posted on Feb, 6 2003 @ 01:52 PM
....will he do it again?
Of the 158,000 Iraqis killed in the Gulf War, only 40,000 were soldiers. The then Secretary of Defense, Dick Cheney, had the demographer from the
Commerce department fired for releasing those figures.
Given the multiple scenarios being discussed, including the Shock & Awe 800 missiles in 48 hrs scenario, the death toll will unavoidably be much
higher and soldiers won't flee from fighting for their homes versus the mass surrender when told to fight for a patch of Kuwati sand.
Do you have faith we'll get the real count?
"Although Cheney said shortly after the 1991 Gulf War that "we have no way of knowing precisely how many casualties occurred" during the fighting
"and may never know," Daponte had estimated otherwise: 13,000 civilians were killed directly by American and allied forces, and about 70,000
civilians died subsequently from war-related damage to medical facilities and supplies, the electric power grid, and the water system, she calculated.
In all, 40,000 Iraqi soldiers were killed in the conflict, she concluded, putting total Iraqi losses from the war and its aftermath at 158,000,
including 86,194 men, 39,612 women, and 32,195 children. "