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Contact & alien life views

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posted on May, 10 2009 @ 03:32 AM
I asked this in another thread but it was overshadowed by the arguements within it, anyway here is a question/thoughts I have for all the 'contactees' etc, just something I've been thinking lately(mods if this is in the wrong place please move it, thanks);

Something I don't understand is if we all need to awake/ ascend/ be prepared etc etc why haven't these beings / aliens contacted everybody?, not on a landing on the white house lawn way but individually. Surely there is enough of them and over the past few decades enough time for every man, woman and child to have had one on one contact, wouldn't that help not only with this awakening / acension thing but also the belief in them all together?

The way I see it is rather then them having regular contact with X amount of contactees (who lets face it get ridiculed most of the time so can't get any kind of message across without it being ripped apart so what's the point?) why not have 1 or 2 single contacts with every individual(or groups of people, like whole streets), exact same thing told / shown to every person around the world and then make a public arrival confirming that what happened to everybody was not some weird globally shared dream/hallucination but that they did what they did to help avoid panic and confusion...or is that just way too simple?!

Also my thoughts on alien life forms;

I'm not sure what to believe when it comes to the various stories floating around on here about nordics, greys, reptilians etc alot of it seems like pure fantasy and I think reading about it can effect people without realising it. Myself for example since reading many many things on here I've either started to notice things I never did before through ignorance or the information on this site is causing me to have some very vivid dreams / hallucinations(see this thread). Now saying that I do believe there is something, I'd be a fool not to seeing as there are so many witness' worldwide, certain evidence, what's 'out there' I don't know but I personally think it's very naive to believe we are the only planet with life on it. Also alot of scientists etc base the search for life on what we know, i.e if a planet doesn't have water how could it possibly have life on it?.... it's simple, statements like that are based on this planet and what we know life forms on this planet require such as water and oxygen. Let's use the moon as an example(yes I know it's not a planet) as far as we've been told the moon has no water or oxygen etc that means WE can't survive on it that doesn't mean another life form couldn't one whose 'body' doesn't require water or oxygen.

So there you have it my little rants and questions, would love to hear other people's thoughts
I'm sure I'll have more thoughts / questions as I read more and more.

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 04:02 AM
The answer is rather simple. It depends how you see the issue. Let me explain.

Think of this planet as a playground for spirits. The rule is that once you join this place you forget everything you know about yourself (temporary amnesia). Now if I chose to come to this planet called Earth and experience a materialistic life, don't you think having aliens around me would destroy the purpose for which I came here?

World wide disclousure would change the rules of the game we call life on Earth. This will happen one day, but not now. In the future the purpose of Earth might change, but right now these are the rules.

All aliens can do now is observe. They might get involve here and there, but nothing fancy.

Make no mistake there are aliens, as there are spirits, God, etc. But at our level/stage we are here on Earth now, these things cannot show their faces since that would go against the purpose of Earth itself. Most would probably suffer deep internal changes if they see anything close to aliens. Such change must come when it is meant to, not because a few of us (out of 7 billion) want it.

The majority came to Earth to experience life in a very materialistic/dense way with little outside knowledge if any. That is exactly what makes Earth so atractive for many. You think you are just this human body. This makes the whole experience much more valuable. Since if you knew who you were the whole purpose would be defeated.

Hope this makes sense.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 01:28 AM
Thanks for your reply

This is another thing I don't understand, there are so many versions of what earth / aliens are, how do you know what you believe is the truth? You believe it's a playground for spirits others believe it's a prison for spirits, others believe we are like cattle for the reptilians(so earth is kind of like a farm/slaughterhouse), others believe this earth is what the general public believes it to be (a planet with life) but they believe life from other planets visit, again varying reasons why.

A question for you about them not revealing themselves, if it's so important that we learn what ever lesson we are supposed to from being in a human body (without remembering our true selves) why would the aliens contact anybody or visit this planet at all if it's supposed to be off limits and detrimental to the spiritual growth of the people here?

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by Pericle
The answer is rather simple. It depends how you see the issue. Let me explain.

Think of this planet as a playground for spirits. The rule is that once you join this place you forget everything you know about yourself (temporary amnesia). Now if I chose to come to this planet called Earth and experience a materialistic life, don't you think having aliens around me would destroy the purpose for which I came here?

World wide disclousure would change the rules of the game we call life on Earth. This will happen one day, but not now. In the future the purpose of Earth might change, but right now these are the rules.

All aliens can do now is observe. They might get involve here and there, but nothing fancy.

Make no mistake there are aliens, as there are spirits, God, etc. But at our level/stage we are here on Earth now, these things cannot show their faces since that would go against the purpose of Earth itself. Most would probably suffer deep internal changes if they see anything close to aliens. Such change must come when it is meant to, not because a few of us (out of 7 billion) want it.

The majority came to Earth to experience life in a very materialistic/dense way with little outside knowledge if any. That is exactly what makes Earth so atractive for many. You think you are just this human body. This makes the whole experience much more valuable. Since if you knew who you were the whole purpose would be defeated.

Hope this makes sense.

This whole ideology is borrowed from the bible and twisted almost beyond recognition cant people see the lies.

Read what you have posted again.


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