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where do all the people come from?

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posted on May, 6 2009 @ 09:35 PM
Yes, I understand the reproductive system and

My question is if we are all spirits expressing life in human form, then where do we come from? If God made human kind (2 originally) then where did their spirit come from? Is our spirit the spirit of God? If we came from the spirit of God then are we in a sense, god?

If God made angels then do they decide to be born as humans which makes some of us angels? How come the population just keeps increasing, is there like a "soul or spirit bank account"?

If the concept of reincarnation is correct, according to a number of spiritual beliefs, then how is it possible that x- amount of humans could possibly have reincarntated to create x to the power of a million, or whatever amount of humans, all with individual spirit and souls? some say beings from other planets could possibly be reincarnated on earth as human in form... and if reincarnation is true then after the first humans were created, or they evolved where did the spirit of their children come from, what source did the childrens spirit incarnate from?

What if humans decided to reincarnate, and instead of living one life experience at a time, they somehow divide their spirit/soul up into like family units, so they can experience lots through many. This would mean that family units could possibly be One entity, accelerating its learning experience expotentially, thereby learning as much as possible about human nature. This theory was my brothers idea. I thought how interesting. That could mean that we are all basically the one spirit subdivided into many parts experiencing life in all its glory.

so G'day to you all (human family) as we might possibly be One being... Or something......mmm, maybe two beings the ying/yang, positive/negative, male/female, god/goddess...I better stop

I love family.

[edit on 6-5-2009 by flashesofblue]

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by flashesofblue

If God made human kind (2 originally) then where did their spirit come from?
so G'day to you all (human family) as we might possibly be One being...
That may be the safe attitude to adopt. Just in case it might be true, it may not be harmful to think of things that way.
When you think about how you are going to respond to people, it may be good to think of that person as being your equal, in a lot of aspects.
Jesus confronted a discrimination in his own country, where certain people liked to think they were better than other classes of people, not recognizing that inside that other person, was the same spirit that was inside them.

[edit on 7-5-2009 by jmdewey60]

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 06:54 AM
its interesting that you should bring up one of the major conradictions of church doctrine.

gen 2:[7] And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

there is absolutely nothing in this passage (or any other passage for that matter) to suggest that humans had a spiritual existence before.

it clearly says adam "became a living soul". this was the beginning of adam. he did not exist before that moment.

what even more interesting is what happened to adam after he died...

[19] In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

adam sinned as so he died. where is he now? nowhere. he doesnt exist. he returned to the state he was before he was born.

so they question is, why does the church continue to propagate the same lie the serpent told, " you positively will not die"?

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by flashesofblue

I think we came someplace beyond.

But IMO I think the Earth is a trap for poor souls only to be deceived, exploited, and destroyed in the end, like most are headed to. You may not be doing yourself a favor or your children a favor by bringing them into this world..

Don't think I'm a NWO agent. If NWO's desire to depopulate Earth to control us better, then why why did they have to wait for the population to balloon to billions(like every man on Earth is working? No!)? Why the media is over-rating families and sex(leading to bigger population, not to mention, spread of venereal diseases)? Don't start me yet on birth control, I've seen it popular in 1st world countries like USA, but in 3rd world, most content of media is sex, very little on birth control...

I suspect that they really want for the population to balloon to billions, then kill a good portion of it and harvest that many souls for their consumption. Also, the bigger the population, the more people die eachy day. Not to mention, the occult energies liberated by killing life.

[edit on 7-5-2009 by ahnggk]

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by miriam0566

so they question is, why does the church continue to propagate the same lie the serpent told, " you positively will not die"?

What church says that? Cause I've never heard that, I've only heard the body dies but the spirit lives on. Come to think of it maybe thats what they ment?

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by dthwraith
What church says that? Cause I've never heard that, I've only heard the body dies but the spirit lives on. Come to think of it maybe thats what they ment?

churchs that claim we have an ¨immortal soul¨

churchs that claim sinners burn forever in hell for example. arent the sinners ¨alive¨ in hell?

granted, the bible does specifically lay out a hope for the dead. so for some, death is not the ¨end¨. but in order to understand biblical phrases like ¨resurrection¨ and ¨everlasting life¨ i think its important to understand what happens when we die.

but most religions (99%) teach that you dont infact die, they teach instead that you change which is basically the same lie the serpent told.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by miriam0566

Ok thanks for clearing that up, now I understand what your syaing. Looks like I fall into the 99%.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by miriam0566

If therefore the spirit lives on, then who's spirit is it that lives on...Is the spirit that of the Creator and our souls are like individual blue prints to define our place in the Creators' all encompassing existence?

why is it that God said that human kind is now like God? Why if eternal life is not an option where we created in the image of God who has eternal life?

Some of the churches that I have attended do;

Quote: "continue to propagate the same lie the serpent told, " you positively will not die"?

