other right we hold dear.

I will address one of the retarded things you said, just for clarity's sake. You say the biggest difference between the U.S. and the U.K. that prevents gun violence is that one bans guns and the other doesn't.

Open your eyes to reality: The vast majority of our gun violence occurs in the cities where guns are more heavily restricted or illegal to own. The places that actually adhere to our Second Amendment - rural and suburban areas - are mostly incredibly safe and peaceful places to live. It's far more safe to live in those places than it is in London.

Here's a short list of a few countries that ban guns or severely restrict them to the point where ownership is extremely difficult and costly:

  • Mexico
  • North Korea
  • South Africa
  • Venezuela

So clearly, the cause of gun violence is something other than the legal status of firearms ownership.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 08:35 PM
The numbers certainly make me feel much better. Just as I rather be around folks who can think and do for themselves, the more comfortable I feel when I know more and more good citizens are arming themselves.

The saddest thing is to be a victim.

The dumbest thing is to be a willful victim.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 03:08 AM
Anyone care to remember how we kicked the British out and became these United States of America? An armed populace.

"You cannot invade the mainland United States.
There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass."
- Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto
(Japanese Navy)

As far as defense against criminals, if you ever get bored and want to see what the MSM never mentions, just check out this compilation of various local newspapers and how people have saved themselves and their families. Sometimes the criminals have guns, sometimes hand weapons. Sometimes the intended victim misses every shot, sometimes they reply with deadly accuracy, and sometimes they simply brandish their weapon and hold the criminal until the police arrive:

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by riff_raff
"Wonder what is driving law abiding Americans to use their second amendment rights to purchase arms?"

The 2nd amendment is the only thing that guarantees the other 26 amendments. That's why nanny-state liberals despise it so. They see the US Constitution as nothing more than an impediment to their rightful control of US citizens lives.

As for lawful purchasers of handguns being "crazy", just the opposite is true. An individual with a history of mental illness cannot legally purchase a firearm. This is obviously the reason why no liberals purchase firearms.

Five Gold Stars!!! [color=gold]* * * * *

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by RuledBySecrecy
oh my word. i don't get it, are all americans born retarded as a result of centuries of inbreeding?

Given that the US is a melting pot of cultures from across the world, the average American is probably a lot less inbred than just about anyone on Earth. I myself am a mix of English, German, Scottish, and Irish. How many other country's average citizens have that much ethnic diversity.

more people die every day in america from gun crime than do in britain over the course of an entire year (don't make me source it, cba) and the main noticable difference (apart from the size)??? one country has guns as being legal the other bans them.

Honestly I'd rather somebody shoot me than stab me or beat me to death. Taking away a gun does not change the fact that if a person wants to kill someone they're going to kill that person. Once you're past the emotional and mental roadblocks it's remarkably easy to kill someone. It's just a fact of life that human bodies are delicate bags of flesh that do not respond well to outside interfereance. You don't need a gun to kill someone as the UK has well demonstrated with the amount of people who now simply get stabbed or beaten to death.

and i thought, you say that you have your guns to defend yourselves from criminals who may be armed. ok then well, what if the criminal doesnt have a gun because it wasnt as easy to get hold of one. making accquiring a gun more difficult would have some impact surely.

Well if that were the case wouldn't gun crime in Mexico be non existent? Seeing as the US only provides 17% of the firearms that have been confiscated there, that 83% obviously had to have come from somewhere else. Now unless they all came from Switzerland there's not a lot of other nations out there that are nearly as comfortable with firearms as we are. Therefore it can be logically stated that 83% of the firearms in Mexico came from place's that are more restrictive of firearms than the United States. So much for gun control restricting the flow of weapons into place's like Mexico.

Given how guns of military caliber are totally illegal in Mexico, and the gun friendly US isn't importing anywhere near the majority of weapons into Mexico, it should be very difficult for a Mexican drug cartel to access firearms right? Doesn't seem to be working the way to me. Despite those weapons being illegal, and despite the world's primary gun friendly nation living next door and still not selling them large amounts of weapons, the Mexican drug cartels are now armed to the point where they nearly rival the Mexican Army. So could explain to me again how gun bans stop criminals from getting guns?

sure it will still be possible as it is in both britain and the US to get a gun but wouldnt the number of law abiding americans going around shooting each other decrease? saving lives? surely a good thing right?

or what do i know. you guys go ahead and shoot the crap outta each other.

By definition, law abiding Americans do not shoot people without a good reason, namely self defense. Now if you were to institute a gun ban so that all law abiding Americans weren't allowed to have firearms you'd sure as hell see the amount of law abiding Americans shooting people go down. But on the other hand number instead of having a healthy number of law abiding citizens shooting criminals you'd instead see a downright scary amount of criminals shooting law abiding citizens. As Mexico has proven, a gun ban doesn't really do any thing to prevent criminals from obtaining firearms, but they do have a way of making it difficult for a law abiding citizen to defend themselves.

