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Who says H1N1 pigs must be kept out of food supply

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posted on May, 7 2009 @ 01:08 PM

* WHO expert says flu viruses can survive freezing
* Blood of H1N1 infected pigs may also contain virus
* Meat from sick pigs or pigs found dead must not be eaten
* Existing food safety, trade checks offer ample protection

By Tan Ee Lyn

HONG KONG, May 6 (Reuters) - Meat from pigs infected with H1N1 flu should not be eaten by humans, a WHO official said on Wednesday, while stressing that existing checks were sufficient to safeguard the food supply from the new virus strain.

Jorgen Schlundt, director of the World Health Organisation's Department of Food Safety, Zoonoses and Foodborne Diseases, said care must be taken to ensure that pigs and their meat were checked for all diseases, including the H1N1 virus that may be present in the blood of infected animals.

reuters Hong Kong

This is the only news source I was able to find for this. Maybe others can find something in the US.

Joint FAO/WHO/OIE Statement on influenza A(H1N1) and the safety of pork
This is the only thing I found at WHO...updated today with no reference to the story.
I don't believe they would have found reason to update if the story was not true

Needless to say I am not comforted by the statement that 'existing checks are sufficient to safeguard the food supply'. Existing checks in what country are sufficient? Does anyone really think they are going to check for H1N1 in pigs going to market considering how long it takes? How many stories have we all read of our tainted food supply. I know heat to 160 kills it but that is not the point. It comes into the home alive.

I have always known it was money first but this is too blatant. I do not want to issue is that it is not reported in MSM in the US...not even with any reassurance as to how it is going to be avoided. I would prefer to make an informed choice. When you hide it, you create suspicion.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 01:15 PM
S&F. Good find.

Reuters is usually on top of things well before anyone else - and is an impeccable source. ...Maybe from a press briefing?

All true, of course. But - don't just cook the H out it - use surgical gloves to handle the meat and disinfect, disinfect.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by soficrow

My concern is they have been all over this saying there is no way to get it from pork now they are saying if it is in pork you can kill it with heat but it may be there before heat is applied. Since this is prominent in most peoples minds right now, where are the safe handling instructions? Many of us know and understand how to handle meat, many others do not and they would listen now.

Also would like to know how and under what circumstances it will be checked.

I guess I am just angry with the about face and the cover up without offering help or instructions to the average citizen.


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