posted on May, 7 2009 @ 11:23 PM
I work 45 hours a week and nearly all my wages go on food, house, car, fuel etc… Now I know many people that have been on the dowl for many years
they are able to work but decide not to. They have money each week for food and bills. They have there rent paid for, prescriptions paid for etc etc..
I often think to my self who’s the mug me or them?
If I was on the dowl I would not need a car, not need fuel, not need to pay rent, not need to pay for prescriptions ETC ETC…
I personally feel that dowl dossers should be made to do work 4 hours a day. Maybe cleaning the streets? Or even start a campaign to help struggling
businesses with cheap labour for exchange for the dowl money the person receives. (helps hard up business’s and makes the system fairer for us tax
It seems to me that if I was a woman with a child I would be looked after by the system and if i have 3 or more children damn i wouldnt be doing to
bad (3 bedded house etc..), but as I am a bloke, damn it’s a struggle to get by each month, and I am not on a bad salary.
Any other hard working grafters here that feel that the system needs a face lift!
[edit on 7-5-2009 by theflashor]