posted on May, 11 2009 @ 02:47 PM
I belive it was not posted here before.
from the source:
"The internet allows anyone with the appropriate hardware to freely express themselves to the world at large using a website or blog. But we are not
sharing our thoughts with only other humans: web pages are read by software agents all the time, including search engine spiders and spambots.
Now a new kind of agent is starting to roam the web that can understand the emotional content of what we write – and they could soon arrive on your
desktop too.
These "sentiment analysis" tools are a branch of a wider area of computer science that is trying to teach computers to understand the feelings
expressed in text just as well as humans do, and the commercial applications of such technology are already starting to be realised."
whole article here:
something is telling mw that it will be used to control our emotions through the internet. it is all about control and propaganda.
read the whole article please