posted on May, 11 2009 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by space cadet
Wow, I am in agreement with people I never knew I would agree with.
Thanks for opening up in this issue. I don't know how I feel about 'socialism'. I am not even 100% sure what it means... But, taking a political
sciences class has opened my mind so much. I have had a Constitutional view for a while now, but learning about how much we are exploited, and how
vulnerable we are... has made me feel bad for those that truly get screwed by the system.
-Kind of puts all of the homeless families into perspective, when you realize how easily it can happen.
Also how rich some people are, and imagining how much their wealth could really help so many people. Eh, it has occurred to me also.
We idolize these people that exploit us, and the celebrities that we seem to be obsessed with. We agree they are better than us by continuing to read
about their lives in the magazines, and of course buying their movies.
We work harder than they do, in 'the system', but what IS IT that makes them better than us? Were they in the right place at the right time, and got
lucky? Were they blessed with better genetics?
Either way, I have also noticed the way American ATSers will attack anything relating to the word 'socialism', because they are horribly offended by
the idea of their government actually giving the wealth back to the people. Instead of corporations and bankers.
EDIT to add: Also, while I know what it is like to struggle... I don't think anyone should be forced to give up wealth toward helping others -- I
just sincerely wonder why the insanely rich would not want to do it willingly.
[edit on 11-5-2009 by LostNemesis]