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UK Doctors Warned to Prepare for “Much Worse” Flu Outbreak in Autumn

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posted on May, 8 2009 @ 12:08 PM

Doctors are being warned to prepare for a second, "much worse" wave of swine flu hitting Britain in the autumn, the Health Secretary has disclosed.

Alan Johnson said that the lesson of past pandemics was that initially mild outbreaks had been followed by something "much more serious".

His comments came as the number of confirmed cases of swine flu in Britain rose to 18, including two children, with as many as 716 possible patients now being tested.

Full Article Here

Well this is for Europe not for the U.S. ... but still who knows? it could get much worse in the U.S. as well ... interesting that they say it'll be in Autumn ... why not the summer, is it going on vacation?

what are your thoughts?

[edit on 8-5-2009 by baseball101]

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 12:15 PM
We have heard alot about this possibility but as it stands, there is really no way of knowing if this WILL happen so really it's all speculation at the moment , although alot of people think it "very likely".

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by baseball101

Doctors are being warned to prepare for a second, "much worse" wave of swine flu hitting Britain in the autumn, the Health Secretary has disclosed.

Alan Johnson said that the lesson of past pandemics was that initially mild outbreaks had been followed by something "much more serious".

His comments came as the number of confirmed cases of swine flu in Britain rose to 18, including two children, with as many as 716 possible patients now being tested.

Full Article Here

Well this is for Europe not for the U.S. ... but still who knows? it could get much worse in the U.S. as well ... interesting that they say it'll be in Autumn ... why not the summer, is it going on vacation?

what are your thought?

Here is my problem with this story though. Or with the WHOLE flu outbreak in the first place. I just saw where nearly 1400 confirmed cases and 45 deaths have occured. How long has this 'flu' been going on now? Three weeks? Let's just say 21 days. That's little more than 2 a day dead from this and around 67 cases a day.

Now, let's take a look at the United States last year. 36,000 people DIED from the flu. That's roughly 100 a day!!!!

Do you see what I am getting at? It's a flipping hyped up story to scare people and to distract. It's a nasty flu. I won't deny that. However, the flu is the flu. If it is genetically engineered or not. Yet it has barely put a dent in the U.S. numbers from last year alone. And those 45 dead have only ONE woman from the U.S. So if I really wanted to break it down the numbers are even worse.

It's the flu people. The masks you see on TV are meant to impress you with a feeling of fear and despair. They are the perfect distraction while the real disaster takes place around our heads with the financial collapse of the worlds economy. While more and more liberties get stripped.

Edit to add: Much worse? Anything happening in the autumn will actually be much worse because right now it's not bad!

[edit on 8-5-2009 by dariousg]

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 02:00 PM
This is how the Spanish Flu in 1918 worked.

Slow start in the spring, mutated and was a killer by fall.

If this is not a virus that mutated naturally, and you wanted to release a pandemic and not get caught...

What better way then to follow the history books and release the real, deadly strain in the fall like history shows the Spanish Flu did?

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by dariousg

But that is what he is saying! 67 cases a day is nothing compared to what will become normal come autumn.


From March to September there are very few deaths. in September at least 64 men die in one state from the flu. By October states begin recording death tolls around 200 in a single day.

By the end of October? 195,000 Americans had died because of the flu. or the vaccines or whatever.

This is what the man is warning about. Your argument could have been made in May of 1918 as well, and come autumn you could be dead.

Come autumn the number could jump from hundreds to 50,000 in a course of a few weeks. Then what? You will scream OMG more people have died this month from the flu than die in an entire year from the normal flu! Give me a shot, quick!

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 02:07 PM
It doesn't "go on vacation" but there is a standard "Flu Season" that has a lot of factors contributing to it, sunlight being the main one. Many viruses are destroyed by UV rays from the sun, so the chance of communicating the disease is a lot lower when UV rays are high. Immune systems are higher when people are absorbing sunlight through their skin and eyes. Many people get out of their homes and buildings in the summer, so you don't have as much "institution" affect.

The flu will be in the southern hemisphere during their winter, honing its skills, morphing its DNA, and conspiring with its avian buddies, just waiting to come back at us next fall, so in effect, I guess it is vacationing in the southern hemisphere for now.

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 02:07 PM
From what i have heard the Winter flu vaccine will be placed aside in order to give those at major risk the Vaccine for swine flu (if ready in time)

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 06:59 AM
I read on CNN and Reuters only yesterday- a story that said there may be SOME immunity for those who survived the 1918 pandemic (are any still alive? a few?) and subsequent H1N1 outbreaks- that ther may be some protection for these demographics. Today- all references to those articles are down- irretrieveable. I was clear-headed and sober when I read the articles, and now I can't find them.

What's going on? My only guess is that it is KNOWN that this will be like 1918 and no one has the ***** to say it.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 08:03 AM
They should know since they are the ones working day and night to bring it about.

So sorry the last one went kaput. tsk tsk tsk.

How embarassing to label something a level 5 pandemic and have not one single death.

Should we say "better luck next time," to the murdering Luciferian eugenicists working in their labs? Or rather, may you all literally fall into the literal graves you have dug for us, may your literal bodies literally filly the literal plastic coffins you have bought for us, and may you be the ones rounded up into the FEMA camps and torture dungeons you have built for us.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by baseball101

Well this is for Europe not for the U.S. ... but still who knows? it could get much worse in the U.S. as well ... interesting that they say it'll be in Autumn ... why not the summer, is it going on vacation?

Good ref article.

Pandemics affect the whole world, so the spread is significant to everyone, everywhere.

As the virus spreads round the world it meets up with and potentially merges with other diseases to create more deadly and virulent strains. When this happens, which it will, sooner or later, we're in deep doodoo.

Heat kills viruses, so they don't spread well in winter or hot climates. They like cold. Right now, all eyes are on the Southern Hemisphere because winter is starting there. Bets say H1N1 swine flu is gathering strength and new, deadlier properties in the Southern Hemisphere as we speak.

So no, it's not on vacation - it's mutating and evolving in a more agreeable (colder) climate.


posted on May, 12 2009 @ 04:22 AM
WHO gave a full "analysis" of the situation as of this evening. Note how the last 2 or 3 sentences deal with the practical assumption that the virus will mutate this autumn, and recombine with H5N1- they're holding out Level 6 until Sept or Oct in the N. Hemisphere is my speculation:


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