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To gain justice, we must eliminate judges!!

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posted on May, 8 2009 @ 05:32 PM
One of the most horrific problems with the American legal system is the fact that we elect pompous and arrogant "Judges" to "judge" us and send us away for years over some of the most stupid reasons imaginable. These judges often discard the law and ethics and simply make decisions based on what THEY think and what THEIR opinion or "interpretation" is.

What good have judges done? Other than butcher the Constitution and deny rights to any and all citizens that dare cross their path?

I propose that ALL major court cases be handled by a JURY of your Peers, and that rather than a "judge" we should have an "administrator" who does NOTHING MORE than administrates the jury's decisions.

Another point to make, is that this corrupt court system needs to stop silencing JURORS and forcing them to agree with group think so that they do not get stuck at a hung trial in argument. When i was on a jury i was threatened and forced to agree with the other 11 jurors and send a mere child to jail for three months simply because he was black. (And you KNOW its true, a lot of people do go to jail based on NO EVIDENCE other than discrimination and hearsay)

Anyways the point is, from now on because there are no Judges that respect the Constitution or the people left, that I will from now on refuse to aknowledge the authority of any so called "Judge", as their authority is tyrannically usurped and their rule is unjust.

You may throw me in prison for life for contempt of court, you can beat me and you may kill me. But this system of corruption and lies will never make my soul buckle under it's pointless attacks. No I have God and I am ready to Die for my freedom.

I will no longer be considering any "judge" a legitimate authority. They rig elections, and allow major crimes while prosecuting minor offenses with harsh punishments. This system is a complete joke from the bottom to the top, but the one thing that is not a joke is my soul, and the RIGHTS i have as a human being that are protected by NATURE and GOD. Therefore my soul is invincable and I will never cower in fear at their tyranny.

Get rid of judges, lets go with "administrators" - who have no OPINION
and let the Jury's decide our fates

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 05:36 PM
A judge in florida I think was found to be sending kids to jail for pay. They are human beings, good and bad, like us all.

Soon the computer judges will take cases.


posted on May, 8 2009 @ 06:12 PM
As stated above, there are corrupt judges just like there are corrupt police.

I never thought about it, but I fully agree that judges have no use.

The only problem is without judges, they will have to call upon citizens to do jury duty a lot more often.

Maybe instead of social security, we pay retired people to be jurors.

They watch Judge Judy everyday already, why not be there in person!

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 06:21 PM
I didn't think judges were "elected" by "us" but "appointed" by "them".

They need educating and not eliminating. They need to be brought into the real world and should rub shoulders with those who often stand before them.

Unfortunately, most of them live insular lives and are surrounded by people who use them for corruption of the surrounding world, usually for profit and political/social influence.

It's not their fault some of them are evil. It's the fault of those around them.

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by breakingdradles
As stated above, there are corrupt judges just like there are corrupt police.

I never thought about it, but I fully agree that judges have no use.

The only problem is without judges, they will have to call upon citizens to do jury duty a lot more often.

Maybe instead of social security, we pay retired people to be jurors.

They watch Judge Judy everyday already, why not be there in person!


Part of this problem is also that we have way too many stupid pointless cases like half of them are probably petty drug offenses or some teenager who got busted drinking underage.

If we actually followed Constitutional law and got rid of the pointless drivel, there wouldnt be many cases left as only the serious crimes would be worthy of even going to court in the first place.

And yes the elderly folks would simply love the idea of being full time jurors (well, some would hate it lol but with a paycheck im sure they will change their minds)

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 06:27 PM
I disagree.

Civilians do not know the law. So it would be impossible for a regular citizen to legally make a judgment based on law.

Have you ever served on jury duty? I have. And before the jury breaks, the judge goes over the law regarding the case. A jury has to decide within the law on their verdict. And many times while the jury is in session, they have to ask the judge to explain things.

A judge who knows the law is absolutely mandatory in a court setting.

So while I do not believe judges should be eliminated, they should be held to higher standards and should judge by the law, not by their emotions and be held accountable.

There are bad judges and there are good judges.

[edit on 8-5-2009 by inked up]

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by nerbot
I didn't think judges were "elected" by "us" but "appointed" by "them".

They need educating and not eliminating. They need to be brought into the real world and should rub shoulders with those who often stand before them.

Unfortunately, most of them live insular lives and are surrounded by people who use them for corruption of the surrounding world, usually for profit and political/social influence.

