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You can die for your country, but you can't legally drink?

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posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 11:07 PM
If you can be drafted by a bunch of old gangly fogies to be forced to fight in a war, why can't you have a few drinks? You obviously are considered an adult since you are being sent to war, but why don't you have the right to consume alcohol?

Are people in the age bracket of 18-21 second class citizens?

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by PolskieWojsko
If you can be drafted by a bunch of old gangly fogies to be forced to fight in a war, why can't you have a few drinks? You obviously are considered an adult since you are being sent to war, but why don't you have the right to consume alcohol?

Are people in the age bracket of 18-21 second class citizens?

I've always thought that was insane too, PW. You can go out and die for your country, but if you sneak a beer under the radar you get a "minor in possession".

And yes, I do happen to think TPTB are treating young people as second class citizens. They make you jump through hoops to get drivers licenses these days while at the same time they leave the senile old fecks out on the roads free to run over as many people as they feel like and NEVER have their licenses removed.

I totally agree with your post, Dude.

And I'm 40 !

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by PolskieWojsko
If you can be drafted by a bunch of old gangly fogies to be forced to fight in a war, why can't you have a few drinks? You obviously are considered an adult since you are being sent to war, but why don't you have the right to consume alcohol?

Are people in the age bracket of 18-21 second class citizens?

When I was in you could drink on base no matter what your age was I dont know if it has changed.

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 11:13 PM
Thankfully, there is no draft in the US as of now, and if the bill before congress passes, all citizens will be in the military who are under 23 and over 18.

On another note, if you join the military, you can show your military ID and legally drink, no matter what your age. Ironically, the legal drinking age was changed about the same time the legal voting age was lowered to accomodate the people under 21 getting drafted. Kinda like "Well, if you want that, then we're going to take this"...

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 11:20 PM
Civilians at age 18 should be able to drink too. They can be sent to war just as military personal can.

Oh and don't even think about have a single beer and driving home if your under 21.

In PA, you have anything but .00 alcohol level and your under 21, automatic DUI. Oh and they sure are fond of those unconstitutional checkpounts!

We had a presentation at our school with officers literally threatening to put us in jail(you goto jail too automaticly) if we were caught with any alcohol in our blood while driving. Most of the kids were terrified...

I'm signing up to fight for my country and those fat cops are telling me that I'm a criminal for drinking! They can **** off!

[Edited on 27-4-2004 by PolskieWojsko]

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 11:29 PM
They tried lowering the drinking age to 18. Teenage drunk driving fatalities increased by 300%, IIRC.

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 11:32 PM
Statistics are easily manipulated and can be skewed or collected incorrectly yielding false results.

Where did you find your statistics?

[Edited on 27-4-2004 by PolskieWojsko]

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 11:33 PM
the reason why you can't drink is that your brain is supposely not "mature" yet, so alcohol might mess up your brain. but ohhh the can take a bullet to the head but you can't use

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 11:40 PM
Nope, wrong thread, edited out the wrong post

Originally posted by PolskieWojsko
Civilians at age 18 should be able to drink too. They can be sent to war just as military personal can.

Oh and don't even think about have a single beer and driving home if your under 21.

In PA, you have anything but .00 alcohol level and your under 21, automatic DUI. Oh and they sure are fond of those unconstitutional checkpounts!

We had a presentation at our school with officers literally threatening to put us in jail(you goto jail too automaticly) if we were caught with any alcohol in our blood while driving. Most of the kids were terrified...

I'm signing up to fight for my country and those fat cops are telling me that I'm a criminal for drinking! They can **** off!

[Edited on 27-4-2004 by PolskieWojsko]

Same case with Illinois. If you're caught driving, and you just used some Listerine because you're on your way to a date, say hello to Bubba and his injection shot of HIV. Ironically, here the blood test doesn't seem to be an option. If you get a drivers liscense, you automatically agree to a breathalyzer, and you agree to abide by it's results. If you refuse, or ask for a blood test, enjoy your cell.

Judge: "Why didn't you give him the blood test?"

Cop: "He was being beligerant and was lashing out against authority. I had to teach him a lesson"

Judge: "Guilty! Your sentance is..."

It's back now

[Edited on 4-27-2004 by junglejake]

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 11:41 PM
Again....what about all the elderly drivers on the roads, totally oblivious and running people over left and right and let go without even a WARNING ?

How is a drunk driver any more dangerous ? I say if you want impaired drivers off the roads, you better get ALL impaired drivers off the roads.

Oh, and PW, I agree with you about the police. Power crazed Robo-Cops is all most of them are, IMO.

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 12:09 AM
Has anyone been with kids, their first time away from home?
I'm talking to men and women who have served in the US armed services and supervised other young men and women. I mean, that kid, 18 year old from the Iowa farm, after bootcamp. When you first get him? That sweet kid, a week later, is at the topless joint puking his head off!
And you want him to get into a car?
And since when is dying for your country, the ultimate sacrifice equated to drinking? If you could die for your country without voting, maybe you'd have an issue. But you fight for the Constition, and drinking is not a civil right. As fun as it may be.

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 12:47 AM
down here in the big easy you can drink at 18 on private property

Way back when I got too school we were allowed to drink in our dorm rooms because "they were our residence"

God this place loves their booz.

But yeah, I agree - it is B.S. - and I am of legal age (then again, i also had 4 of those "under age citations").

