posted on May, 12 2009 @ 09:58 AM
Jesus Christ!
Part of me wants to say I am not suprised, but I am!
What in the hell do we have to do to get these peoples attention that this is not a game to us? People are starving, dying, losing their families, and
killing themselves over all of this, and they are going to sit there and tell us they arent doing the one thing that we have asked the whole time,
which is to be accountable? These are supposed to be the people who are watching our backs, and yet that c*@# can just sit there and say they have
been sitting on their asses the whole time?
If this is what we should come to expect from the new administration and their persuasiveness over the Reserve, then we are in a lot more trouble than
we can possibly imagine.
Hell they could have asked ATS to do the accounting for them if they were really that hard up, I am sure that not one cent would have escaped the
minds here. What is wrong with this picture?
I pray for our children and what they are going to have to go through.
I think its time to step up the talks and let the Govt. know just how crazy we are all willing to get. This is BS.
edit-from another thread same story.
I love cookies.
[edit on 12-5-2009 by Common Good]