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The Push to Revolution

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posted on May, 11 2009 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by cbianchi513

Thanks guys.

I just get worried sometimes; there only seem to be a few of us here that see what's going on, and I'm afraid we'll still be in the minority when SHTF. As I've said in other threads, I think ATS is going to be a final bastion of knowledge and intel when it happens, so I hope I can count on you guys to keep me updated!

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 04:04 PM
I can't disagree with any of this. The question is, who will lead the revolution? What man today has the grit, patriotism, military experience and selflessness to organize the millions of us who are ready to fight? Is it possible that patriotic generals and admirals within the military are making their plans right now? We have to have a plan of attack - several plans of attack - before any of this can happen. I believe millions of us are just waiting and hoping for the call to arms.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by Darthorious

You really think the MSM will run anything on how the American people feel? All the stuff they did on the Tea-Parties was just to blow smoke up our arses, to keep us preoccupied and try to make us THINK that they are on our side.

No, the news on tv you see isn't going to be any help to us. Now if you want to talk about news on the radio, I might be more inclined to follow along with your thought process. Maybe the BBC, or just NPR in general. They usually seem to be pretty fair. Then again, when stuff starts going down, I don't know as that we'll be able to trust anyone who might be feeding us information.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by madhatr137

I can only speak for myself here, but 8 years ago I was just as brainwashed as the rest of the sheep. I had just taken my discharge from the service, and was hoping I wouldn't get recalled to go back to the sandbox.

I didn't vote for "W" either time, as I was convinced the popular vote was just a front. That was the beginning of my awakening.

About 6 or 7 years ago, I "awoke" to the threat of UN rule. I "awoke" to the true meaning of the so-called "patriot" act. I "awoke" to the true nature of the Fed.

I was labelled a "wingnut" then, and continue to proudly bear that title, among others. Trouble with that is, some of the folks that used to call me that now listen intently when I speak. Some are more vocal than I.

Basically, I consider myself one of the "lucky" few that are truly awake.

I'm just getting sick of saying "I told you so" all the time.

I truly hope I'm wrong this time, so my friends and family can live long, happy lives. I hope they can still call me a "wingnut" for a long, long time.

It's been said here before... Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean you aren't being watched.

So THAT, in a (wing)nutshell, is where I was 8 years ago friend.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by Darthorious

You are correct in wondering whether there is meaning to speaking out without fear! I'm lucky, I have absolutely nothing to loose by speaking my mind. I own damned near nothing and I have family that understands my love of country and our rights under the Constitution. They know that they may be targets for my speechifying on my leanings! My family are few, but they are of the same mind. I wish them no harm but I do know it could happen! Our founding fathers lost everything in their endeavor. They lost family and livelihoods and never recovered! I use that model as my own! Those that don;t understand this concept will have it rammed down their throats by a government that will never let them have the freedoms they 'THINK' they have now! The erosion of law and meaning with the 'newspeak' of the PC movement is what Orwell warned us about! It's real and its happening right before their very eyes.


posted on May, 11 2009 @ 04:16 PM
This story rings true to alot of things I have seen over the last few years when I was still living in montana the state was close then I dont know about now. The one thing this story doesnt talk about is the other wars that are going on besides the one thats coming and im talking about black opp's operatives here.

Its going to get real intersting when microwave weapons and above start getting used in the streets and the media trying to cover it up as if it never happened. Ive been saying for years we were getting closer and closer to this happening it looks closer ever day to being on all of our door steps.

I think one morning I will be waking up sooner rather then later and have armed military personal coming down here looking to draft me in there future war. Hope to see some of you people from ats on the front lines.


posted on May, 11 2009 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by ZindoDoone

Spot on Zindo... We have committed ourselves past the point of no return, our resolve is that of iron.
Patrick Henry was absolutely right. There was no compromise for that man, and his words filled all who has heard or read them with no doubt as to where he stood:

As for me, give me liberty, or give me death!

It would be wise to remember and revere the sacrifices that were made on our behalf by those great men.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by Fatality

Originally posted by dooper

In 1989, Romanians decided they had enough. They didn't just revolt, they had a kangaroo court and executed the President Ceausescu AND his wife on Christmas Day. The security forces and police joined the crowds they were supposed to control. There's a powerful lesson there.

I was there.

I sincerly find life awkwardly funny sometimes. I moved here in Florida since a good while and i consider this country as my own right now. But it seems that i have arrived during stormy years where liberties are taken instead of given , liberties that i have fought for not long time ago.

