posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 09:23 AM
Yesterday (april 26th) I was at work, and this guy came in (i work at a restaurant) and asked us at the counter if we would like to buy a teddy bear.
he also said it was for the troops, and would like to know if anybody would like to buy one. he also said that the teddy bear, if you stick it in the
microwave, would warm up its stomach, and ect... well, at first, i didnt think that was any harm, untill i saw his hand, and saw the name of my friend
who is in the military. so i called him up and he said he knew nothing, about it, and got really pissed... after that, i had got to thinking, wouldnt
it be like sufficient for someone who wanted to blow up a lot of people, at different times, and with enough time to escape everytime, to put
nitroglycerine into gel form, put it into a teddybear, and say it will heat up in the microwave, and when you heat it up, BOOM! and its genious
though, cause thats selling on the hearts of americans, like, if you buy this bear, we are giving money to the troops and to help support the war, but
none of the troops supposively know. what is your guy's intake?