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posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 05:58 AM
[Edited on 21-5-2004 by megoquest]

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 06:42 AM
Try this: Crop circles reveal the history of mankind in addition to the truths about the reality of the universe. They can be decoded if you know how. Anyways, this is one possibility!

[Edited on 27-4-2004 by lilblam]

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by lilblam
Try this: Crop circles reveal the history of mankind in addition to the truths about the reality of the universe. They can be decoded if you know how. Anyways, this is one possibility!

[Edited on 27-4-2004 by lilblam]

Are you telling us that you know how to decode these ?
I also watched the special on tv a couple of nights ago that covered the crop circles.. it was pretty good.

It was on TLC or History channel, I think.

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 10:06 AM
I'm not sure I see the logic in an advanced alien species needing to create geometric patterns in fields. If they're advanced enough to come to earth...why wouldn't they be advanced enough to store information in their own technology as well as share that information?

How many of you go outside, start a fire, and make smoke signals to your friend down the block when you can simply email or call him/her?

Right. Doesn't make sense.

[Edited on 4-27-2004 by Preest]

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by Preest
How many of you go outside, start a fire, and make smoke signals to your friend down the block when you can simply email or call him/her?

The question that really needs to be asked, how many of your friends are aliens?

Crop circles are one of the most fascinating topics, and I have yet to be convinced the vermin of Earth are entirely responsible for their creation.

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by Bangin
The question that really needs to be asked, how many of your friends are aliens?

Crop circles are one of the most fascinating topics, and I have yet to be convinced the vermin of Earth are entirely responsible for their creation.
Once again...if aliens are using these crop circles to relay messages and info to other could they be advanced enough to travel here but not have technology to relay info without leaving patterns in fields? It doesn't make sense...

as for you not being convinced that men are entirely responsible for crop circles...*shrug* I may not be entirely convinced men built the Sears Tower or Empire State building but that doesn't mean I would be right...I would have to believe building the Empire State building would be a tad harder than making crop circles...wouldn't you?

[Edited on 4-27-2004 by Preest]

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Preest
How many of you go outside, start a fire, and make smoke signals to your friend down the block when you can simply email or call him/her?

Right. Doesn't make sense.

[Edited on 4-27-2004 by Preest]

How many Alien Neighbors Do you have? And How many other neighbors would try to shoot them if they Tried to make contact. Plus, If they Just Emailed, or took over our television, or used any form of our current many of us would really take it seriously?

However, if The stalks in a wheat field were all broken evenly and bent into place and it was impossible for joe bloe to recreate it.. wouldnt that be a good sign that maybe there is something strange going on here and we should pay attention?

I see your reasoning completely Preest, but maybe regular forms of media are too commonly used and tend to get overlooked, or debunked.

Instructions or not, they are still pretty frickin Cool.

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by Bluecollar
How many Alien Neighbors Do you have? And How many other neighbors would try to shoot them if they Tried to make contact. Plus, If they Just Emailed, or took over our television, or used any form of our current many of us would really take it seriously?

However, if The stalks in a wheat field were all broken evenly and bent into place and it was impossible for joe bloe to recreate it.. wouldnt that be a good sign that maybe there is something strange going on here and we should pay attention?

I see your reasoning completely Preest, but maybe regular forms of media are too commonly used and tend to get overlooked, or debunked.

Instructions or not, they are still pretty frickin Cool.
First of all...I find crop circles intriguing...I also find M. Night Shyamalans "Signs" intriguing too...but I don't confuse them.

It doesn't make sense for an advanced species to use a series of patterns in fields as a form of communication amongst their own kind...nor does it make sense that that would be their selected mode of Earthly introduction.

Are you able to decipher the crop circles meaning? If you can't then their campaign doesn't seem to be doing so well because probably 90% has no idea what they are...the rest of the 10% are crazy and insist they do understand them.

Doesn't seem to be the strategic and advanced actions of a species advanced enough to actually visit Earth does it?

Once again...I don't make smoke signals to let my family know 40 miles away that I'm coming? I simply call or email them...why would an advanced species take the time to create patterns nobody would understand? And why are we so simple to assume men couldn't have created those crop circles? Man has accomplished far more in history wouldn't you say?

I'm not denying the mystery of crop circles...I'm simply saying it's far less logical for aliens to leave them for us let alone themselves.

I can just see the crazies imagining their Mel Gibson and how they plan to decode the circles and defeat the alien invasion

[Edited on 4-27-2004 by Preest]

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 10:56 AM
Ok, im no expert at all, but my point is, If they use anything that is easy to understand, I would assume that there wouldnt be many people taking it seriously, thats all.

