posted on May, 7 2009 @ 12:11 PM
I have read 3 of your threads so far, and love them. The duck one was really sweet, we all need to become ducks and get their attention, for example.
But it really comes down to how real we're being, the consistency between our hearts, minds and spirits. How aware, how awake we are. I'm
wondering, since awareness of love energy, and feeling compassion towards everyone, really feeling the injustices personally, a strong need to try and
help move this planet out of slavery and inequality into an open source, linux type moneyless system where no one falls between the cracks, where the
primary jobs other than parenting, ecological housing, ecologically and ethical food production, education and health are followed with caretaking the
ecosystem of the planet, these area all the markers they look for as well. They look awareness of the current system being wrong and if we can even
envision a strong cooperative, yet free, alternative.
Love is more than the color pink, though that is a vibration, and so I'm wondering if the imagery used in this technique helps connect people to the
higher altruistic thoughts that can bring in the concept of cooperation and caretaking. Because these are things that really up the odds of contact
as well.