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Why is Alex Jones still alive

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posted on May, 14 2009 @ 03:00 PM

Why is Alex Jones still alive

Because he tells his listeners to buy swords and compound bows...

Get real... he is one of them....

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by JWash
And I get an extremely sketchy feeling when it comes to that Jim Tucker and that "Ex-Illuminati" guy, who is always at the Bilderberg Conferences and some-how has info, well in advance and in pretty good detail.

Actually I once heard Jim Guy Tucker in an interview reveal how he gets his information and all he does is call Anonymously to like lots of hotels and claim to be a Bilderberger guest and then the hotel give him some info. that he then utilizes to track down Bilderbergers.

So if he is revealing 'sources and methods' then that to me shows that he is on the up and up and Big Jim Guy Tucker is alright with me.

[edit on 5/14/2009 by Cunnobar the Slayer]

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 03:20 PM
The reason AJ hasn't been 'taken care of' is he is only correct on only part of who makes up the Cryptocracy. There is a whole load of information on Khabbalistic black magicians that Jones probably doesn't know about yet.

Since he hasn't fingered the 'real baddies' yet he is not in actuality a threat to them at this juncture.

However AJ does in fact reveal alot of useful information especially about 'the forms' that the Conspiracy takes and he is on the right track like 99% of the time and is an overall good guy.

Think of it as sort of a Pyramid (the image that David Icke uses). Jones is correct about the lower levels of the conspiracy pyramid, but he has yet to correctly finger the baddies (khabbalistic black magicians) that are at the Apex/ top of the Conspiracy Pyramid!

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by dino1989
Why isn't he dead ? NWO guys always assassinate people who expose the truth and Alex exposed a LOT , just look at "Dark Secrets: Inside the Bohemian Grove", he got in and out without getting killed , he knows stuff that only people within the NWO group would know

The NWO guys could of killed him and made it look like a accident ... like a car crash

[edit on 14-5-2009 by dino1989]

Its because Alex Jones is a Freemason. How else do you get in to bohemian grove with a camera?

[edit on 14-5-2009 by 2012_the_truth]

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:05 PM
I would have to say it's because he's does the NWO the service that the require for there morale.
Without some guy shouting their intent, their Elite ego's would shrivel due to the state of brain activity in the masses.
Perhaps there last Morale fiber is the one having their intent put out, just like the Bond villian... Hey an ambush is great, kill em dead.YEA... but
It's a greater tactical acheivement to not only dominate your oponent, but to telegraph your strike's and still l;andings is the mark or ART.

Hey Evil, is a very low percentage profesion. Probaly the evilest people compromise less than 1% of all people that ever lived. You know what? So is the USMC Infantry. Less than 1% of 1% if I am correct. And we are not Evil, we are MISLED. WE NEED BETTER LEADERSHIP.


posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:15 PM
Because he isn't a threat. He thinks there is some satanic cult conspiring to take over the planet, and "everybody" is in on it (except for him, of course).

Maybe if he talked about investment banking reform, or something substantive, somebody would take a shot at him (probably not, though).

There are plenty of people who expose our terrorist acts (Noam Chomsky is probably the most prominent). Most people haven't heard of him, though. Why not? Because it's boring, for one. Talking about raping babies to death and how the UN is flying in Russian troops to steal our teeth and kill every first-born is just too exciting not to listen to. Besides, he has "tha documents" proving everything I just said. So you can't call me a liar. I have THA DOCUMENTS to prove it.


(I guess if you just say the word "documents" enough, people will believe everything you say)

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by Kaytagg
Jones isn't dead yet because the elite aren't through with him yet. He's the best mouthpiece they have, and when they are done using him, pffffffffttt, he's gone and he knows it. By the way, I'd like to see your noam chomsky docs.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:35 PM
Because as long as it isn't exposed to mainstream then it really hasn't been exposed. Maybe prior to the age of internet he would have been considered important enough to be killed, but in this day of age with all of the info out there, exposing something means exposing in mainstream, and that's the way she goes. That's just the way she goes.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by thewind

Can/do you torrent? has a collection of Noam Chomsky recordings.

There's also Planet Chomsky which has a never-ending stream of Noam Chomsky talks (179 different lectures, in total). It's actually pretty entertaining to listen to while you're surfing the nets and what not. And of course, you should always varify what he says before repeating it, and use multiple sources for news/information, blah blah blah (Had to put in that disclaimer to stop the trolls from trolling).

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 11:34 PM
Are you kidding? The man fits the stereotypical "conspiracy nut" stereotype to a pin! If anyone was to get rid of him because he got too close to some real facts "they" (whomever that would be) would expose him for not being a fraud.

Now I am not in any way advocating that he may be right or wrong, I'm still undecided myself on the whole NWO issue, but it's quite logical to me actually why he's alive. Assuming there is an NWO of some kind, it'd be far easier to keep Mr. Jones alive, ridicule him, marginalize him, and most of all, point to him as the kind of person that all of those "crazy" people look to.

