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posted on May, 8 2009 @ 03:32 PM
I keep waking up suddenly at around 3am (quite often 3:33) and then I hear two load knocks.

The knocks are on something wooden and are in the room, I look around but can't see anything. I have then laid awake for a while but nothing else happens.

This used to happen to me as a teenager at about 10pm.

I had a search and the only other related post I could find was this.

Numbers and their significance

Any ideas?

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by lightchild

Well, it could be a water heater going thru a cycle (hence the same time)...or some appliance that goes on/off at that moment.

Or you could be a having a paranormal experience...say a ghost with a knack for being on time!


posted on May, 8 2009 @ 03:50 PM
What do you think it is that used to knock twice at 10pm when you were a teenager which now knocks at 3am?

What answer would you like to hear?

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by chapter29

Where I used to live as a teenager only had two gas fires downstairs and a gas water heater which only switched on with the hot water tap.
In my current home the gas heating and hot water go off at 11:00pm.

The noise wasn't a pipe banging, but a load rapping on wood. It sounded as though it was on a wooden cupboard the other side of the bed.

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by breakingdradles

The answer I would like to hear is the truth.

I am not sure what is causing it, which is why I posted here.
Whatever it is either rational or paranormal.

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by lightchild
reply to post by breakingdradles

The answer I would like to hear is the truth.

I am not sure what is causing it, which is why I posted here.
Whatever it is either rational or paranormal.

I'm not sure either, and I'm not sure anyone will be able to tell you what it is.

Good luck on your search though, if it has been happening this long, why have you not set up a camera?

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 04:15 PM
It hasn't happened for years and just started again a couple of nights ago.

Last night the moon was very bright and lit up my room quite well and I could see nothing there to cause the knocking.

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by lightchild

Are you by any chance drawing closer to "God"? If so..... the timing and the activity might be associated with "those" who would prefer that you cease and desist your search for "Truth".

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by lightchild

What do you think it was?

Second line, I've had enough points deducted for a while lol.

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 08:07 PM
The only other place I have heard of any kind of strange knocking was in a few of Whitley Striebers Non-fiction books. I believe they are Breakthrough, Transformation and The communion letters.

It talks of either him or other people hearing three series of three knocks for a total of nine knocks and they are spaced perfectly even as if it was being done by a machine.

That said, Everynow and then the tv in my room makes a loud popping noise, as if the case is adjusting a bit. It does that almost everynight.

That is all I contribute, That is all I have heard about any type of strange knocks.

Although the other day, I was back in my room and I heard coming from the other room three loud knocks (not evenly spaced) and I assumed it was my door but there was no one there.

Oh well.

Hey, thank you for sharing this with us.

posted on May, 9 2009 @ 03:20 AM
Three am is known as 'happy hour' for the dead.
Paranormal activity for NCE's (non corporeal entities' )will highten between 3am and sunrise. (reason unknown)

Knocking could be communicating. Simply ask, is there someone there please knock twice for yes, and then if they answer give them the NO option as one knock for answering your questions. If it can knock to get your attention it can certainly knock to answer your questions. If it doesnt answer, nothing there.

If you get a response, ask did they live there, or are they someone you know, but If you dont want it there, just ask it nicely and firmly to leave as you have got their message but this is your home and they cannot stay any longer as they have died. Never need to be scared
the strength of you (not fearful) is what controls your home space and can 'evict' them.

I would first check your pipes though. Structural should always be your first option.

Let us know how you go

posted on May, 9 2009 @ 03:50 AM
This happened to my grandmother. It was always same time of night, same part of the wall. It bothered her for a few years before she started asking neighbors who had lived there longer. One woman was in her late 90s and had lived on that block for 70-some years. She had pictures of the inside of the house my grandmother was living in from a little after WW2, and several of them were of an amazing mural of a forest painted on that wall by the oldest son of the family who later died in Germany. The people before my grandmother had painted over it and ended up leaving because they thought they had a poltergeist.

Sorry to be anticlimactic, but maybe if you figure out exactly where the knocking is you can figure it out a little better.

posted on May, 9 2009 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by lightchild

I keep waking up suddenly at around 3am (quite often 3:33) and then I hear two load knocks.

I myself have been awakening 'suddenly' at odd hours of the early morning, usually around 3 or 4.

When it first started happening, for some reason I suspected our neighbor who lives in the apartment immediately below us. The first time it happened, the idea just 'came into my head' and I don't know why, of some kind of a 'dish antenna' set up in the apartment beneath us, beaming who knows what up through the floor into my body ...

In hindsight, I've decided those initial 'wacky ideas' were due only to the fact that the couple beneath us are German nationals who moved in a few months after we did, always speak German amongst themselves, but are both fluent in English too. They are both 'engineers of some type' over at the university ...

Also, they drive the same make, model, year, and color of car I drive, but what really 'puts the icing on the cake' is that the four digits on their car's licence plate are the last four digits of my social security number - in order !

I am not making this up !!

Anyway, I looked into all this 'knocking' at night, and was only able to find the following. In the spirit of 'synchronicity' I offer my findings here, for whatever they are worth -

Of course, at this point, the following clip is provided for my own 'benefit' in anticipation of your response ( or lack thereof ), although I'd like to say again, I really meant well with first two clips -

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 02:37 PM
Hi Everyone,

Thank you for all your replies.