It's not their fault some of them are evil. It's the fault of those around them.

i disagree i am sorry

you cannot commit evil and then blame the people around you for putting you up to it

look at me im willing to die rather than bow before them, and your saying i should just bow and say "well the people around me made me do it"

sorry at the Nuremberg Trials the Nazi's who used this pathetic excuse were found Guilty and that this defense was unacceptable

of course however, the Nuremberg trials did employ the use of what they called "judges" but the way it was set up, that many judges were present and it was basically like a jury in the end anyways (further proving my point that a fair trial has many "judges" not just 1)

[edit on 8-5-2009 by muzzleflash]

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by inked up
I disagree.

Civilians do not know the law. So it would be impossible for a regular citizen to legally make a judgment based on law.

Have you ever served on jury duty? I have. And before the jury breaks, the judge goes over the law regarding the case. A jury has to decide within the law on their verdict.

So while I do not believe judges should be eliminated, they should be held to higher standards and should judge by the law, not by their emotions and be held accountable.

There are bad judges and there are good judges.

I will point out where you are partially wrong in your initial assessment. Firstly may I suggest you actually READ my post. That may help, as your asking "have i ever been on a jury?" I Dont know, did you READ MY OP?

Anyways, first of all citizens do not know many laws because they are NOT TAUGHT them in the corrupt schools that basically indoctrinate and brainwash children to be good little slaves and enjoy paying taxes.

Judges don't know crap for laws either, there are over 50,000 statutes on the books in any place you walk into, theres no way ANY human being could possibly be able to conceive of that type of web of legal bs.

Ive met Judges, I know how it works man. They make up the rules as they go, anyone who has met a judge in this nation should realize that by now. Thanks.

PS - Ever seen the Constitution hanging on the wall in your local courthouse? Something to ponder perhaps...

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Anyways the point is, from now on because there are no Judges that respect the Constitution or the people left

Really? None?
So bascially you are saying that every single judge in this country is evil and that no judgment they make is ever correct?

I find that way off in left field.

And I would never trust the sole judgement of a jury. It was the OJ jury that let that animal off. Jurys are no more trustworthy than many judges.

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

I will point out where you are partially wrong in your initial assessment. Firstly may I suggest you actually READ my post. That may help, as your asking "have i ever been on a jury?" I Dont know, did you READ MY OP?

Anyways, first of all citizens do not know many laws because they are NOT TAUGHT them in the corrupt schools that basically indoctrinate and brainwash children to be good little slaves and enjoy paying taxes.

Judges don't know crap for laws either, there are over 50,000 statutes on the books in any place you walk into, theres no way ANY human being could possibly be able to conceive of that type of web of legal bs.

Ive met Judges, I know how it works man. They make up the rules as they go, anyone who has met a judge in this nation should realize that by now. Thanks.

PS - Ever seen the Constitution hanging on the wall in your local courthouse? Something to ponder perhaps...

I admit I misread that part. Calm down, please. No need to be rude.
There is no way children can be taught all the law. That is why lawyers go to school for so long.

And I too have met judges and they are straight up and not evil like you claim. So, again, I think your claim of all judges is off. Just my opinion.

And again, not sure how you think a jury of citizens who often are biased too are any better than law educated judges.

[edit on 8-5-2009 by inked up]

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by inked up

I admit I misread that part. Calm down, please. No need to be rude.
There is no way children can be taught all the law. That is why lawyers go to school for so long.

And I too have met judges and they are straight up and not evil like you claim. So, again, I think your claim of all judges is off. Just my opinion.

ok so i overgeneralized a bit, what i meant was "every judge ive ever seen which is over 1000 of them so far"

there is a chance that someone could not be corrupt, but i would like to see your prove that there is such a thing as a unbias and fair judge.

point being all humans are idiots, but having 12 gives you better odds honestly lol

so having a jury gives people a better chance at having more than one narrow insane view put on them and thrown into jail over nothing

Good luck with that

Also while your defending the butchery of all that is good, please justify why Judges are still righteous and good when they put INNOCENT people behind bars because they are so adamant about their "Knowledge of the law" or doling out severe prison sentences over totally ridiculous matters

How do you think an innocent man sitting there being sentenced to prison and being told arrogantly, "You don't know the law son!" its just sickening i tell you and id rather die than accept this type of tyranny

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 07:03 PM
This made me think of something Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy said in a speech to the American Bar Association a few years ago.

Regardless of any other decisions he's contributed to in the court (I think he's the only real "swing vote" with O'Connor retired), in my opinion he is absolutely correct in what he is saying in this video.

