posted on May, 21 2009 @ 08:53 PM
I have had this happen to me as well.
I lived in SC at the time- The sun was coming in the window, I was in the bathtub, and suddenly, the sun went out. Something like 3-4 times in rapid
succession- and I mean COMPLETELY out. There are no trees, bushes, or anything that was able to obscure the window. I sat there for quite a while,
blinking and checking my vision.
It's nice to know someone else has had this experience, because for the longest time, I thought I was nuttier than a can of Planters.
A side note: This area also seemed to have some sort of VERY weird occurrences other than this- 'ghost battles', earthquakes, weird lights- it was
my own personal Bermuda Triangle.
I forgot to add- I do occasionally 'see' stuff, but some of that may be because the last idiot eye doctor jacked up my prescription without my
knowledge. It doesn't however explain the light sources I not only see- but so do my cats occasionally.
[edit on 21-5-2009 by wylekat]