It has stopped happening now, If it starts again I will post a message.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 12:24 PM
I am unable to help you in your search for a source or a cause, but I can offer sympathy as someone with an identical experience.
For those trying to help you find an answer, I think that it is something completely internal possibly spiritual. In my experiences the knocking was loud, and near, quite possibly just in the head. And the occurance at 3:33 was consistent.
And seems to come in waves(as in for a time it happens alot, then a few years later it starts happening agian) also it was not related to one specific location nor could it be associated with any specific object as I have in the past traveled light and left all possesions behind. So the only comonality in my case which does sound just like yours (oh, but I always hear 3 knocks), was myself.


[edit on 14-5-2009 by Xcouncil=wisdom]

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by chapter29
reply to post by lightchild

Well, it could be a water heater going thru a cycle (hence the same time)...or some appliance that goes on/off at that moment.

Or you could be a having a paranormal experience...say a ghost with a knack for being on time!

This is pretty spot on if there is an explanation.

There is one room we have in the hospital that knocks in the middle of the night at the same time every night.

The light sleepers that have been in that room sometimes freak out about it and the new staff are always stumped asking if someone died in that room lol.

It's from the water heater and it sounds like someone is knocking on the wall. Can be very deceptive especially on some nights it will be louder than others.

If there are pipes anywhere near the wall or ceiling they can also make a knocking sound that sounds almost identical to the heater. (we have a hallway with knocking pipes at night around the same time as the water heater does it and at times sounds almost identical.)

The only thing is it can suck if your trying to sleep and are a light sleeper.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by lightchild
I keep waking up suddenly at around 3am (quite often 3:33) and then I hear two load knocks.

The knocks are on something wooden and are in the room, I look around but can't see anything. I have then laid awake for a while but nothing else happens.

This used to happen to me as a teenager at about 10pm.

I had a search and the only other related post I could find was this.

Numbers and their significance

Any ideas?

3am is regarded as the Witching hour.
It's the hour of the dead, the hour when spirits/entities roam about/are at there peak.
Usually malevolent ones. As 3pm is regarded as the time of death of Jesus Christ, 3am is the inverted meaning.

I'm guessing it's a demon, as I've had one in my room before.
Next time it happens, ask it to knock twice again if there is something there.
It probably will.

No matter how you feel, never feel like it can overpower you,
never panic/fear it. Otherwise it'll work on that.


posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by lightchild
I keep waking up suddenly at around 3am (quite often 3:33) and then I hear two load knocks.

The knocks are on something wooden and are in the room, I look around but can't see anything. I have then laid awake for a while but nothing else happens.

This used to happen to me as a teenager at about 10pm.

I had a search and the only other related post I could find was this.

Numbers and their significance

Any ideas?

Hi lightchild/

the Hour of 3 as you speak is known to some as the''demons '' hour,being more active.
The Hour of death...Jesus Christ crucifixtion.
Jesus Christ destroyed DEATH(Genesis)by His Resurrection, and therefore demons are pretty mad.
That is why prayers are said at this time(ancient Christianity....Mount Athos)and right throughout the day...

The knocking thing?
Could it be related to what Christ said..
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you" (Matthew 7:7)
Demons use scripture .....many abduction cases U.F.O. related...have witnessed aliens speak as an authority figure eg/My will , will be done...(in place of Gods will)many more,another is ''we are the ''ancient ones''refering to Bible as Satan being the Ancient one.
Out of body experiences....The lowest spiritual world is inhabited by demons, which is earth.
why do demons use Scripture?
To Ridicule God.

quote///“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but test the spirits whether they are of God” (1 Jn. 4:1-3)
Ask yourself if you are worthy to see God or His angels!
In the life of Saints....all were humble and used prayer and fasting...they still considered themselves 'Unworthy'...and many were able to see demons.
hope that helps a bit,
take care,

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 09:55 AM
As someone who has investigated hauntings in the past and has actually had a intelligent two way conversation with something which rapped on the walls and ceilings in Englands most haunted house, let me give you this advice. Advice which the late great paranormal investigator, Maurice grosse, took while investigating the Enfield poltergeist. "Knock back. . !"
If it something trying to make contact then it will grasp the opportunity with both hands. If it is, like I suspect, something mundane and normal seen or heard out of context then it will simply continue. If it does why not start to move the wooden furniture about your room? That way you'll be able to work out just where the noises are coming from.
Hope I've been of some help.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 10:37 AM
You may consider that you have rats or other vermin in your home. I had, when I was younger, multple occurances which could only be described as paranormal; specifically, at almost exactly 10:00pm (just as in your case) there were footsteps in the attic. My mother was convinced that it was the devil (yes, shes that sort of christian), whereas I was simply afraid. The steps could only be heard from within my room, and were heard by several other people before the occurances stopped in May of '07. There is a longer story here, but suffice to say that I didn't have friends over to stay the night anymore, lol.

Last year we began hearing noises yet again, only it sounded more like knocking; these sounds were only at night, and occured at either 11:00pm or 3:00am. We discovered after a chance sighting that a mother rat had given birth in one of our walls, and that we were simply hearing them wake, move, and feed at certain times. You'd be surprised how punctual a rat family can be, believe me.

Therefore, before you do as I briefly did and start believing that your childhood bogeyman has returned, I suggest you search the premises quite thoroughly for vermin.

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