posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 12:33 AM
I know how & why the magnetic North Pole is not going to be stretched, lol! Einstein was incorrect; it has little or nothign to do with the
Earth's crust moving indpendently from its core. And yes, i'm about to prove it but back to autism:
I might know why so many more people have autism; remember it affects more boys than girls and a female brain is designed to process emotion
differently than the male brain. It has to do with an injury discrimination causes for if you practice anything past a point of completion you
eventually see children being harmed. Obesity in children is an example of this. Discrimination can result in an emotional injury that is then
realized as a physical injury - if it is severe enough. I truly believe you are now seeing the endemic discrimination of women realized past a point
of completion thus it is affecting children in utero and is being realized as a physical injury.
What I'm still asking myself is Why these kids seem to be fine until a certain point after birth, as unless I meet the parents and observe the
environment I cannot know if any common markers are present. I believe you can 'heal''s possible...I also know autistic kids do share
some common traits with those who are said ot be geniuses in terms of how they can use meomry and imagination - how they visualize things - and I do
know geniuses do not sleep as much as the average person or so my research shows BUT
Please stop others from claiming Einstein and Jefferson were austistic! I hear this all the time now. LOL: Both of those men thought like women - in
wholes! They were not autistic! Someone even said of Jefferson that his need for emotional validation was feminine like. When men hit a dead end and
fail to reason women into the equation they begin making up nonsense and labeling what is female "defective". So now we're all autistic??? By our
very natures??? That's just silly!
It is an evolutionary marker as in all things happen for a reason...if we are about to realize more than ten percent brain usage which we are then why
wouldn't autism preceed that? You have the injury and then you have awareness of it and then you solve it...finally you have that change, actual
evolution itself as we begin to create a new form to accomodate new abilities. Darwin failed to reason spiritual or metaphysical evolution; he failed
to reason human consciousness evolving. Think of it as the ASCENT not descent of man.
And think of Neanderthals dying out in France. In one of the last places they were on Earth you find stunning 3D representations of life such as
running animals. Those people devolped a new ability, seeing and then recreating in 3D, and so could create art that was very lifelike, like nothing
they created previously. Then they were gone...or were they? Did they make an evolutionary leap and so begin to create a new form to accomodate that
new ability? A form very close to what we are today then appeared.
It's as if they came to have God or creator awareness thus they created actual art and so the human form followed suit.
BTW: A magnetic Pole flip or shift is not the same thing as a pole shift itself. Earth will correct it's 23.5 degree tilt and that has more to do
with volcanology and the core and crust moving indpendently. A massive volocanic eruption in Italy as big or bigger than Krakatoa would cause a pole
shift and would cause a major dispruption in the Earth's field...if your brain is walloped by electromagentism what can happen to you is what can
happen to a person who has a seizure: your memory is wiped away, as if it is erased. For most people this is only temporary but what if the current
was very, very strong, stronger than anything a seizure produces? I'll tell you what would happen: Exactly what Native Americans say:
People would walk around as if insane.