posted on May, 11 2009 @ 06:33 PM
Hey rememeber when they were ready to scrap Hubble, because they needed to boost it into a higher orbit.
Now all of a sudden they dump over a billion in to repairing it, this makes sence to me because this is prime time and that other one might not be
going for another 4 years. I'm one that always says keep what you've got till you have new one then still keep old one incase new one breaks.
But I think more is to this, not that I am a conspiracy freak, if I were why would I be on ATS. Any how this is how I look at things, they want to
look at something, and it seems it has become very important for them to look at what ever it is.
So could it be astroid, Nirbus, or just to look at some of the things that have just been discovered on the earth base telescopes that need further
investagation if we are going to under stand universe. Who wants to wait 4 years everyone could be dead.
Anyhow there is more to, this someone wants to know something and fast.