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Sympathy for the NWO!

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posted on May, 13 2009 @ 06:17 PM
I hear many of you ask who is responsible for the NWO. I will give you the answer that you request. The answer is YOU. It is your irresponsible actions that have lead to the need for us to create the NWO.

We have tried for millenia to keep you content, but to no avail. We have tried to teach you to control your own selfish desires, but to no avail. We have given you free education, but many of you fail to learn. We have given you religious systems to help you learn to keep your desires in check for you own good, but you fail to realize.

You blame us for all of your problems, but you were the cause. We merely set up systems to help you purchase things ASAP, so we wouldnt have to hear you whine about your delayed gratification. Did we make you borrow money? NO! You did it willingly. Did we make you buy those new cars? No! We just make it easier. Did we make you buy a house you cannot afford? No! We just laughed as you celebrated when you signed your life away on those loan documents.

We set up commercials to inform you of new products. Did we force you to buy everything you saw on TV? No! You did so willingly. You couldnt wait to get to the store to purchase your next new toy.

We gave you your own government and you used it to give you the things you could have given yourselves. You beg your very own government to save you from your own failures. Sure we will save you, but nothing comes for free. We saved you each time in return for another piece of your freedom.

Dont blame us for your situation, for it is a situation of your own creation. We set you free at one point just so you could enslave yourselves a few hundred years later. Since you know this to be true, then why will you complain as we take your few remaining freedoms? You are not worthy of them.

Many of you would not even fight to keep your country free. You complain that innocent people are wounded and die during the very wars that were put in place to keep you free. You call the very soldiers who put their lives on the line for your freedom baby killers, murderers, criminals. Any person who would not fight for their freedom does not deserve to be free. We all know this to be true. Freedom can not be handed out like trick or treat candy, it must be earned by your own sweat and blood.

But dont worry my children. after this final one, there will be no more war. There will be no more famine. Your dreams will come true. You will no longer have to live and die by your foolish decisions. We will make them all for you. We will keep you in line.

We will control the size and destiny of the global population. We will protect the Earth. Why should we all die because many of you cannot limit your procreation? We have given you birth control, but many of you are too ignorant, selfish, and self gratifying to use it. Why should we all die because of your lack of self control?

This is why I proudly fight for the One World Government. The New World Order, if you will. You have proven that you cannot make good decisions, and just like a good parent protecting their children, we who have the ability to make good judgements will make your decisions for you, your children, and your children's children.

Many of you claim that you will fight us, but it will only be to your own demise. Remember you paid for the very weapons we will use to kill you. You are the ones who gave us fighter jets, missles, bombs, etc... while you allowed us to deny you the rights to the same weapons. You could have had any weapons you chose as long as you would have stood up for your Second Amendment rights, but you were too weak, disorganized, and fearful to do the right thing. You point your automatic weapons at us, while we have a laser guided bomb trained at the doorknob of the very room you and your family hide in. What are you going to do when you feel the heel print of my boot pressing against your throat as you gasp for air?

When you wake up each morning and ask why must it be that way, I want you to look at your reflection in the mirror and say it is because of me.

Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name....

[edit on 5/13/2009 by justsomeboreddude]

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 06:45 PM
Part of what you say may be true, but a lot is just more propaganda. You want to take this country boy's freedom? Come get it. That puts your kind on our turf. We can survive for quite some time in the woods and live comfortably, can you?

That is what this type of posting will bring back to you, so why even post it? Serves no purpose other to infuriate people even more than they are now.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by bigcountryboycansurvive

How can you survive for quite some time in the woods, when we can see exactly where you are in the woods with our heat signature satellites? Your demise is just a phone call away my friend.

On the other hand we can live a long and happy time in our luxury seats of power that you bought and paid for. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.

[edit on 5/13/2009 by justsomeboreddude]

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 06:56 PM

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 06:56 PM
Why not allow man the truth of the universe, so that he may evolve together as a species.

