posted on May, 13 2009 @ 02:37 PM
Personally it seems to me that all UFO activity and sightings are increasing somewhat exponentially. The only reason I can personally say this is last
Sunday evening me and some friends here in central UT saw 6 and I repeat 6 UFO's within a 4 hour period. I am somewhat skeptical when it comes to
first hand encounters as people tend to leave logic aside. I didn't have a camera as we were at a ranch and really weren't planning on seeing
anything odd that night. We just planned for another night.
Now with my skepticism's I am convinced that what we saw was not the ISS or iridium flares or the lacrosse and space debris. I looked up the
coordinates of my location, took note of the times and visibility of the ISS, iridium flares and the lacrosse. What we saw was too bright, to slow,
made no noise, was not blinking, was what seemed very low and happened repeatedly after I started flashing my 3,000,000 candle power spotlight at the
first object. I am convinced because of me flashing my spotlight that the later sightings occurred. I have witnessed several UFO's in my area but
never more than 1 on one night. It was truly amazing and actually scared my friends with their solid beliefs that UFO's and aliens don't exist.
Now I will not say that these objects were flown by any entity or extra terrestrial intelligence or if they were government made. But I'll tell ya
the things were damn bright and that night is still kind of tripping me out along with my friends.
I have thought a lot about what happened and it was truly amazing. I never thought I would witness something on that scale with friends there to
witness it also.
I am just wondering if it has anything to do with project blue beam or if it is something entirely different. I am tired of wondering and, as crazy as
it sounds, want to know regardless of how it happens. I am tired of fighting logic against hope and just want to know if aliens are real. I am to the
point where I would welcome some kind of encounter. Time will tell.