posted on May, 9 2009 @ 07:29 AM
They're all hiding I think.
There's a report that's been written and it's on the web somewhere, apparantly once you've read it you refuse to tell anyone what's in it, or
even to post it on the net. Even if you've said that you will find it, read it and post it, once you've read it, you refuse to post.
Apparantly, what's written in the report is so mind-bendingly scary that you don't want anyone else to know, I even asked one idiot, who said he'd
already read it, why he wouldn't tell me what was in it. He said "so you can sleep at night", what a penis.
The document is called the Webbot ALTA report 1309 part 6. It's the final report of the webbot project (an online prediction machine), final because
the people who produced it, also read it, and they're so scared they're packing up and getting ready for the scary future the webbot predicted.
I've personally read parts 1-5, as have most people on ATS.
There's an edited part 6 that we've read too, it just has the final few paragraphs.
So lets see if there's any webbot/prediction/2012 debunker out there who can find this report and, since the debunker doesn't believe anyway, post
it onto this thread.