Does any person in this world actually believe they are superior to another human? You may be stronger, faster, smarter, taller, ect. Those facts still do not make you any more superior as a being of this planet.

There is no defined order, and only one universal law.

This law does not include the NWO.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

Actually believe it or not you can survive quite easily in the woods and even easier in the jungle. Heat is difficult to pick up on through thousands of trees, especially if you add mud to your body to cool off. The green beret's and other survivalists. Things are a lot easier than what most people make them out to be.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by sticky
Why not allow man the truth of the universe, so that he may evolve together as a species.

Does any person in this world actually believe they are superior to another human? You may be stronger, faster, smarter, taller, ect. Those facts still do not make you any more superior as a being of this planet.

There is no defined order, and only one universal law.

This law does not include the NWO.

We have given you the truths of the universe. Did we not give you an education? Did we not share the results of our many endeavours to film and understand the universe? We have shared these things, but then you accuse us of hiding the truth from you.

We are not superior to you. We are doing this for your own good. Does it do you any good to complain about your circumstances your whole life when you have been given more than most people that have lived on this Earth? We will free you from your own selfish interests, so you can be one with your brother. You will be forced to deny yourself for the good of your World.

You are correct. There is only one universal law. The strong will survive and lead and the weak will fade out of existence.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 07:04 PM
This is bs. Gaining knowledge of the human psyche and then applying it with intent to manipulate is not the same as inaction. I'd like to hear a drug dealer make this defense. It's nonsense people in the know, and people not so in the know know that there's certain things you can do to bring about certain behaviours in people. FEAR. It's the core of everything from why ya buy an ipod or vote for a warmonger.
Then to sit back and act like ya never did anything......not much to SAY to people like that.
Interesting take tho.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 07:06 PM
You are such a FAKE:

Keep your empty words to yourself and quit trying to scare people:

Here is a snippet from one of your previous threads, they stay here you know:

Lets have a huge party because we are all going to die!

As I read through the news these days I have come to the conclusion that we are all going to die sometime in the next 50-100 years. SO LETS HAVE A PARTY!

We are either going to be broke, enslaved by the PTB, taken over by aliens, die from the flouride in our water, keel over from the swine flu, or the devil is coming in a few weeks. Therefore, I figure we might as well go out with a bang. We could get all the biggest bands together, and invite our friends from Columbia and Mexico so they can bring the party favors. We can even use it as a charity event to raise money. Money which we will promptly put into a giant pile and burn because in a few months it wont be worth anything anyway.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by timewalker

I did not write this to scare, but to show our collective guilt for the problems in our lives. We must all be managed, because we choose not to manage ourselves. Even I must report to those who have been placed higher than myself.

[edit on 5/13/2009 by justsomeboreddude]

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

I've seen your posts before this thread is transparent. Fact is without (ok i'll bite) YOU messing up the balance by taking more than your fair share, which is what this is all based on, you wouldn't be under the impression that we needed anything from you. If all of you died today, it would result in a more well-balanced and prosperous world. Period. If WE all died today, you'd die the day the last canned bit of food got eaten. Who needs who?

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

Go ahead and report to "your" powers. You do not speak for me I have no collective guilt. I manage myself, thank you. You did not think you would get called out so quick did ya?

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by timewalker

haha ya beat me to it. sounds like achemically imbalanced person who needs his thrill of the day.
Hey if you're bored, boredback, check out hidden_hand's go at it...or were you just there?

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by heyo

Who said we would take more than our fair share. We are doing it for the good of society as a whole. Should we let you continue to destroy the Earth? No, its time to cull the herd a bit. Not too much, just what is necessary.

Who needs who? We can always find some pathetic soul to work for us for a few scraps. Would you let your children starve or would you work for us so that you could feed them?

Who needs who? How long could you live once we closed down the factories, railroads, and stores that bring you the goods you need to survive. Some of you may make it, but most of you would perish.

