posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 10:49 AM
Thank you for the nice welcomes.
A little about me. Born in Texas in 1948. (this is funny, it's making me look at who I am today, not at who I was then or how I think I will be
tomorrow) I am single and for 3.5 years have wrapped myself in an online mafia game. I have played that game daily, by doing so it has allowed me
escape from any reality, real or imagined. The game is in dire straits and it could be the end of it
lol...what that means is I have to obtain a grip and do something new. I have a friend and this guy has theories and conclusions that I never heard of
and it started me thinking, he gave me links to some sites that shocked me. Being a pretend mobster, I always thought that 9/11 and the present "war:
was Bushes "Mob Hit" for the attempt on his Fathers life...well its not impossible, is it?
How I got here: WinXPNews....and what I have read so far, well it's still shocking. The Dulce Compound in New Mexico has me real confused, can that
be TURE???so I am looking for clarity and since I seldom watch the news or read the paper I am out of the loop...but I dont think those medias tell
the truth.
I am a photograher. I love animals. I am a lover of love and a lover of life, and quite frankly Im pretty scared. Should I arm myself and sit on my
roof waiting for something, or hope my mafia game isnt over and keep playing, ignoring everything was pretty safe there.