reply to post by JacobNH
A lot of people today, especially with all the New Age as such "Guru's" and spiritual propaganda out there, unfortunately do as you have Jacob and
think that "meditating" or visualising chakra's is what meditation is about.
Many think you need to have amazing and vivid "visions" etc, both of the subtle energy bodies and "Beings".
This is a part of it, but real, true and the best meditation is not based on this. When we day dream or remember a time in the past in the past are we
meditating? No, just using our imagination and following, chasing if you like one thought after another.
So I will teach you to meditate properly for your amount of time doing it.
At the end I will let you know the real Secret to what advanced meditation is about and how to do it, what the yogi's and advanced practitioners,
what Buddha spent most of his meditative time doing, the absolute fundemental way to be in tune with the cosmos and all that is, to gain enlightenment
if practised enough.
First though you must relax, and once ive shown you below how to do that, reply to this post when you have managed first to do what I say on this
post, and I will reply then when you are ready by following this first step with the secret and real special instructions on very deep and powerful
meditation well beyond any chakra's or channelling or LOA type things, ok?
I promise you when I show you the secret, ancient way it is passed down directly from a disciple of the Buddha the ultimate meditation master,
unbroken Master to Student to this day, That Lineage of information on this secret practise I garuntee is true.
But first as I said this wont work at all, and you cant do the "special" one until you first relax as it messes up the chakra energies and such
So I would like you to as you say sit in the Lotus posture, but not the full one the Half one is better unless you have been doing body yoga for many
years. Do the half one for now and maybe change later OK? If though this is uncomfortable just sit cross legged.
So sit like that, with a cushion or pillow under your Bum/Buttocks so it is higher than your knees.
Keep your back straight but not too rigid, have your pelvis tipped forward as such, and your neck slightly tilted forward, your head slightly looking
Make sure the tip of your tongue is on the roof of your mouth just behind, or depending on how long your tongue is
lol touching too the back of
your front teeth!
Place both hands on your knees, or your right hand on top of the palm of your left hand, both facing upwards resting on your lap just below your belly
button, with the thumbs just touching making an inverted V .
Got that?
Ok now then if it feels more comfy open your mouth slightly too, and keep your eyes open, this is especially important, don't be worried bout
blinking, just start relaxing now you are in that type of position.
Take 3 long deep breaths in through your mouth and out through your mouth, really fill up, and empty your lungs, and as you breath out imagine all the
stress leaving you, tension fading away.
After those 3 long breaths you will probably find that you may need to get more comfy again to relax a bit more, so just stay in this position and let
all the tension leave your body, all the stress.
Now to relax properly so that you will be ready once doing the following, and replying for the real ancient instructions directly from the Buddha.
Do as I said above and now just fix your gaze in a relaxed way just past your nose the tip of your nose about and arms length away from your body, now
to relax properly first before meditating, and as done by the Yogi's you want to don't let that sight of the room blur away, blink as normal and
relax, and just breath normally, but
As you breath feel the air coming into your nostrils, it is best to relax and focus on the feeling of the air inside the right nostril as you breath
in, feel it enter you, and then just breath out through your nostrils again and feel the air flow back out past the same spot.
Once this happens and youve finished breathing out, count 1 to yourself in your mind as such, go back to focusing on breathing in again, the sensation
in your right nostril, in and out, and count to 2, let go and relax about 2 and numbers and do the process again.
If you get distracted or start thinking about the past or the future, imagining things, wondering about how long it will take etc, or loose count,
it's ok and normal just come back in your mind to your breath, that spot in your nostril, feel it, and start again at 1.
Do this until you really genuinely keep your mind on this and complete it for 21 counts.
So this is the main part of getting really ready to relax properly so you can then be ready to really meditate at advanced levels.
Do the above then, and it is vitally important you can keep relaxed but focused on this from one to 21 before the next bit. Otherwise you are only
kidding yourself and the secret meditation wont work.
The next bit then gets you "In the Zone" so you will be relaxed enough to do it properly, do the 21 as above, in that posture after 21 is reached
just relax and dont focus on your breath anymore, just breath naturally, relax, just sit there and relax yourself, keep your eyes looking as said
slightly down just past the tip of your nose not looking at anything in particular, and just be in the present. If thoughts about what am i going to
do later, or am I realxing properly, or what made that noise and your mind goes and makes a story, as we all do, dont worry, just relax and watch
those thoughts and feelings.
Its no use trying to push away a train of thought thinking this isnt relaxing as im imagining, or thinking if it happens this feels nice and looking
for more, just be aware of them and dont put any "Good" or "bad" labels or thought's on top of those thoughts. Relax and be awake and let your
mind do what it does without looking for anything, expecting anything pushing away or holding on to any "good" or "bad" thoughts or feelings that
you have. Relax and when the mind wanders and you become aware of it doing it, let it go, and just relax and be awake and come back to the now.
Once you have genuinely done all of the above as described with at least 5 mins of the second part just sitting and relaxing after counting the breath
in one session, you will be ready for the ultimate Chakra and ancient special meditation technique.
So post a reply here once you have done that, telling me what it was like and then I will give the actual advanced Tantric Mahayana Yogic Technique as
used by all who really master their Chakras and such like.
Looking forward to you sharing your experiences of relaxing to get ready, I remember when I first did these as described above to get ready and what
it was like, and telling you the next bit.
Love and Light.
edit to add, any long time, or even slightly experienced meditators will please think before pressing submit, and adding any more until after I
have replied to Jacob?
And be especially wary about quoting or trashing anything ive said until they see what jacob's experiences themselves first, and not put any
EXPECTATIONS on him or what ive stated or have said will reply with
[edit on 7-5-2009 by MischeviousElf]