So I will let you answer the question of who needs who.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 07:20 PM

posted by justsomeboreddude

We have given you the truths of the universe. Did we not give you an education? Did we not share the results of our many endeavours to film and understand the universe? We have shared these things, but then you accuse us of hiding the truth from you.

We are not superior to you. We are doing this for your own good. Does it do you any good to complain about your circumstances your whole life when you have been given more than most people that have lived on this Earth? We will free you from your own selfish interests, so you can be one with your brother. You will be forced to deny yourself for the good of your World.

You are correct. There is only one universal law. The strong will survive and lead and the weak will fade out of existence.

A mind not capable of rationality yearns for a leader, a rational mind does not. We are not your dogs, do not treat us as such.

If your motivations were for the best of humanity, you would leave your high places and join your equals. Instead, your actions show us what is actually going on. We can not trust you anymore, and your exposure to all is imminent. Your intentions are clear to some, and becomming clearer to more. The plan is destined to fail.

-The Management

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

if you are not taking more than your fair share, then what is this "it" that you're doing in your second sentence? That's where istopped reading btw. I got you tagged as a friend cause you seem kinda nuts and i like that but you need to use your omnipotence and morph yourself into somebody with something interesting to talk about.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 07:23 PM
The NWO and now this is all smoke and mirrors.
There is no grand conspiracy.
There is, however, willing participants that have no idea of their role in the greater picture.
I don't believe that so many can converge on so solid a point as to all be on the same wavelength.
What we have here, is many power hungry people, who couldn't pass a psych eval at the local podunk po-lice station, in places of power, elected.
One of the pit-falls of our system.
The conspiratorialists think all of these persons are getting a briefing from Elvis every Wednesday at 10:00, and the de-bunkers think none of this is happening.
I think of it as a deli sandwich.
The salamiis made, doesn't know its final destination, as with the baloney, the ham the wheat, ad infinitum.
All rather inocuous alone, but the over consumption of these will kill you.
Take a little of each and you, remember are not overindulging in any one, and make a sandwich.
Now add some tomato, some lettuce, and some mustard, now something healthy has gone into your heart killer.
See where I'm going?
edit for S&F and your name is everyman

[edit on 5/13/2009 by LAUGHING-CAT]

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 07:27 PM
We do not treat you as dogs. We have given you everything you need to be successful, but you fail and then turn to blame us for those very failures. We treat you as loving parents treat their children. We aim to protect you.

How can our plan fail? You by your own sweat and labor have given us everything we need to succeed, even more really. However, as we review our plans if we find something lacking we will just tax you a little more to get whatever we need. I must say we appreciate you compliance. It is almost as if you see that this is what you need but you are not willing to accept it. You are like a child who needs discipline and craves it but then screams before it is administered.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by heyo

Your friendship is much appreciated. It is not easy to do these things that I must do, so it is good to have a friend during these tough times. I reread my OP and I do not say where I said we are taking things for our own interests, but rather we are doing it for the good of Humanity. Do you not see the good things your ELECTED government is doing for you now? They are doing as you requested and freeing you from the burdens of this cruel and unfair life. We will continue down this same path but on a grander scale. Some of the choices will be difficult and unliked by those that are unable to grasp the big picture, but we do this out of our love and commitment to Humanity. You know the saying "It takes a village."

[edit on 5/13/2009 by justsomeboreddude]

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 07:41 PM
I keep reading you say "we" we, we..
We gave you your own government,
We will control the size and destiny of the global population,
We set up commercials to inform you of new products
We have tried for millenia to keep you content

blah blah blah.....

How does "WE" include you?
You're trying to come across as a messiah or something. Or that you're invloved with the workings of NWO. You're "justsomeboreddude"
I don't see how you claim this prophecy......or hypocrisy.....after reading other threads of yours.

Guess what?

You're one of us.

What makes you certain you'll be spared. Fool.

You're right. Only the strong will survive.

Guess what, "we" trained me as an elite infantryman.

Bring it on.

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