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South Park : September 11th : Mystery of the Urinal Deuce

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posted on May, 13 2009 @ 04:35 AM
maybe they are members but it doesnt matter. Some recent episodes like "Obamas 11" or "Space cash" are great and damn serious "comedy".

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 05:11 AM

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 09:17 AM
Well, this thread got some really good laughs so far.

Now, thanks to ADVISOR for the reminder, it's time to get serious about it.

If anyone else has noticed or watched this episode of South Park, you will notice that they touch on everything we here on ATS talk about concerning September 11th, from Bush being connected to the tragic event, to the 9/11 Truth Movement, to the sheeple who believe the official story hook, line, and sinker without a bleat.

So, this begs to be asked, have the creators visited ATS?

Do Matt and Trey frequent the halls of our conspiracy theory website?

Do Matt and Trey believe in U.F.O.'s?

Do Matt and Trey get some of their source material from you ATS'ers?

Do Matt and Trey think they honestly think they can get away with this without attracting our attention?

Do Matt and Trey honestly own ATS as a part of an elaborate conspiracy in order to take our minds off of the evens of September 11th, through humor and subjugation of laughing so hard our side splits by making us laugh at ourselves?

And more importantly, will Matt and Trey step forward when SkepticOverlord and Zedd challenge them about their own involvement in the cover-up of September 11th?

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by DarthChrisious

They, and their writers, do seem to draw from (no pun intended) experience and real sources. Mr. Garrison (early south park version), for example, is loosely based on a guy the wife and I know. He doesn't know it, has never watched South Park, but the wife and I just laugh whenever one of us brings it up.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 11:10 AM
Well, I finally saw the episode and it just informs of what most of us already know...

we are damed if they (govt) did conspire, damned if they didn't and the confusion (distrust for others' opinions) just adds to their glory.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by suzque66

I agree with what you said here. To me, watching that episode was almost like watcthing thread-wars on 9/11 unfold between different people's opinions on what exactly happened, the differing views based on upbringings as well as other facotrs.

There's a thread with a picture somewhere on ATS where an evil face is shown in the smoke of the fire, and I was laughing so hard about Cartman accusing Stan of being that face within the smoke.

To me it is an interesting mirror of both the real-world and ATS of how people will leap to any conclusion based on baseless rumors or almost no evidence whatsoever.

My opinion of the episode is that it was well thought out and a peek at Matt and Trey's opinion into the September 11th tragedy in that they have some sneaky suspicions, just like every other human being on the planet. I would say that over 80% of American's do not believe the official story anymore whereas that number was a lot lower in the months following the incident.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 09:53 AM
I havent seen that cartoon for a while, I used to watch it all the time, pretty funny when I needed laugh.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:10 AM
canadians can see it here:

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

"I agree with what you said here. To me, watching that episode was almost like watcthing thread-wars on 9/11 unfold between different people's opinions on what exactly happened, the differing views based on upbringings as well as other facotrs.

There's a thread with a picture somewhere on ATS where an evil face is shown in the smoke of the fire, and I was laughing so hard about Cartman accusing Stan of being that face within the smoke.

To me it is an interesting mirror of both the real-world and ATS of how people will leap to any conclusion based on baseless rumors or almost no evidence whatsoever.

My opinion of the episode is that it was well thought out and a peek at Matt and Trey's opinion into the September 11th tragedy in that they have some sneaky suspicions, just like every other human being on the planet. I would say that over 80% of American's do not believe the official story anymore whereas that number was a lot lower in the months following the incident. "

I did, I thought the same thing with that guy in the cloud of smoke, since anyone who has been around for a longgg while has seen every video on 9-11 conspiracy to have seen those lol.

It is a mirror, of how people behave and react (out of emotion) and lose track of the details or are shown the details of facts in such a disarray that there is no way to make logic out of it....perfect for them, bad for us.

Sure , no one BELIEVES the story of 9-11 but no one as of yet can compile everything necessary in one arena to prove so.....just adding to the confusion, people need syncranized detailsssss!! If I took the time, I could even create one but I am as unorganized as the next guy. Explains why the pyramid needs 2000 to 1 to keep track of people.

sorry for not quoting properly, when i try to , it only copies one sentence ..i guess i am doing something wrong??

and as per the origional post that suggests that the creators of such show are members of ATS or of the like? Not likely, they see and enjoy the fact that WE are a disorganized lot of people. Unlike THEM, they have specific jobs for specific persons that specialize in direct areas of concentration to do their dirty work from above. IF we had that, it would be possible, but not possible....since the internet is, afterall, full of paranoids and unreliable persons that we may never meet or associate with.

Don't think I don't know the game....I just can't roll the dice. Imagine if we could though? It would be like Jumanji and we open a can of f*cking truth-worms.

[edit on 14-5-2009 by suzque66]

[edit on 14-5-2009 by suzque66]

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by suzque66

You need to read this thread, the thread is as well the title of the book that I'm quoting within the thread, and goes directly to one of our ATS'ers who wrote the book.

The Terror Conspiracy : Deception, 9/11, and the Loss of Liberty

Well, that is of course if you want to know what really happened on 9/11.

Maybe I should post a South Park 9/11 thread on the The View From Marrs forum.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 04:45 PM
Yep, have seen em all Spartan.

This gal been around the conspiracy block a few times haha.

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