posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 11:28 AM
I keep having dreams about airplanes. Fighter jets and passenger airliners. In all of these dreams at least one of them crashes also.
One dream that sticks out is that I'm back home in Kentucky, near the Ohio river I'm standing there and all of a sudden there is a passenger plane
flying overhead about 1000 ft or so and it starts ziging and zagging, as much as one could anyway, this thing was pretty big, but not like a 747, more
like one of the planes that hit WTC.. I think... anyway, it then start looping and dropping alititude and then, wham right into the ohio river, I
then wake up.
Last night, I was at a museum of some sort, had just parked the car and got out, looked in the sky and there was another airliner, but this time it
was being chased / followed by 2 fighter jets.... I remember telling my family to look up and then told them to head into the building, all of a
sudden, the airliner starts flying in circles and making sharp turns, the fighter jet starts to spin out of control and head towards the ground. I
remember yelling for everyone to run, but it's too late, it hits the ground about 100 yards from us and explodes... I remember seeing the flames
coming at us and I though oh no, we're too close,
all of a sudden in that dream, the plane is back in the air spinning again, and I yell run and this time we get far enough away from it, the plane
hits the ground and explodes again, there are people now gathering around the wreckage, then I notice a lady standing by the road getting ready to
take pictures, I jump into a van and move it so that she can't see the plane anymore and then move other cars to block the view... by this time there
are military helicopters in the air and trucks pulling up... I wake up
any ideas ?