There is just one issue that scares me about this place and that is : the students. When it happened in Romania , we the young ones started it , fought it and suffered from it . However , i might be wrong , but as i see it the majority of the young ones have no clue of what's going on and they are busy with their xbox , ipods and so on . Someone needs to remind most of the people around here that liberties that people fought for , for years and years are being taken away each day and that they need to wake up before they will have nothing left.

BUT , i am here and ready to go once again if it's needed because freedom is priceless and should never be given away under any circumstances.

there are young people who will fight

expect many from the college crowd to fight
my generation are not pacifists and some of them arnt cowards

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by SGTChas

I'm curious, where was your voice when the conservatives of this nation were using you only a few months back.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by autsse

I think everyone here thinks that violent revolution is something to be abhorred.

And yes, you're right. Things start happening, and lots of folks are going to end up graveyard dead.

Read back the other posts, and you'll get your eye-opener.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by TheTrumpCard

Trump, I believe you.

Yes, when the wheels start falling off the wagon, the words of those college professors won't mean quite so much.

I like youth. Hardheaded, stubborn, rebellous . . . wait!

That's it.

Yes, there will be many young full of themselves, wanting to make a difference. And hopefully stay alive in the process.

Keep in mind, the principles that many of us that are a bit older have sensed that we lost - these young people have never experienced.

And we all know how good things CAN be.

And they will too.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by really

Just another who asks questions that already have been answered. We where speaking out on 'The Evil Bush' as well! Some of us, just like some who have voted Oblowhard in, see that being wrongly convinced that the party elected is not what they say is triggering a sea change in how one thinks. Bush is gone, it's the new Progressives that have talked their way in by promising things to the ignorant they will never produce. They are consolidating power and no one that thought they would bring change isgoing to get what they thought was meant by that statement!

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by dooper

The same Progressives that took advantage of the young (including me) in the 60's and found them willing participants might find that the next generation is not as willing to take them for what they portray or at their word. I'm hoping that the end result they see from this last election will show them that they where taken advantage of, much like most of the generation we are part of now!


posted on May, 11 2009 @ 04:51 PM
I just cannot get over those who say that it is as simple a solution as "writing your representatives" or "getting the media involved" as if people haven't been doing that for decades now to little to no avail.

I think to answer the question as to "why now?" would be simply to say that it has come to far. The travesties of our past leaders and the slow dissolve of our rights was not necessarily a foreseen thing by everybody, as can be seen by the sheer number who have awakened only within the past few years.

I suppose to answer the question about why less people spoke up when GW Bush was in office was quite simply the way it was played. There were those that did speak up and warn others, and then there were those that looked to the future with the hopes that a new President might fix some of the crap. The election literally started 2 years before any voting could begin and during that time we were distracted with promises and more lies to keep us preoccupied.

When Obama made office, supporters were looking for the change he promised, at least in some way. While it may only be a little over 100 days in, it is clear the path that Obama is following, and be it by his own will or the puppeteer pulling his strings, the things that chips are falling swiftly and uncontrollably into the pockets of the PTB.

The reason we stand up now is because THIS is the threshold. This is the moment where we can either choose to fight for what is right or succumb to the imprisonment of us as a people. Mindless, uneducated, ever following drones that some of us prove to be even today already. We are so close to this reality that UNLESS we stand up today, there will be no standing up. Anyone who is deemed a threat, anyone with any means to pose a threat to whatever agenda is formed will be taken care of before there is any time to prepare, any time to formulate some kind of Revolution.

And yet some pinpoint as as if we want a war. As if we want to see our streets lined with the dead innocents. No one WANTS war. No one except the insane. Peaceful talks and suggestion letters did not grant our independence from Britain for a reason. The powers that be know what they want, and they will do anything they need to stop those from hindering them.

Do I feel afraid to post my thoughts and ideas? Every single day. But I feel no more afraid than I would if I simply sat by and waited for the inevitable.

It isn't going to take a great military general to lead. It isn't going to take a physicist or doctor to lead. It is going to take the collective hearts, perseverance, and willingness to sacrifice, of each person involved. Every person has a role to fill - it is only a matter of whether you choose to accept that role with dignity, or run from it.

