posted on May, 13 2009 @ 12:21 AM
Excellent addition
But sadly the Betty Ford Clinic doesn't have an ATS addict wing. ATS should be classified as a level A addictive substance.
You guys make this place better and better it seems by the day!
By the way if you don't know what ATS addiction is, the symptoms include but are not limited to.
1. Decrease in sleep
2. Increased paranoia levels.
3. A feeling that "They" are watching.
4. A strange and uncanny knowledge of recent global events approaching seemingly near psychic level.
5. Your computer browser's homepage is set to myATS or recent posts.
Severe or Acute ATS addiction can also include the following...
1. Complete loss of a social life.
2. living on coffee and cigarettes for days even weeks at a time.
3. No longer responding to your given name and introducing yourself by your screen name.
And here we go, ATS bumping up the addictiveness of this site another level.
[edit on 5/13/2009 by whatukno]