If therefor our bodies are the only part that dies, then Who are we?

Are we possibly a reflection of God, expressing the God self and God is experiencing life through us...that makes us Co-creators, with the Spirit of God in our breathe

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by flashesofblue
If therefore the spirit lives on, then who's spirit is it that lives on...Is the spirit that of the Creator and our souls are like individual blue prints to define our place in the Creators' all encompassing existence?

the simple answer really is that the spirit and the soul are not the same thing.

the hebrew word for spirit is "ruach" which literally translates "breath"

[7] And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

so man was given spirit or life, but became a soul.

it can be illustrated with a computer. you can have a hard drive with memories and programs, but it means nothing without electricity to make it run.

you cant call the computer electricity and you can call the electricity the computer.

the same with humans. we are not the spirit, and the spirit is not us. we are the soul that is powered by the spirit.

ezekial 18: [20] The soul that sinneth, it shall die.

so adam "died". he does not exist anymore. who he was and his memories are gone

eccl 9:[5] For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.
[10] Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.

psalms 146:[4] His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.

so the "spirit" (or power) goes forth, but the soul (who we are) dies.

eccl 12:[7] Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

so basically, when we die our spirit returns to god. but it makes no difference to us because we are dead and unable to think.

why is it that God said that human kind is now like God?

god himself answers that question if you finish the sentence

"And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil:"

humankind, by declaring independence from god now could decide what was "good and evil" to them. they decided to make their own rules just like god does.

Why if eternal life is not an option where we created in the image of God who has eternal life?

is god a human?
is god subject to the limitations of the physical universe?
does god need to eat?
does god need to breath

being made in god's image does not mean we have everything god has. while mankind did have the prospect of living forever, it was conditional to the obedience of god's commandments.

Some of the churches that I have attended do;

Quote: "continue to propagate the same lie the serpent told, " you positively will not die"?

If therefor our bodies are the only part that dies, then Who are we?

Are we possibly a reflection of God, expressing the God self and God is experiencing life through us...that makes us Co-creators, with the Spirit of God in our breathe

who says "only" the body dies? the body is all we got LOL

adam sinned, he body died and so did he. the body and soul need each other.

i think it comes from this misconception that spirit creatures are just souls without bodies. they arent.

they are souls with spirit bodies. just like we are souls with fleshly bodies.

1 cor 15 outlines the resurrection from death (nonexistence) from a fleshly body to a spiritual body

again, it all falls down to a lie... "you positively will not die"

[edit on 7-5-2009 by miriam0566]

[edit on 7-5-2009 by miriam0566]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by miriam0566

I dont believe that we ever die. I therefore respect your opinion and thank you for your input. Energy can niether be created nor destroyed only transfered. We are but energy made of molecular structures and atoms all working under the dynamic force of electricity. I know I will never die. We are not just a soul we are also spririt. we are the combination therefore in the image of God we are made, God does not die nor do we.

have a great day

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by flashesofblue
Energy can niether be created nor destroyed only transfered. We are but energy made of molecular structures and atoms all working under the dynamic force of electricity.

i agree, energy can only be changed as far as we know.

however, elemental substances and the abstract constructs they create are worlds apart.

can you still call the ash in the fireplace a tree?

is the twisted cube of metal still considered a car?

is sewage still edible food?

yes, all these things are the same elemental "substance" they were before a change. but that change destroys that abstract identity.

our existence is so entwined with our physical bodies. is it really reasonable to suggest that we are the elemental substances rather than the abstract constructs that are created by our bodies?

is there any reason to believe that our abstract identities (souls, who we are) wont be destroyed at death, when our components break down and change?

it sounds like your entire belief is built on the assumption that we are not our bodies, but instead energy.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by miriam0566

thank you Miriam, sometimes putting things in words and receiving feedback assists in clarification. I consider my body as a mode of transport to the energy that is my being. My body is not me. I exist beyond my body as spirit and my soul is my unique identity. I feed my body and care for it like I would a car. I watch my body deteriorate daily as I age. I see the inevitable transition from this physical form into my other form with out blinking an eye, it is inevitable. I however will never die, just the flesh by which my energy is working within at this stage.
thank you for taking the time to discuss this with me, I appreciate your input.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 04:11 AM
According to the Bible, all humans on earth today are descended from Noah and his wife, his three sons and their wives, and before that from Adam and Eve (Genesis 1-11). But today we have many different groups, often called “races,” with what seem to be greatly differing features. The most obvious of these is skin color. Many see this as a reason to doubt the Bible's record of history. They believe that the various groups could have arisen only by evolving separately over tens of thousands of years. However, as we shall see, this does not follow from the biological evidence.