I despise war. I think it is the most demoralizing act our species has ever enacted, and yet they have never found a way to avoid it. Yet, I know when words reach a wall, that actions need to be enforced to break that wall, so that the words of truth can ring out once again.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by SGTChas

I appreciate the story...but I don't buy it. Sorry. I hear all the revolution talk and see nothing being done. Everytime big-gov takes away a little more liberty, someone brings up this subject and then does nothing. They'll nickle and dime us till they own us all, while we whine and cry and shudder complain and do nothing. Some here on this post say, "...when the SHTF, I'll" this or that or the other. I don't believe it! My friends, the SHTF a long time ago on our loss of freedoms and it is really sad to see how we all (me included) just sit and do nothing. Lets face it we have our BOBs, our guns and ammo and we'll probably die on them from letting the big-gov crowd get us cornered while we are trying to determine if the SHTF yet! If anyone was really going to act it would have happened by now. Sadly, we became slaves to the NWO long ago by default. Show me where I am wrong, please I beg you.

[edit on 11-5-2009 by romanmel]

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 05:01 PM
Another One here that is informed and trying to wake up friends and family for a long time. My first awakening came during the Clinton, Ross Perot elections.

Since family does not live near and not married yet(to a woman!). If I did get a signal or warning of a day or two before the fall, my plan was to drive to my youngest brothers in VaBch to defend his family and children at any cost.

This over 600 mile drive just doesn't seen possible under the circumstance which sucks.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by romanmel

Tell me " Whats In Your Wallet"??? Are you doing anything other than questioning the motives of others? Or are you doing something yourself, other than denigrating those that are willing to show others whats happening right before their eyes? One must start somewhere with an idea and let it flourish. It mus be spoken about and opinions put forth to make any idea come to the forefront. You seem to know what the problem is but you waste time asking questions already answered in these posts! If your stating thoughts and findings on the providence of the day as to the actions in DC with no real solutions other than to state your minds perceptions, you have just taken the the first steps to knowing where liberty begins! Thoughts bring forth solutions, even if they are not what others feel is the right path!


posted on May, 11 2009 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by ZindoDoone

"Thoughts bring forth solutions..."

I see, so all we have to do to overcome TPTB is to "think" a little more. Don't buy it. Actions speak louder then words and inaction says nothing to TPTB.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by romanmel
reply to post by SGTChas

I appreciate the story...but I don't buy it. Sorry. I hear all the revolution talk and see nothing being done. Everytime big-gov takes away a little more liberty, someone brings up this subject and then does nothing. They'll nickle and dime us till they own us all, while we whine and cry and shudder complain and do nothing. Some here on this post say, "...when the SHTF, I'll" this or that or the other. I don't believe it! My friends, the SHTF a long time ago on our loss of fredoms and it is really sad to see how we all (me included) just sit and do nothing. Lets face it we have our BOBs, our guns and ammo and we'll probably die on them from letting the big-gov crowd get us cornered while we are trying to determine if the SHTF yet! If anyone was really going to act it would have happened by now. Sadly, we became slaves to the NWO long ago by default. Show me where I am wrong, please I beg you.

I have to disagree with you. You say people have done nothing. Just because you can't see anything in the dark,doesn't mean there is nothing there. There are people in place,there are arms/ammo/food stockpiled.
The S,has not yet hit the fan. All these indicators that are happening are precursors.
It will take a big event to trigger recourse. Bank shutdows followed by sky rocketing fuel prices,ending with massive food shortages in metropolitan areas. Imho that is when TSWHTF.
There are not enough people awake at this point to attempt anything. These afore mentioned events will awaken the masses!

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by romanmel

You don't get it do you? The reason "action" hasn't been taken is because of the simple conflict of risk/reward. No one wants to try to take action that no one else will support. 10 years ago, if you have some guy act out and call for revolution, you would have a handful of people at best that followed him.

We see now that today, that number has increased, and if it is like any other thing in this world, it has increased exponentially.

You talk without reason or logic. No one is going to want to take action at a time when it would do little to no benefit. Just like any game of chess, you have to pick your spots. You have to make your sacrifices to win. Not everyone is sitting on their ass as you put it. There are those out there and fighting with words, and with those words they are getting more people to awaken and more people to realize exactly what is wrong in today's world.

Acting out in yesterdays world provided nothing to gain... today, for most, there is nothing to lose.

There WILL be actions, I can promise you that. But the question is, are you going to be one of those that continue to "sit around" and eat your own words, or are you going to be one of those that help in the action?

It is a choice that everyone is going to have to make.

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