posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 09:14 PM
I just started watching the beginning of HBO's Strip search. It's like an indoctronation of how things are going to be, if they are not allready
that way now.
My impression is, this is creating a mind set for the masses.
They begin by interagating a person who looks like an average American in China who is taken away in cuffs and hood covering her head. Her rights are
cast to the winds. She doesn't know why she has been takin in for interroragation. You get the impression of how bad it is in China for a foreigner
to be taken in by the athorities.
Then they play the same senerio in what looks like an American situation with an Arab (terrorist) looking suspect using the exact same script. It
looks like the way we interrigate people is the same as Communism.
I turned the movie off due to bor-dumb but the concept is strange. Scarry considering what we all learn here on AT's
Comments welcome!