posted on May, 8 2009 @ 03:44 PM
Police escort loads all the time if the load is Really big or wide.
I worked for a heavy haul and rigging company called Powerlift & Rigging, inc. hardest work ive ever done, hands down. we had a trailer with 13 axels
that each wheel was hydraulically controlled by a computer. nasty stuff
we did all kinds of stuff from plastic injection moulding machines to power transformers (not the ones on poles, the ones in the plant that weigh 300
a few of our loads were so big we couldnt use the overpass, so sherrifs shut down the interstate so we could go down the on ramp cross plywood over
the median and back up the off ramp to continue on the way.
night driving is very common for heavy loads. most "idiots" (people who can barely drive a 4-wheeler) wont be on the road, and its easier to conceal
what you are pulling if you are overweight and dont have a permit (hehehe shhhhhhh).
these dont look very heavy from their speed, and obvious size. i have seen the rods in plastics machines (which is like a big gear with a driveshaft
on it) weigh 150,000 lbs, and its about the size of these and that truck/trailer is pretty weak-sauce. i doubt they weigh over 80 - 90,000. weight
restrictions on the road wont allow anyone to travel without a permit if your load + truck/trailer weigh more than 80,000 on the roads. i think they
are just too wide for the road.
the "saucers" look like the top to a tank or something. could also be a base to a tall pole maybe? looks like there are bolts going around the top
of it to secure something down on it, or it down to something
only thing is im not sure about, is why the cops are freaking out so much over radio. and tarps are expensive, BUT they could have covered it easily
with 1 or 2 medium tarps. probably left them off because they werent going that far, or the weather was nice and no need to bother.
trust me they would have tarped it if they were hiding something. its an extra 20 minutes, and after working for hours or days to get it loaded, 20
minutes isnt anything. a good tarp job is also like a nicely wrapped present, shows professionalism.
im going to watch these a few more times and edit my post if i find something more.
[edit on 5/8/2009 by mahtoosacks]
[edit on 5/8/2009 by mahtoosacks]