its true then, just as one person that ended up trying to do some bad mojo told me about montauk and myself,,,,i lost a bit of time from the 12-14 and
i was wondering what was the cause of it and why ive felt that even though a bit numb in my finger and extreem fatigue as well as other physical
anomolys reactions,,,,,,,,i new it had to do with my nervios system and such,,,,,,,,as my freind told me that because of my differences i was able to
use the chair without frying my brain and in a sense going a bit crazy like the rest,,,,,,,,,,,has something to do with the nerviose system and colon
and arteries,,,,,,,,,of which i have numerouse differnces that i was told gives me a bit more edurence for g-forces also,,,,,,,,for the record i have
also bin experienceing a return of my senses ot a more hightend state as well as fealing and such that i haven felt since mid 80's when it was in
full swing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i knew if i just looked on the internet i would find the cause and sure enough here it is that adjustment of the antenea says
it all maybe something has bin put right.
It took me several hours to be able to even focus to read and them the tingling sensation in my hand as well as the pain in my internal organs and i
just imediatly knew what it was from,,,,,,i knew it was from channeling and emense amount of energy,,,,,,,you see anothere strange thing about myself
is i have two crown chakras and not root chakra so i can do things others cannot as well as having the physiology to do it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the other one
that is/was jeolouse of me the last i saw him his spine was disintegrating, he was also the one that would ask me questions sometimes and ask why i
didnot remember,,,,,,,later on i found out that it was him that would cause my memory loss,,,,,,,,,,,every time i would begin to remeber he would
make me forget, that why he would ask me if i remember,,,,,,,about time travel,,,,,,,so this is a real intrest to me now, especialy since i went to
sleap fo a few days just like i used to as a boy,,,,,,there is alsot other things,,,,who knows maybe im the one that brought it to the west
coast,,,,,,,it is a relief to at least be on the right track of what they had me doing,,,i just wish the one person that knew wasnt the one
responsible for my memory loss,,,,,,,there is allot more but this i do know, i have memory and knowledge ... allong with a wisdom beyond my years as
if i have had the opportunity to live many period of time without again upon my return,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,whenever i go through periods of headaches as
i did when the antenna moved then the exhaustion, the way it was described to me by a medicine man was my mind and body were readjusting to a large
amount of knowledge and wisdom being downloaded in a sense.
I was hoping he was just crazy but after what has happened as well as seeing his face when he saw the graphite i uncoverd underneath the wall
paper,,,,,,all i remember was seeing his face looking at the wall without the wallpaper and that was the last i saw of him,,,,,,,,,and now i know why
those headaches started last weak and why i felt like a dream at time then the all of a sudden sleep from 12-15th for no reason, im not sick, i dont
drink, ive bin well rested, and then wamo and i wake up fealing a bit like i did when iwas a teen, weird.
Im pretty sure there are others out there, have you experienced a similar thing.
Im done hiding this part of my life especialy since things like this keep happening,,,,,,and then the picture from 42 with someone wearing desert
storm issue camos and a t-shirt with a u2 spy plane on it,,,,,th e other crazy thing is it with also a person in it that i think may have bin my great
uncle and the suspected time-traveler also looks a bitlike me as well as having the same kifoff smirk and having the same first name and it being his
only flight. high strangeness is deninately affoot because even if its just coincedence of the captain of that flight being my great uncle and a crew