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Chemtrails and Black Helicopters over Colorado May 12 2009

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posted on May, 12 2009 @ 12:24 PM
I decided to take a few (I'm not the best photographer) pictures of what was happening earlier this morning with so many black helicopters flying over I had to try to get at least one of them on the pics. The helicopters don't have a trail and were moving pretty fast, so I couldn't get them the way I wanted to. They seemed to be monitoring the spraying planes. Please ignore the date as I didn't set it so it says something like 2004. Any thoughts? If you would like better quality pics then I'll have to wait until they do it again, but they usually do it every other day sometimes every day.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 12:47 PM
What happened ? Did planes come and spray followed by choppers, as if it was an planned OP ??

What could that be about ? testing the effect to see if they need more 'brain Numbing' substances in them ?

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by ChemBreather

The choppers were flying to the south and circling back around to the northern part of the sky. All the while higher altitude planes were spreading out lines of chemicals that spread out to form thicker clouds. I've also seen them do an entire cloud over the city of entirely trails ( how do every day people not see that?) Which is actually what convinced me of this phenomenon. That was a major execution of something there as the horizon was brown and there were planes tracking them that time not black helicopters. They were unmarked from what I could see. Also it seemed like they knew I was taking a few pictures as they seemed to speed up when I tried. Either that or I'm just a horrible photographer. Its a simple Kodak Digital Camera, nothing much better around the house.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 12:53 PM
I will also note though that shortly after many clouds suddenly turned gray (normal cumulus clouds) and didn't release any rain. Maybe they've learned to settle it in the clouds???

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 12:54 PM
Where in Colorado? Springs or Denver? Im in Denver, BuckleyAFB to be exact. The only thing i see in the skies today are some clouds and contrails (DIA flights fly over the base). We have had no copters fly today.

So you must be in Springs, I assume?

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

Yes I do live in Colorado Springs but these planes aren't from Peterson or Schriever AFB. They just kind of popped up and started spraying.

Followed by 4 or 5 black unmarked helicopters who were circling the skies. At the same time a normal 747 was flying above so I took that picture too.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by watchtheashes

is it possible that these are just regular old con trails that form normally when a plane with hot exhaust flys in cold air? Usually when the government sprays the mind control juice on the population, they spray grids to make sure they cover everyone. At least that is what I have been told about chem trails.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by network dude

They weren't spraying grids today but they were spraying. Definitely were spraying. How come the normal planes contrail didn't do that then?

I've seen them spray xs, grids, tic tac toe, triangles, upward curves etc. I just thought today was especially interesting with the helicopters and like normal they stopped before 12 noon.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 01:20 PM
Im sorry but I have a hard time swallowing this whole chem trail thing to begin with. Im not trying to be negative on purpose but I have not been following this topic too closely. I was wondering if anyone has any REAL EVIDENCE of there being a specific chem trail operation or anything of the sorts that could perhaps "open my eyes" to such things. As of now I think its a total load of crap for lack of a better phrase. however I would be willing to change my views if there was some solid hardcore proof.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 01:22 PM
They look like normal contrails to me also, even the curving one. There is some odd coloring in the sky, but I can't tell if that is a camera effect. The helicopters may or may not have been related.

We had a weird phenomenon last Thursday, May 7 in Tallahassee. One helicopter hovered over the state capital, while another one made a very fast, very low circle around the city. I see police choppers every weekend, med flights, etc., but I have never seen something like that. It was almost like a perimeter was being laid around the capital. The fast moving helipcopter was less than 1000 feet altitude and moving over 100 knots, with only FAA lights, no search lights. The hovering one over the capital was probably 2500 ft, with one bright stationary light. The exercise went on for over 30 minutes.

[edit on 12-5-2009 by getreadyalready]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 01:25 PM
Now what I would first do is check the upper air readings from a NWS site and see what what the conditions are over head.
Now to the meat of the matter.

First, a curved contrail is not inditicative of a "chemtrail". It signifies the aircraft has made a course change and is turning towards its destination, wherever that maybe. Obviously the contrail will follow the plane's course adjustment. Second, gaps in the contrail means that there were pockets of dryer air, when the moisture evaporated quickly therefore not allowing the contrail to linger. The atmosphere is not a single condition, but is very variable and one lyaer of air may have different set of condtions than the one a few hundred meters away. Its turbulent and the conditions are not uniform. One pocket of air maybe dry, while just ahead of it, another is more moist and warmer, or cooler. Third: It also depends on the aircraft and its engines. Is it a newer engine that is more efficient or is it an older one? Whats the temperature of the engine while its operating? Is it on a higher setting or lower? Fourth: what is the altitude of the jets? The air can be quite different 1000ft above or below. Even 100ft.

You see, contrail science is very complicated, and an understanding of meteorology plus some aviation is required to understand what is being seen. Also, its all very interconnected. Different temps, moisture levels, altitudes, pressures, can make or break a contrail. Some will expand, others not. Some dissappear, others linger for hours and turn into cirrus.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Were they black? If so they might have been what I saw. I've seen helicopters like that near chemtrail spraying before, and they always make a perimeter. Today was just interesting because I finally found that old piece of garbage camera and decided to go for it. Sorry if they aren't quality. I'm not exactly working with "quality" hardware here.