You'll have to forgive us, but most of us here in the states have no intention of being raped, robbed, or killed by some petty criminals. Nor do we trust any government to rule us without approximately 280,000,000 firearms to keep them in line.

[edit on 5/19/2009 by cyberdude78]

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 05:53 AM
One thing the US members of ATS might notice is that the vast majority of anti-gun posts from non-US residents are motivated by a fear and ignorance of guns. In many countries (and i'll use Australia as an example, since its where i live) then general population is terrified of guns and most people have never held nor fired a weapon.

A large part of this is an assumption from most non-US residents that it is the liberal US gun laws that are the cause of gun crime and violence. This is because it is one of the lines heavily peddled by other governments to convince people to give up their weapons (and it has been highly successful in many countries, esp Australia). I think anyone who has looked into the matter understands that legal gun ownership in the US has little bearing on crime rates, however most people are too lazy to check it out for themselves.

IMO US gun ownership is absolutely necessary given the governments you guys have been subjected to, its the only thing stopping full blown socialism! The fact that gun and ammo sales have gone through the roof recently tells me that there are a great many clear thinking US citizens because I think many of yu realise the next few years are gonna be a rough ride.

The fact that there are legitimate legal uses for weapons isnt understood in many countries, nor is the fact that illegal weapons have always been (and will always be) readily available. I think most Australians would be shocked at how easy it actually is to obtain illegal high powered and even automatic weapons (and this has been the case for at least the last 30 years).

I grew up with legal weapons in the house, which were used for farming purposes, and so guns to me are a very useful tool and not the cause of violent crime. I'm seriously considering getting a rifle and handgun license myself in the near future. Its actually quite easy to obtain a gun license and legal weapons in Australia, just the general population has been convinced that gun ownership has been effectively outlawed by government misinformation.

Oh and we cant get some of the great stuff the US can get (ie the discovery here of a 50 cal rifle during a police raid made the front page as such calibre weapons are unheard of).

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by projectvxn
reply to post by NatureBoy

This comment is typical of non-Americans who are used to having their respective governments do everything for them including wiping their butts.
We can fight back if our government starts putting the clamp down. Can you say the same?

Why would we need to, we don't vote dimwits into power as Americans love doing, we respect our governments. Sad fact is why would anyone want American democracy when Americans need to invest in firepower to protect themselves from that democracy. You see the point. Thank god I am Australian.

That being said I have owned weapons in America, including an AK-47, SKS and M-4 also a PX4 pistola. It was fuin shooting them but I'm glad when I move back home I will be living in a society with true freedom, not freedom which needs to be guaranteed with a gun. Australians have always been more wordly and sensible than our American counterparts

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 02:57 AM

Originally posted by zvezdar
One thing the US members of ATS might notice is that the vast majority of anti-gun posts from non-US residents are motivated by a fear and ignorance of guns. In many countries (and i'll use Australia as an example, since its where i live) then general population is terrified of guns and most people have never held nor fired a weapon.

A large part of this is an assumption from most non-US residents that it is the liberal US gun laws that are the cause of gun crime and violence. This is because it is one of the lines heavily peddled by other governments to convince people to give up their weapons (and it has been highly successful in many countries, esp Australia). I think anyone who has looked into the matter understands that legal gun ownership in the US has little bearing on crime rates, however most people are too lazy to check it out for themselves.

And the reason for owning assault rifles in Australia is what ......? They ahve never been used to protect anyone in fact they have been used in all our gun massacres. People in Austrlia don't need guns because we don't fear our government, you might be the exception. Austrlia has done quite well without guns and even when we did have them they were hardly ever used in self defence. Even our police are held to the highest standards when they have shot someone, you've seen the news about that.

IMO US gun ownership is absolutely necessary given the governments you guys have been subjected to, its the only thing stopping full blown socialism!

Funny that I bet you voted for Russ and booted Howard. Obama has nothing on what Rudd is foing to Australia.

The fact that gun and ammo sales have gone through the roof recently tells me that there are a great many clear thinking US citizens because I think many of yu realise the next few years are gonna be a rough ride.

How so, ar ethere going to be firefights on the street between the government and its citizenry? LMAO.

I think most Australians would be shocked at how easy it actually is to obtain illegal high powered and even automatic weapons (and this has been the case for at least the last 30 years).

