posted on May, 9 2009 @ 11:17 AM
As convincing as that video was for about a minute, I would think a lot of sightings are this exact senario. I was intrigued up until the
plane emerged. When the planes are coming right towards you, they appear to be hovering and the lights are very bright. I have seen things like this
before, watching and wondering, until it turns and is obviously a plane.
One night in January last year, it wasn't a plane.
The ufo I saw was way different. It was a huge triangle and had 6 huge lights on the bottom in the shape of a partial V , like a check mark. oh yeah,
and silent, and it dissappeared right in front of my eyes. This was the same time as the Stephensville, TX lights. I live directly northeast about
100 miles of there. I mean a perfect straight line from there.
Also about 4 months ago, one morning at 3:30 am, my husband woke up and went into the living room where he saw an intense light surounding our house.
Half asleep, he thought helicopter spotlight. He went out the garage to have a smoke, and then thought, there's no noise. He jumped up and went
back into the house but the light was gone. ok, I know big deal right? Well, very oddly, a round area of our grass in the back yard just completely
died in 36 hours. Our grass in the backyard doesn't die in the winter. I took a photo. Grass has grown back now, but at an extremely slower rate.
I didn't take a picture of the slow growth, but I did get another picture of where the kind of grass that was growing there, never grew back, but the
other kind has though. Point being, you can still see the circle. I'm not 100% sure this was ET's, but I find it very coincidental.