posted on May, 11 2009 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by Malfeitor
Why? Because for decades people printed magical textbooks based on that. Try bobbylove321 who had a thread here on ATS a while ago on 'opening
He gives the url of a site where books on magic can be downloaded. The main stuff he tried was 'elder gods'. I tried it in case it worked but it was
a complete disappointment. Minor negative stuff happened only - proving that I am in contact with otherwise honest powers that were disappointed by my
using these weird names.
BTW, I am convinced that names carry vibrations in the collective psyche - however the same archetypes can appear under a hundred different names.
According to the theory of magic, you COULD summon anyone. Including Middle Earth stuff. You could have Donald Duck standing on the North side, the
Little Mermaid in the west, Mr. Tesco on the North etc. The thing is, they would be there but they are not valid archetypes, humanity was not
summoning them for thousands of years, so nothing is going to happen save you seeing these guys. They are not going to protect you unless you put some
power into them. This is astral creativity. If you do, from then on other people will also be able to use the sacred protective powers on Donald Duck
Chthulhu refers to ancient chthonic gods - some of which used to be innocent archetypes before Christianity. When I tried seeing these beings or
archetypes, they appeared earthy and very morose...
Now if you scroogle that collection of books, you could be surprised how many people could have bought these books by a minor English publishing house
over the decades. They are all experimenting with magic based on HPL. I also recall working in a used book store in the late 80's that a bunch of
really perked up weirdos came into the store, virtually obsessed and said we should call them any time of the day or night if such and such a title
came in. Necromicon was one of the most frequent one. Probably that is why I never read it - although my daughter has a copy of one of the later
I also think that those people did put in some energy into the archetypes of Ch... etc. So nowadays they appear if you summon them - the only thing is
that they rarely bring good results. Who knows what is behind this? The Universe is stranger than you can suppose...