posted on May, 8 2009 @ 08:18 PM
Creation itself is nothing more than a hologram, or a virtual reality of sorts. A field of information. Think of it as a program. A program
that is based on logic, and logic sets forth rules and laws. In the beginning, there was "the word". The word is the logic, the rules, the
start of the program.
But what is the observer? What is consciousness? What does it mean to be? These are things logic can't give at all. Consciousness is that which
creates logic, and this reality is based on logic, rules and laws. It's all action and reaction, repeatable over and over, consistent and so on.
The realm of science, is the study of creation. But it takes a scientist, the consciousness within him in order to understand it. Without the
scientist, there is no science. Because logic is just following the pattern, it doesn't observe, it doesn't feel, it just follows the laws.
Consciousness doesn't follow action and reaction. It is able to reason, and have choice. It is not of this creation. Science ignores it because
it is not equipped to deal with it. Can't get it to repeat things 99% of the time in a lab.
AI and robots etc are just things working on the laws of action and reaction. You can make complex things if you understand action and reaction well
enough, our bodies are prime examples. In movies where these things become like humans is when some "miracle" happens and they gain consciousness,
the gain a soul basically.
So there is creation and creator. What is being observed, and that which observes it. I think, therefore I am. To be, or not to be.
In the bible there is mention of 2 births. 1 birth is the physical, the other birth is your soul. The physical birth is of your parents, and of
your flesh. From the dust of the earth. Based on logic. The other birth is the soul, that which is of god. And that is where the consciousness
comes from, that is what "you" truly are.
So, it's like if you play a video game. You are not your character, you are the consciousness behind the character. Your character may die, but
you don't die. Can't kill the consciousness, because it's not of this creation. Just like can't kill you in a video game, because you are not
part of the video game. But don't take my word for it, find out for yourself.
But when you see the possibilities of what you can do in a video game, well that's pretty much what you can get in creation. Nothing more than a
pixel of light or whatever. They follow the rules and logic of the program, just like a video game, but what those laws and rules are can change from
game to game, from experience to experience.
And as the father(god) is said to be all knowing, this means that all things which are possible do exist(yes, even purple flying elephants), and they
exist all at the same time. It's just a matter of what becomes a reality for your experience. Because it's really all just information. Thus
why things like knowledge and wisdom are more valuable than gold and so forth. Because it's about like people who go crazy over gold in a video
In order to have this experience of life the way it is, it requires the consciousness to not have knowledge of everything. Thus, god "dumbs"
himself down and creates you. The son/daughter of the father, who is much greater than all of us because we can not possible come to terms with all
that is known. Can't very well have a poker game if everyone is all knowing and knows what all the cards are. Thats why if you kill someone,
it's a sin against god, rather than just breaking a rule.
So there are other experiences, and I suppose one can go on to those experiences. However, in order to have those experiences one must be in
"sync" with them. For example, if you steal, then by default you can't live in a society without theft. Your very presence rules out the
possibility for it.
There is a path you make across the information/universe. Based on your choices etc. It's not a linear reality set in stone, it's like a choose
your own adventure book. This is part of free will and such, I can go into more detail if you want. I've talked about these things before, so you
may have already read them.
Consciousness creates logic, consciousness comes "first", but consciousness is eternal and always has been, always will be. So consciousness came
before both the chicken and the egg.
[edit on 8-5-2009 by badmedia]