Oh really and just how easy is it ? Since only a few have turned up over tha last decade. What weapons are we talking about ? It's hard enough to get automatic weapons in America let alone a country which barely has any weapons. I am an Australian and am very familiar with firearms, don't BS me.

I grew up with legal weapons in the house, which were used for farming purposes, and so guns to me are a very useful tool and not the cause of violent crime.

Like what a shotgun, .303, SKS they were all common weapons back then.

Its actually quite easy to obtain a gun license and legal weapons in Australia, just the general population has been convinced that gun ownership has been effectively outlawed by government misinformation.

Oh really what sort of weapons, a bolt action rifle, semi's are indeed outlawed. You may be able to get a pistol but you can't carry it on your person. In fact most people who have pistols have to keep them at their gin club.

Oh and we cant get some of the great stuff the US can get (ie the discovery here of a 50 cal rifle during a police raid made the front page as such calibre weapons are unheard of).

Really, link to news article ? and .50 caliver rifles are extremely easy to get here. Bought one with an American friend for $US7000 a Barrett M82. We also had a great deal on API rounds (they're fun), but expensive,

[edit on 22-5-2009 by rogue1]

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 03:09 AM
I have "a friend" that has bought 16 guns in 2 months. ARFCOM EE any Gunbroker. So this is no big shock. In fact my "friends" wife want to stab him in the butt whenever he come home with another AR or AK.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by NatureBoy

You need to get your facts straight. The anti gun nut crowd is so insane that you can show them the facts, show them the numbers, but they still wont believe it. Its like me telling you that water is wet, I can prove it to you but you are so mentally ill that you wont believe it. I want you to to research the first clinton assault weapon ban and tell me what effects it had. Well let me save you some time. All it did was hurt the economy. Nothing else. World peace was not achieved, murders did not go down, crime did not go down, what did go down was millions pumped into the economy per year. And it has been proven that the majority of guns arming the mexican cartels comes from russia china south america and their own military. The drug cartels are using fully automatic ar15s, guess what.... you cant buy fully automatic at gun shows in america only semi. You need to research the facts, the pro gun crowd is correct your wrong. We have all the proof in the world behind us, all the anti crowd has is hatred. Oh and another thing, I would die to see nancy polisi's face when she sees all the guns being bought, and knowing there's not a thing in the world she can do about it. And to all the people in the anti gun crowd, I own lots of guns, and there's not a thing you can do about it. lol lol

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by RuledBySecrecy

Ok, so america has more gun related deaths than the U.K. True. Thats because we have more guns. Well we have more knives than you do... So why do more british die from knife related attacks than americans? I just cant figure it out. America has more knives in our county but yet the british people kill each other with knives more in one year than americans do in 3. Hmmmm. I thought that less guns meant less crime? I thought if a mad man didnt have a gun he would just "cool off"? Maybe you coulf enlighten us as to why this is.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 01:24 PM
let me explain something to all our anti gun british friends in child like terms. After america was started, our founding fathers realized that in order to protect freedom people need to be armed, In order to protect ourselves from a out of control government we need to be armed. On the other side the british government realized they needed to disarm their people so they could never again revolt. They needed to be disarmed so the british government could push its people around and could not resist. Wake up you brits, your government did not disarm you cause they care so much about its people. They disarmed you so they would have complete power over you. They disarmed you so they could do anything they wanted and not fear an armed revolt. You see the American government realizes, their people has more fire power and ammo than avery american police and military force combined so we better not piss them off. The british government realizes that the people cant stand a fighting chance so they can do whatever they want.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 07:37 AM
Wheres NATUREBOY? you come on here and spew anti gun talk, but now the heat is on, So where are you to defend yourself? After all your right arnt you? What do you have to worry about im just a crazy racist redneck right. Come on, prove me wrong coward.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 01:22 AM
Think of the number not accounted for from person to person deals

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by pill
Think of the number not accounted for from person to person deals

I was thinking that also, but I think these are the numbers for "new weapon sales". The resold weapons have already been accounted for....

...but those numbers don't include weapons built. I know a few people that build AR's from kits.

[edit on 5-6-2009 by becomingaware]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by andy1033
Thats just over the top isn't it. The military industrial complex must be happy, lol.

Actually, it's more about liberals being unhappy, a valid litmus test for having made a good decision if ever there was one.

How many of those gun owners would actually use those things in real life situations, like katrina. We saw in katrina people will do nothing to the ptb, and the government can just take there weapons.

"Those gun owners" use those guns for self defence on average 2 million times a year, and you can include my wife in that statistic.

If you guys have brought all those things, and have no real world expectation of ever using them, why did you buy all those guns?

You know, I see a future where this country will be divided into two parts, one where people own guns, and one that will be unarmed. Do you care to guess which part will be the nicest to live in?

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