posted on May, 13 2009 @ 09:41 AM
First the ycalled him racist now they call him creationist? Never heard Paul call for an end to Biological education, ever. Sounds like someone
doesn't like talking about the "Federal" reserve aka Federal Express. Sounds like someone wants forced mandatory education instead of seperation of
Education and State. Education mainly consists of beliefs and those that deny this are just trying to indoctranate people to their BELIEF SYSTEM.
Atheism just means I don't beleive in your God or any God. Well what can be so hard to understand about political atheists? So now we are
creationists, racists because we believe in nothing, even science exhibits cult like belief systems thinking. No one has a right to decide what
someone else believes, maybe Paul thinks we are living with Intelligent Design, I tend to agree with him, I don't need religion to think that as well
and certianly not Creationism in order to think matter maybe intelligently constructed by someone from somewhere. IN fact the whole thing might be a
simulation, at least you should respect possibilities and free speech.