The Bible tells us how the population that descended from Noah's family had one language and by living in one place were disobeying God's command to “fill the earth” (Genesis 9:1, 11:4). God confused their language, causing a break-up of the population into smaller groups which scattered over the earth (Genesis 11:8-9). Modern genetics show how, following such a break-up of a population, variations in skin color, for example, can develop in only a few generations. There is good evidence that the various people groups we have today have not been separated for huge periods of time.

What is a “race”?

There is really only one race—the human race. The Bible teaches us that God has "made of one blood all nations of men" (Acts 17:26). Scripture distinguishes people by tribal or national groupings, not by skin color or physical appearance. Clearly, though, there are groups of people who have certain features (e.g., skin color) in common, which distinguish them from other groups. We prefer to call these “people groups” rather than “races,” to avoid the evolutionary connotations associated with the word “race.”

All peoples can interbreed and produce fertile offspring. This shows that the biological differences between the “races” are not very great. In fact, the DNA differences are trivial. The DNA of any two people in the world would typically differ by just 0.2 percent.2 Of this, only 6 percent can be linked to racial categories; the rest is “within race” variation.

What about SKIN COLORS?

It is easy to think that since different groups of people have “yellow” skin, “red” skin, “black” skin, “white” skin, and “brown” skin, there must be many different skin pigments or colorings. And since different chemicals for coloring would mean a different genetic recipe or code in the hereditary blueprint in each people group, it appears to be a real problem. How could all those differences develop within a short time?

However, we all have the same coloring pigment in our skin—melanin. This is a dark-brownish pigment that is produced in different amounts in special cells in our skin. If we had none (as do people called albinos, who inherit a mutation-caused defect, and cannot produce melanin), then we would have a very white or pink skin coloring. If we produced a little melanin, we would be European white. If our skin produced a great deal of melanin, we would be a very dark black. And in between, of course, are all shades of brown. There are no other significant skin pigments.4
In summary, from currently available information, the really important factor in determining skin color is melanin—the amount produced.

This situation is true not only for skin color. Generally, whatever feature we may look at, no people group has anything that is essentially different from that possessed by any other. For example, the Asian, or almond, eye differs from a typical Caucasian eye in having more fat around them. Both Asian and Caucasian eyes have fat—the latter simply have less.

[edit on 14-5-2009 by dthwraith]

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 04:13 AM

What does melanin do?
It protects the skin against damage by ultraviolet light from the sun. If you have too little melanin in a very sunny environment, you will easily suffer sunburn and skin cancer. If you have a great deal of melanin, and you live in a country where there is little sunshine, it will be harder for you to get enough vitamin D (which needs sunshine for its production in your body). You may then suffer from vitamin D deficiency, which could cause a bone disorder such as rickets.

We also need to be aware that we are not born with a genetically fixed amount of melanin. Rather, we have a genetically fixed potential to produce a certain amount, and the amount increases in response to sunlight. For example, you may have noticed that when your Caucasian friends (who spent their time indoors during winter) headed for the beach at the beginning of summer they all had more or less the same pale white skin color. As the summer went on, however, some became much darker than others.

How is it that many different skin colors can arise in a short time? Remember, whenever we speak of different “colors” we are referring to different shades of the one color, melanin.

If a person from a very black people group marries someone from a very white group, their offspring (called mulattos) are mid-brown. It has long been known that when mulattos marry each other, their offspring may be virtually any “color,” ranging from very dark to very light. Understanding this gives us the clues we need to answer our question, but first we must look, in a simple way, at some of the basic principles of heredity.


DNA drawing. Copyright, Eden Communications.

Each of us carries information in our body that describes us in the way a blueprint and specifications describe a furnished building. It determines not only that we will be human beings, rather than cabbages or crocodiles, but also whether we will have blue eyes, short nose, long legs, etc. When a sperm fertilizes an egg, all the information that specifies how the person will be built (ignoring such superimposed factors as exercise and diet) is already present. Most of this information is in coded form in our DNA.5

To illustrate coding, a piece of string with beads on it can carry a message in Morse code. The piece of string, by the use of a simple sequence of short beads, long beads (to represent the dots and dashes of Morse code), and spaces, can carry the same information as the English word “help” typed on a sheet of paper. The entire Bible could be written thus in Morse code on a long enough piece of string.

In a similar way, the human blueprint is written in a code (or language convention) which is carried on very long chemical strings of DNA. This is by far the most efficient information storage system known, greatly surpassing any foreseeable computer technology.6 This information is copied (and reshuffled) from generation to generation as people reproduce.

The word “gene” refers to a small part of that information which has the instructions for only one type of enzyme, for example.7 It may be simply understood as a portion of the “message string” containing only one specification.
For example, there is one gene that carries the instructions for making hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen in your red blood cells. If that gene has been damaged by mutation (such as copying mistakes during reproduction), the instructions will be faulty, so it will often make a crippled form of hemoglobin, if any. (Diseases such as sickle-cell anemia and thalassemia result from such mistakes.)

