posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 07:05 AM
I saw this phrase on the internet last night when I clicked to a website from one of the links in somebodys post. This morning before I woke up my
mind started dreaming about this phrase and I was trying to figure out what this "All Your Base Are Belong To Us" phrase meant. So I did a search on
the internet and found many references to it, including mainstream media. I've heard of this phrase before, when I never had internet. I've only had
the internet in my living quarters for about 8 months now. I understand that this phrase is some type of internet phenomenon. Well, this might sound
crazy, but it feels like this phrase was calling my attention to it, almost like it was alive. My feeling is that the internet has an consciousness of
its own and that it has included myself as one of its own. It's strange when I think about it. What do you think about this "all your base are
belong to us" phrase?