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 12:47 AM
It's been proven that teenagers on average do not drink responsibly. But maybe that's what they look for in a serviceperson at that age. Someone that doesn't have the benefit of those extra, formative years between eighteen and 21...a less developed sense of morality and common sense. That devil-may-care, invincible attitude (this is not meant as a's just a fact). Think about it...those 3 extra years account for one 7th of the life you've lived and experienced! Now I'm not saying this is true for all 18 yr. olds but I was in high school as well and remember the mentality of most classmates in that age group. Many were/are prone to spin by the media/government. But if the minimum age of service were raised...we'd have to go back to the draft given that no person with an ounce of grey matter would join the guise of war on terrorism that is nation building and oil acquisition at the expense innocent lives (theirs and ours). Do I think it was a good idea to remove Saddam and his cronies? YES! But at what expense? Believe whatever OWNED News COMPANY or Polly-tician you like. Anyway...I'm getting off topic here. Raise the minimum age of service because the stats on drunk driving accidents within the 18 yr. old bracket do not lie. And besides...WTF do you want to poison yourself for!? You have squat for real problems to temporarily dilute through the use of alcohol at that age anyhow! Wait till your 25, married with children and a mortgage and you'll see what I mean!

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 12:51 AM
Sorry, most people who just turn 21 can't handle drinking. I used to be able to drink like a fish, but once you start getting around 30 your body is gonna make you pay pay pay! I remember reading that men between 17-25 are the best warriors because they think they are in essence invincible. That doesn't mean they are mature....just means they are still pretty dumb. If they are in the military I think they should have every right to drink. The problem isn't the age, it's about maturity levels.

If you want to drink that bad then go to Canada or Australia, I think 19 is the age limit, or Mexico where all ya need is a fistfull of dollars. I don't know what you're complaining about anyway, just go to college...everyone will hook you up even if you're only 17.

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 01:04 AM

You can die for your country, but you can't legally drink?

Ok, it's terrible, 18 year olds can't drink. Yadda yadda. But the question is, why is it that you can die for your country, but you can't legally drink? Ok, we know you can drive a car at 12 drunk. Or that underage drinkers are the best drivers. Or in your town something or the other. Or whatever. Or service members deserve to drink. But to get back to the original question, no matter how horrendous it is to your moral sensibilities, isn't it because drinking isn't a civil right? I mean, you can have a peaceful assembly, or have a speedy trial. And still die for you country. So why must someone, dying for their countries ideals, deserve to drink? Because we do it? Because it's fun? OK, here's some crack, Johnny. Get your gun.

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by PolskieWojsko
Statistics are easily manipulated and can be skewed or collected incorrectly yielding false results.

Where did you find your statistics?

[Edited on 27-4-2004 by PolskieWojsko]

So, SO true. In Sociology this semester we talked about statistics and how they can be used in favor of a side of the argument by only collecting the data from a few incidences, or regions where its more likely to happen. In this cynical world we live in, statistics are bunk. Also, I personally see as many (if not more) speeding adults as I do teenagers, yet supposedly we young people speed more than the older citizens? Ever notice how on those "Police Chase Video" shows on TV, most of the people pulled over aren't what somebody would consider young? Think about it.

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 01:42 AM
Another stupid law promoted by the same folks whe don't want any of us drinking, driving, owning guns, having sex before marriage, looking at porn, going to strip clubs or any kind of real fun. The people who promote those laws were (are) too ugly or boring to ever have fun - so they want to make everyone else just as boring as themselves.

When I was younger there was many states where the drinking ages was 18, 19, & some cases 17. There was some kind of threat to pull federal dollars out of states that didn't comply with the 21 age limit, so states complied just like the did with the 55 mph speed limit - with the threat of taking away federal highway dollars.

Ah, the good old days when I'd hang out at the 7-11 looking for someone to buy us a 12 pack or walk in several stores looking to get away without getting carded. Always thought it was a stupid law then too.

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by Boogie
Sorry, most people who just turn 21 can't handle drinking. I used to be able to drink like a fish, but once you start getting around 30 your body is gonna make you pay pay pay! I remember reading that men between 17-25 are the best warriors because they think they are in essence invincible. That doesn't mean they are mature....just means they are still pretty dumb. If they are in the military I think they should have every right to drink. The problem isn't the age, it's about maturity levels.

I gotta disagree with you here, Boogie. From the time I was 18 through age 32, I spent 9 - 11 months a year in nightclubs and theaters all over the US and Europe (I was in a pro touring band...I happen to play through a "Boogie" amp - dual rectifier - how's that for coincidence?) and there was a huge difference in how "stupid" drunk the 18 yr. olds would get comparatively (many a confrontations had to be resolved because some blottoed kid's girlfriend was chatting my ear off). Point grow up real fast once you're out of your parent's home and on your own. But hell...this thread is pretty ridiculous when you think about it. Any self respecting 18 yr. old can get his hands on liquor if he really wants to? And if he can't figure that out...then tell me why he should be allowed to legally drink in the first place?

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 08:54 AM
drinking laws are state issued, the draft is not.

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by s.o.r.r.y.

this thread is pretty ridiculous when you think about it. Any self respecting 18 yr. old can get his hands on liquor if he really wants to? And if he can't figure that out...then tell me why he should be allowed to legally drink in the first place?

I think the point he is getting at is that he shouldn't HAVE to go under the radar to obtain drink. NOT when he's perfectly eligible to be forced to go out and die for his country.

And yet, again...if we want to make the roads safer, we need to remove ALL impaired drivers from the streets. This includes the elderly for the most part, chronic cell-phone users, people who smoke while driving, and people who eat while driving, Oh, and people who change the CDs on the player while driving.

As you can see, this list pretty much includes everybody. So why are we JUST picking on drunk drivers then ?

I submit that it's nothing at ALL to do with safety, if that were the case, all of the above would be removed from the streets. Once again it's all about revenue. So please don't go on and on with safety lectures to me about drunk driving, because I know better.

Oh, and for the record, I don't drink and drive. (took quite a few chances when I was younger though and was lucky enough to live and tell about it now)

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