Hi, been following this thread from the beginning and have only just actually had some time to take a serious look at it, it makes no real sense to me
but here are my ramblings anyway ...
I couldn't find any real answers, as someone pointed out the second advert has weird anomaly's on the dates listed. If something was this ground
breaking the advert would be perfect, no doubt. These are done for a purpose, I tried playing around with some math on them, some coincidences were
thrown up. For example 1+9+5+8 = 23 the number which some think has mystical properties (I don't). Also the number 11 features heavily not only in
the second and bottom lines but also: 1+0+2+8 = 11
With the second line I tried this 711-12+198+4=901.
Running a search on this number, I found this guy -
Thābit ibn Qurra he died in 901.
However no real gems could be gleamed from this and I'm not willing to invest anymore time playing around with figures I think this is just clutching
at straws.
1028 AD
JULY11-12 198 4
MARCH 15, 1246
OCT. 10, 1958
SEPT. 11, 2001 9/11
In addition to someone pointing out the lack of a space between the 11 and July. Notice also the space between the 198 and the 4 - The date of July
11-12 1984 yields nothing within an internet search. Nothing of significance was I able to find. Only thing which may slightly tie into this is this
collection of Oxford Nucleic Acids Research published 11 July 84. DNA research ties in with the theory about DNA being tampered with. I looked through
a couple and they're highly scientific about DNA and the like, whoosh over my head but if someone far cleverer than I can take a look and let me know
what the fudge they are referring to that would be cool.
Nucleic Acids Research
I think the second line is key to all this, you'll also notice that there is no comma after the numbers and before the year like every other line and
this is the only date with two potential days. Something about that date doesn't stack up.
Just to throw this in the arena too, Dan Brown is releasing a new book in September called
The Lost
Symbol which is about Freemasonry and a conspiracy in Washington DC. I wonder if this is the build up to this and is nothing more than hype for
that new book. Could be a documentary about the plot, would allow the BBC and HC to save face by saying we are covering a work of fiction so the
adverts were justified.
A loose tie in with this - in one of the adverts the sun/moon turns into an eye. Could be the all seeing eye or maybe the eye on the seal of the US.
The meaning of these eyes is apparently this:
The eye on the seal represents an active intervention of God in the affairs of men, while the Masonic symbol stands for a passive awareness by God of
the activities of men.
The Eye in the Pyramid
This active intervention by a god/higher power in the lives of men the planet ties in with another theory already thrown into this thread. I said
loose because god doesn't intervene if it is Masonry symbology. Anyway there we go, roll on the 25th or probably 26th because the time zone for me
could be a killer and I would have to try find a decent internet stream of the HC.
Thanks for reading.