...and most of my neighbors are weird enough to be considered aliens...But i think thats just crack withdrawals.

How would You approach a planet for a first contact?

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 11:17 AM
I personally don't think they are messages in the same form as we would send an email to each other, but more along the lines of what someone said earlier .... markers, like most i personally don't always remember street names, but i can easily remember markers like th e local diner or the library can give a person a general idea.

also they could be informational markers, warning signs etc, etc.

just my opinion

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by Bluecollar
How would You approach a planet for a first contact?
I would start by ascertaining the state of their religions, governments and cultures. I would take my time to understand the languages of the most important governments & culture(s). I would then work on gaining direct access to their communications and information systems. After the connection has been made I would slowly disseminate information on my species, my world, the worlds governments and religious beliefs. Once a narrative was established I would do what most red blooded American politicans would do...send in somebody else just in case they're hostile.

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by wpetito
I personally don't think they are messages in the same form as we would send an email to each other, but more along the lines of what someone said earlier .... markers, like most i personally don't always remember street names, but i can easily remember markers like th e local diner or the library can give a person a general idea.

also they could be informational markers, warning signs etc, etc.

just my opinion
Many people don't realize this but the U.S. Navy have the oceans of the world mapped out in their nav systems. They punch in a coordinate and they're on their way. That coordinate can be accessed further to provide information on the geology of the area and the weather conditions of that area. The Air Force has this same capability...right on their computer screen...they can access this information as well as send/share it with others. They know where "hot spots" are and they know what the weather is...every part of this earth is mapped and the coordinates are stored within our technology.

Are we to believe that an advanced lifeform has traveled what very well may be hundreds of light years to visit Earth to leave primitive markers used for communication? Shouldn't we assume that beings so advanced as to travel great distances would be advanced enough to use technological mapping and coordinates and not corn field patterns?

If they were left for us...once advanced are they to leave markings we can't understand and that we could duplicate? It also doesn't make sense for these signs to be left for US...when, for the most part, none of us are able to see them from the air to even "read" them?

Nah...common sense doesn't answer everything but in this case...I see human fingerprints all over crop circles...they should be appreciated for what they are...beautiful works of art...not alien stop signs.

[Edited on 4-27-2004 by Preest]

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 03:28 PM
i like the marker idea. like when treckers in the wilderness leave signs made of sticks and stones to relay information they leave a crop circle which can be scanned from space. and why use this method, maybe its just custom to them.

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by kode
i like the marker idea. like when treckers in the wilderness leave signs made of sticks and stones to relay information they leave a crop circle which can be scanned from space. and why use this method, maybe its just custom to them.
I know many of you like this alien marker theory...and I'm sure many of you are big fans of the movie "Signs" and won't admit it...the problem is it just doesn't make sense for an advanced intelligent species with space travel capabilities to leave "markers" when a technology (which we could assume) is far more advanced then anything own GPS/navigation systems could compare to.

Do they also stick their arms out of the windows of their UFO's to shoot us turn signals also? Hey maybe they have drivers licenses?

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 04:17 PM
Custom. maybe they do use other forms of communications. but lets face it you know how old timers like to do things the old fashioned way. we have all kinds of modern day survival equipment but we still keep the old and tested ones and practice them just in case.

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by kode
Custom. maybe they do use other forms of communications. but lets face it you know how old timers like to do things the old fashioned way. we have all kinds of modern day survival equipment but we still keep the old and tested ones and practice them just in case.
All of that is passing what common sense tells you...IF aliens are real...and IF they visit the Earth...would they really hazard deep space travel with technology advanced perhaps hundreds of years ahead of us...all to defile fields with geometric symbols that many humans have already admitted to?



posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 04:27 PM
[Edited on 21-5-2004 by megoquest]

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 08:14 PM
Perhaps the aliens are not transmitting information to their own kind, but perhaps another kind? There are probably millions more alien species than we have guessed. It's like being in Japan (for some reason) and not speaking a word of Japanese. You can show someone a picture of where you want to go, and they'll probably direct you. Yeah...

posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 05:25 AM
One concept.... maybe they are not meant for us. They are huge, so easily seen from the sky.. Maybe they are sort of warnings for others to stay away from us... ha ha Or... relaying some other message not meant for us. It does not reason that an advanced civilization would even want to contact us... Depending on them. Heck really we are a destructive society. If they just showed up in a space ship do you think the chances are we would attack them out of panic or embrace them? That itself is probably 50/50 eh?

Just a though.....

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