posted on May, 13 2009 @ 12:51 AM
Yes, some good points, but also, when people who have first hand evidence ONLY and want to discuss it with OTHERS with first hand evidence ONLY, the
critics need to back off and observe the conversation, or join in a different one instead of derailing topics over and over again because there is no
physical evidence for them......they need to stop trying to convince the person, who saw in plain daylight with 10 other people, say a UFO or
something, and just let that person experience BE THEIR EXPERIENCE, and stop demanding evidence that was only personal and can't be found for
If person A has sufficient evidence for themselves, it should not be prson A's job to spen the rest of their life searching for evidence to satisfy
person B.....that should be person B's job ONLY, and let the A people discuss that which they have satisfied themselves with...