Law is necessary in a free society, but the legal profession is not making that case right now.

He says, beginning around 3:50, that everyone should know the laws and be able to enforce them without fear of retribution. I bet those lawyers and judges in the audience went "there goes my job".

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

I think you misunderstood my point....

but after deleting what I was going to post, I'm just going to say..

...hang 'em all!

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by eMachine

the Justice makes good points, however the sad fact of reality is, ive never seen a judge with this type of attitude or idea of what "law" is.

If you go to any random court in this nation, chances are very high that you will find a Business, where people come to work and get Paid.

In this business, the only operating factor is money, and truth or justice have become irrelevant.

I agree with the Justice that when Judges become corrupt, it is time to get rid of this government just as my forefathers did three hundred years ago.

Many may not realize it, but all human beings have the right to oppose tyranny. And i will not relent until the forces of corruption and darkness subside from me. What other purpose in life would I have other than to finally stand up for myself against this debauchery?

Knowing the law is difficult because men wrote it corruptly, however knowing right from wrong is simple as this truth resides within the hearts of all peoples.

Rather than following arbitrary laws, I would rather follow Natural Laws, that is Right vs Wrong.

Because I do know Right vs Wrong like all sentient humans, I can quickly realize that the Right thing to do is FIRE this entire govt.

Besides, the only real judge of humanity is God or Nature or w/e you believe in.

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by nerbot
reply to post by muzzleflash

I think you misunderstood my point....

but after deleting what I was going to post, I'm just going to say..

...hang 'em all!

hanging them would sure be great, but i do not wish to become them

so let us give them a FAIR trial actual fair and decent trial

that way we can set this Right for once

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

By saying "everyone should know the law and enforce it", I interpret Justice Kennedy to be saying that we need fewer laws, laws that don't have creative wording that only lawyers understand, laws that the majority of society can agree on and that is essentially "right and wrong".

In my personal opinion, "right" is respecting others and leaving them the expletive alone, while "wrong" is forcefully interfering with someone else and trying to violate their rights when they have not done wrong to others.

Your liberty is limited only by the fact that others have an equal right to the same liberty. That's my understanding of freedom and law.

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 08:10 PM
One of the most horrific problems is that "we" don't actually elect anyone.

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by WonkoTheSane
One of the most horrific problems is that "we" don't actually elect anyone.


good point, only the more reason to have no more point left to believe in them anymore i suppose?

id sure love to wake up in a super constitution happy world tomorrow

lets just pray that a miracle happens i guess

posted on May, 9 2009 @ 11:07 AM
Totally agree; have thought this privately to myself for years.
The only purpose of a judge I see is to keep court room behaviour decent; i.e. no swearing, and no exploitation of vulnerable people.

If Juries decided the sentence as well as the verdict it would also stop countless cases like the paedophile in the U.K. who raped a baby being given only 6 months in jail.
Or a ring leader (who over forty years) has used court technicalities to avoid jail permanently…

However the government would have to build more prisons.
Which is very bad; as they like us being in fear of each other, rather than them.

Also if juries (with the natural help of courtroom crossfires help) are to interpret the law, then: all laws should be written in common English, I propose laws have the following sections: Declaration, Examples of use and Purpose of Intent (Purpose of Intent being the most important of all).

This would prevent countless criminals getting away from prosecution, or as is often the case for corporate criminals they use clever legal flaws to avoid attending court altogether. More significant it would speed up the currently tedious training of many legal professionals; therefore wiping countless billions from legal fees, and at the same time improving justice, as well as the will of the people-electorate.

All good!!!
Just a shame our one media world government seems to like thing crumbling the way they are.

posted on May, 9 2009 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
One of the most horrific problems with the American legal system is the fact that we elect pompous and arrogant "Judges" to "judge" us and send us away for years over some of the most stupid reasons imaginable. These judges often discard the law and ethics and simply make decisions based on what THEY think and what THEIR opinion or "interpretation" is.
Get rid of judges, lets go with "administrators" - who have no OPINION
and let the Jury's decide our fates

What made you so angry?

Do you want to installate lynchmobs instead of judges? In these cases it is always about who appoints who.
So WHO is appointing the jury or lynchmob?
Jury's are fed "facts" by lawyers. Lynchmob are fed "facts" by emotions and troublemakers. It is all a matter of perception.

It is not a perfect system either way.
I rather stand before a well educated judge then before a small minded jury.

But maybe I am wrong, I don't know any American judges. Maybe they are worse then ours.

[edit on 9-5-2009 by Pjotr]

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