I know they might not be chemicals but that seems most plausible explanation. I want an explanation for it too. It might just be weather modification but that doesn't explain the spreading almost like dripping water droplets but up and down. That and more and more poisoning and chemtrails are legally defined by the government in a rejected bill. Rejected but still government.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by watchtheashes

I think the answer is that there are different affects at different altitudes. A plane flying at 22,000 feet may have a short con trail as the air isn't as cold there, but a plane flying a 33,000 feet may have a long lasting trail. I am of the mindset that if the bad man wanted to do harm to you good people of Colorado, he would use a better techinque than spraying a few lines of stuff in the air and hoping the wind didnt' disperse it soo much that it lost it's potency. While there had been cloud seeding for weather modification, I have yet to see any proof at all that anyone spends $48,000 to send a plane out to spray the population. And then have their mother and wife and kids go out shopping, and to school breathing the air that is suposedly contaminated.

Not to direct this at you in a derogitory way but if you are a firm believer that "they" are spraying you, then I suggest you get an air purifier and stay indoors untill the planes stop flying. I will enjoy the outdoors untill someone shows me real proof that "chemtrails" are not really contrails.

have a great day.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by GenRadek

I'm not exactly an aviation expert nor a meteorologist. I would say I don't know about 20,000 feet in comparison with Pike's Peak's 14,000. I'm not too sure but that seems about right.

I didn't say they were spraying chemicals I just think that the behavior of these planes and helicopters and clouds over the city is a little suspicious, thus indicating the spraying of "something." My bet would be on chemicals though as the normal planes at the same height did nothing of the sort. I can tell the difference between a "chem" trail and contrail by now.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by watchtheashes

I could not see the color of the one over the capital, I could only see the light, and hear it as I drove by. The one circling was a dark color, but it did not look military, it looked more like a very sleak high-end private chopper. As it was travelling very fast for its altitude, I did not get a great look, but it flew over me several times on the same circular path, and once I had a great perspective from the rear as it went away.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by watchtheashes
reply to post by network dude

They weren't spraying grids today but they were spraying. Definitely were spraying. How come the normal planes contrail didn't do that then?

I've seen them spray xs, grids, tic tac toe, triangles, upward curves etc. I just thought today was especially interesting with the helicopters and like normal they stopped before 12 noon.

But what if you have regular passenger aircraft with contrails, crossing each others paths? How can you tell the difference? What if the upper air is perfect for long lasting contrails to form, and you have the same old passanger planes flying normally? What will you see when a southbound Chicago to New Orleans with a contrail, going over a contrail from a westbound NYC to San Diego flight? And then you have another NYC flight to LA following the same route with a contrail? And another flight from Miami to MN? Can you tell which is the "chemtrail"? And what happens when that contrail is blown aloft by the jet stream eastwards? You see, its a little more complicated then just saying they spray in "patterns".

Also, you mention helicopters go away by noon? hmm. How about the morning traffic reports with helicopters? usually they are done in the morning to let commuters know what to expect in their morning rush. And usually around 12 noon, the rush is over. Unless there is an accident ot something else. Air travel is also higher in the morning. See? gotta take everything into account. I live in Chicago, not too far from O'Hare Airport. I see and hear the taffic copters, sometimes a police chopper, or even a medical transport. usually in the morning.

[edit on 5/12/2009 by GenRadek]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by network dude

I was outside taking pictures. I'm not going to stop enjoying the outdoors just because some government loons want to kill us. It'd be worse if it was a bunch of swine flu lol. I don't think that's probable. The planes were pretty near the same height, and the helicopters were more low to the ground. About the height of a normal police helicopter looking for someone. I just couldn't seem to focus on them, added to the sun in my face too hah.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by watchtheashes
reply to post by GenRadek

I can tell the difference between a "chem" trail and contrail by now.

Could you let me know what I should look for when seeing trails in the sky? there are a few weather people here who would love to be able to prove/disprove the chem trail issue once and for all. If we new how to tell the difference, then we could do some reaserch and find out what plane was making that particular trail and investigate from there. I would love to prove/debunk chemtrails forever.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by watchtheashes of normal contrails of passing high-altitude commercial jet traffic.

If you know the time of day during your picture taking foray I could check and determine a few likely 'suspect' jets. Also, would need the direction of flight, especially the one that was turning. (Based on the radius of the 'curved' contrail it was either a turn over a waypoint or a vector by ATC).

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Sounds like we're seeing the same thing. I don't know what sort of involvement they might have... I think they are linked to FEMA camps and black ops type stuff.

I live I'd say 30 miles away from the Air Force Academy, but these were in the Eastern part of the sky. When the planes double back and more than one are doing it though, it makes you wonder. They often do it above the mountains too, as I love going to explore the mountains. Why do it so remote? I don't think its anything beneficial for us....just look at the past things our government has done...

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