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The Nonhuman-or-Ghost Connection to 9/11

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posted on May, 10 2009 @ 09:41 AM
This is an edited-updated repost of a "thread" under my former name (Lightworth), differently titled, but due to its being clearly THE biggest overlooked area in the 9/11 saga, it needs to be as public as possible as much as reasonable:

What the jumpin' Jesus was it with the mysterious banging, clanging, construction-type sounds heard in one or both of the twin towers in the weeks and months prior to 9/11? It was discussed in the (Google Video) film 9/11 MYSTERIES. Famed witness William Rodriguez reported the noises. He said they were coming from a floor at which no elevators stopped. Much more vividly, another guy (whose name unfortunately eludes me) reported the construction work racket (going on for weeks or months) on the floor above him. (We can assume it was discussed with coworkers. He wasn't hallucinating). Out of curiosity he finally went to look and, holy #, the entire floor was utterly empty; devoid of any sign of activity or anything else!

It's quite plain that invisible beings were operating there. How many other witnesses are alive? This needs to be explored to the fullest.

As a theory based only on a hunch (thereby admitting I could be wrong) I'll say the invisible ones were the good guys making as much general noise as possible in order to warn that something very, very wrong is going on (however longer in the future it takes to realize the meaning of their message). It fits in with my strong sense that there's a real Prime Directive (or its actual name) concerning the Earthbound; based primarily on my unexplained experiences. The noises weren't TOO overt intervention, considering the time it's taken to address them in detail, which has yet to really happen.

I'm convinced nonhumans will prove to be at least significantly involved in both 9/11 and the JFK story - the 2 Great American Mass Psychoses (of denial). We'll never get any truth unless or until there are enough people with enough courage to look into the REAL heart of the matter(s).

Is there anyone with more info or insight than I have on this most crucial avenue?

[edit on 10-5-2009 by Dean Goldberry]

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 01:54 PM
"Out of curiosity he finally went to look and, holy #, the entire floor was utterly empty; devoid of any sign of activity or anything else!"
I HIGHLY DOUT that is infact what he saw. I do believe that he heard alot of construction though. It would be kind of hard not to with the beams being cut. Here's a question. Was there a single moment when that building was not occupied by atleast 10-20 people?

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by Dean Goldberry
I'm convinced nonhumans will prove to be at least significantly involved in both 9/11 and the JFK story - the 2 Great American Mass Psychoses (of denial). We'll never get any truth unless or until there are enough people with enough courage to look into the REAL heart of the matter(s).

I think this is true of all human events. This is a huge topic. I think this reality lays close to the true foundation of all religious beliefs. They come from love for the family members who have passed into the spirit realm and the reality that love can bring us into contact with them. At that point the cat is out of the bag, so to speak and all religious developments follow from that.

Some may think I'm a kook but I believe that the spirits of many police and firemen killed at the WTC on 9/11 stayed there "on duty" watching the place for a long time after. (I had to pause here. . . . I respect those people so much. I'll never stop fighting for justice for them.)

Anyway . . what I really wanted to say is, sometimes it's hard to tell where noises are coming from in steel frame buildings, but sure, I accept your general premise.


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