reply to post by Edrick
["I walk in the Dream that you call reality, IT is more, and less real than you perceive it to be, but perceptions are funny things when
contrasted to reality as a whole." ]
If you're walking in our reality that you say is your "dream", then who is your "dreamweaver"? For every action, there is an equal and responsive
reaction. Nothing happens without a driving force behind it! Our brains get triggered by something. Spirituallity, meditation, the news, a book, life,
a crisis(either around us or in our families), or was it a song you heard on the radio?
How can the nwo be losing control over their guinea pigs as you call us when we continue to obey them every time we eat their pesticide-filled foods,
keep vaccinating our kids with contaminated vaccines, continue to allow them to use and kill off our children and grandchildren with their fake wars
on terror, continue taking medications that have soo many side-effects that it takes class-action lawsuits to get anything done about it, and keep
paying taxes to further line the wallets of our political figures and their handlers that are behind every single devious thing that happens to us?
Who is the driving force behind the nwo? Who is their "wizard"? To not turn this into a religious discussion, the driving force behind the global
elite should be pretty easy to see. I mean, with all the secret societies now being exposed, and their satanic rituals now being brought to the
forefront, it should be very clear who "their" wizard really is! Is it shear happenstance that those behind the scenes are affiliated with demonic
worship for only cosmetical reasonings?
The dream you walk in, is what many who know what's happening, and is called "denial". The world around you doesn't meet your criteria, so you
develop your own galaxy and make yourself the center of your own universe. Anything that can't be explained or dealt with in what you perceive to be
your rational way of thinking is sent to the garbage bend, so to speak. People have been thinking outside the box for centuries! This is how the
telephone, automobile, lightbulb, computers, weaponry for wars, and many other inventions were made possible.
What reality we are now facing is "dealing" with all of what we have created, and this includes taking responsibility for it also. Manipulation has
been the biggest weapon mankind has ever had to deal with. And just where did it come from? Once again, religion comes to the forefront because man
would not have been in this predicament had the sin in the garden of eden not happened! People call things we do today "human nature", but God calls
it "sin". I know the folks that don't believe do not like to hear this kind of stuff, but facts are facts. Think about it for a bit if you will. as
long as america kept out the international bankers and their system, there was no corruption at all in the usa back then. But when the bankers got
their claws into us, america has been in a steady mode of decline ever since! Also, just as a footnote here, the same elited bankers back then were
demonic worshippers we have today, just their children are now running things! Since the bankers have been in america, we have had 10 major wars that
the usa has been directly involved in, and I don't know how many other skirmeshes where we have helped out other countries! Now, that's 10 major
wars since around 1845!
Prosperity or persecution? What do we call it when we as a nation still might be developing industry wise, but at what price? The lives of our parents
and children and grandchildren? Our national sovereignty? Our very souls? Who is the wizard now that has articulated this master plan of exacerbated
moral decline and the decaying of our society? Behind every creation there is a creator, and you yourself have said that there is indeed a wizard
amongst us! So, who is he, or she?