If you kill him, you give him credit, simple as that.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by 2012_the_truth

Originally posted by dino1989
Why isn't he dead ? NWO guys always assassinate people who expose the truth and Alex exposed a LOT , just look at "Dark Secrets: Inside the Bohemian Grove", he got in and out without getting killed , he knows stuff that only people within the NWO group would know

The NWO guys could of killed him and made it look like a accident ... like a car crash

[edit on 14-5-2009 by dino1989]

Its because Alex Jones is a Freemason. How else do you get in to bohemian grove with a camera?

[edit on 14-5-2009 by 2012_the_truth]

First of all, no. No he is not. Secondly, does that mean I can go?!!?

Is he a reptilian too? with a pet gray?

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 02:10 PM
I have no idea why AJ is still alive.
As worked up as he gets, I expect him to keel over from a stroke or heart attack any day now. His blood pressure must be through the roof!!

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 01:58 AM
He's alive because he can be dismissed as a crackpot, and only a fringe take him seriously. Some of what he says may be true, but "9/11 Truthers" and others who subscribe to his more crackpot ideas only serve to marginalize him, and the louder they yell, the more marginalized he becomes.

He has become a useful tool...a "nutcase" that makes the entire conspiracy community that much more disreputable in the minds of the mainstream.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 01:40 AM
I agree with this statement, the online world are the the best noiseiest place ever, real fairytales are born on Internet, not only by the exclusive by mentally unstable which, cant face the real reality and instead get by on broad generalizing or unsane thinking, humor and beliefs....

Myself, I wonder why Dan Brown havent getting his, he sold the Da Vinci code book, and movie, and he sold them in millions of copies...... ´

But, He is not a threat because not enforce on people to
take action and instead just do his writing, and make up stories
with a little truths and lots of fiction.

This inturn turnout well for everything thats under the radar, because the normal working class will wash it off as just fiction, so the next thing they hear something like this and similiar, they see it as an complete nutjob and it gets washed off even quicker.

It's harder to build a bridge than to destory one.

The same can get said on the human mind, its hard to get people to listen to true norms and structure. We human beings like to see in things which appeal to us, withoutquestioning the complexity parts of that sum.


Never been easier, than in this time of age.

Originally posted by QuestForFreedom
Because as long as it isn't exposed to mainstream then it really hasn't been exposed. Maybe prior to the age of internet he would have been considered important enough to be killed, but in this day of age with all of the info out there, exposing something means exposing in mainstream, and that's the way she goes. That's just the way she goes.

[edit on 17-5-2009 by Namness]

[edit on 17-5-2009 by Namness]

[edit on 17-5-2009 by Namness]

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by RR98
He's alive because he can be dismissed as a crackpot, and only a fringe take him seriously. Some of what he says may be true, but "9/11 Truthers" and others who subscribe to his more crackpot ideas only serve to marginalize him, and the louder they yell, the more marginalized he becomes.

He has become a useful tool...a "nutcase" that makes the entire conspiracy community that much more disreputable in the minds of the mainstream.
Excellent put. :up

[edit on 17-5-2009 by Namness]

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by dino1989
Why isn't he dead ?

NWO is coming out in the open, it's going public very soon. People like Alex Jones are not a threat to NWO anymore, because it's going to expose itself to us very soon.

[edit on 19-5-2009 by Spooky Fox Mulder]

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by dino1989
The NWO guys could of killed him and made it look like a accident ... like a car crash

I had to add this one:

Kill Alex Jones and you risk turning one man's religion into a crusade.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 05:31 PM
I sent an E-mail to him one day asking, among other questions, exactly that same question.. never did get a reply.. and the post I put on his forum asking the same question again got deleted within the hour.

Real whistleblowers do tend to have short life expectancys... just video-google William 'Bill' Cooper. That guy is the one who réally predicted 9/11.

I do believe there is a lot of things he says that are worrying, and some of it based in facts, proved by video-taping. Whatever abuse he captures on camera; you can be sure the same stuff goes on largely under the radar..

But I'll never take his word for gospel.

there's a Jesuit link to Alex Jones too, btw, which you might find interesting to investigate..

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 02:52 AM
Okay, lets say Alex Jones dies, how?accident? Illness? 'Natural' causes?

ANY way they kill him off, it will be suspicious because he is ALEX JONES. Being Alex Jones, he has a following of about 250,000 people. At any given moment in time, if he were to die, those people know what to do in a situation in which he is killed off.

The government should have killed him when they had the chance, now it's too late. Any way in which he dies will look highly suspicious, which will make the people willing to give their lives to back him, will riot, if needed.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 03:06 AM
Have you ever walked behind a homeless crazy guy in a trench coat who rants, raves, weaves back n forth, pulls his hair and screams into the air?

Then that guy turns around and he has a 400 dolla suit under that coat and he is actually on his Blackberry with headphones screaming at his broker.

Who knows why we assume the worse about people but unless he gets a big hitter that people actually believe to come forward he is not honestly a threat, as some say he is the perfect conspiracy nutball, a Columbo.

It might take that 'One more question, Sir' and he cracks into mainstream. Donahue was not always so sane and had the occasional running up the aisles rant and he had a nationwide cable show.

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