So, with an egg which has just been fertilized—where does all its information, its genes, come from? One half comes from the father (carried in the sperm), and the other half from the mother (carried in the egg).

Genes come in pairs, so in the case of hemoglobin, for example, we have two sets of code (instruction) for hemoglobin manufacture, one coming from the mother and one from the father.

This is a very useful arrangement, because if you inherit a damaged gene from one parent that could instruct your cells to produce a defective hemoglobin, you are still likely to get a normal one from the other parent which will continue to give the right instructions. Thus, only half the hemoglobin in your body will be defective.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by flashesofblue

my sincere thank you for such a wonderful description of the physical form of human. so where do you think all the human's souls come from...we have a body, we need a soul to run it, or the body dies..the breathe of God's Spirit is within us...but what about our souls... are we the result of heaps of reincarnations, is there a "soul" bank, how is a soul born? I understand how a human is born as in the flesh, but what about that unique quality that identifies each of us individualy, our soul?

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 05:06 AM
reply to post by flashesofblue

My fault I thought I added this bit too. It's 6am so I'm not awake yet.

There are two biblically plausible views on how the human soul is created. Traducianism is the theory that a soul is generated by the physical parents along with the physical body. Support for Traducianism is as follows: (A) In Genesis 2:7, God breathed the breath of life into Adam, causing Adam to become a “living soul.” Scripture nowhere records God performing this action again. (B) Adam had a son in his own likeness (Genesis 5:3). Adam’s descendants seem to be “living souls” without God breathing into them. (C) Genesis 2:2-3 seems to indicate that God ceased His creative work. (D) Adam's sin affects all men—both physically and spiritually—this makes sense if the body and soul both come from the parents. The weakness of Traducianism is that it is unclear how an immaterial soul can be generated through an entirely physical process. Traducianism can only be true if the body and soul are inextricably connected.

Creationism is the view that God creates a new soul when a human being is conceived. Creationism was held by many early church fathers and also has scriptural support. First, Scripture differentiates the origin of the soul from the origin of the body (Ecclesiastes 12:7; Isaiah 42:5; Zechariah 12:1; Hebrews 12:9). Second, if God creates each individual soul at the moment it is needed, the separation of soul and body is held firm. The weakness of Creationism is that it has God continually creating new human souls, while Genesis 2:2-3 indicates that God ceased creating. Also, since the entire human existence—body, soul, and spirit—are infected by sin and God creates a new soul for every human being, how is that soul then infected with sin?

A third view, but one that lacks biblical support, is the concept that God created all human souls at the same time, and “attaches” a soul to a human being at the moment of conception. This view holds that there is sort of a “warehouse of souls” in heaven where God stores souls that await a human body to be attached to. Again, this view has no biblical support, and is usually held by those of a “new age” or reincarnation mindset.

Whether the Traducianist view or the Creationist view is correct, both agree that the soul does not exist prior to conception. This seems to be the clear teaching of the Bible. Whether God creates a new human soul at the moment of conception, or whether God designed the human reproductive process to also reproduce a soul, God is ultimately responsible for the creation of each and every human soul.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 05:30 AM
reply to post by dthwraith

Brilliant answer I appreciate the research.

What do you think of my brother’s idea that we could have been created as two souls, male and female...? (or biblical one soul Adam then his soul is reflected by Eve) and then those souls just continued to fragment so as to be the populace as we know it today, all from the one source of Adam and Eve, united in flesh, to recreate in a sense themselves in different human forms... This would mean we as a human race are truly one in both physical and spiritual sense, all with the essence of Gods breathe and all with the essence of Gods original creation of soul Adam and Eve, and that blends in with what you wrote that there is evidence the God only breathed into the human form once (or maybe twice with breathing into and creating Eve). Are we all a reflection or a millionth odd part of the original souls of the original creation, making us all in essence Adam and Eve...? Every single human is a part of their if that true... it reminds me of the movie the Dark Crystal when at a certain point the beings all merged and become the one that they were originally... well there were a few of them but the interesting, what do you think?
[edit on 14-5-2009 by flashesofblue]

[edit on 14-5-2009 by flashesofblue]

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 08:10 AM

To answer your questions (and wow there are lot of them in this thread), I only can tell you my view of this point in creation. At this board are many good people who answer questions and bring links, articles, words of the bible etc in. Lol i love that, cause we all can learn a lot out of it.
I oflty (guess the most time) bring my own toughts into, cause i am not good into researching (special in english), and i believe mostly in that what i saw (in visions, in dreams, in reality).
So here we go:

The beginning of Life at earth is a legend. Adam and Eve is the catolic and jewesh version of it. The native people have also visions about. And there its pretty the same: Female and male got created. The only difference there is, that mostly the Woman get the Man. Birth him (?). In the catolic version, god first created Adam and then Eve.
For me God is both. Man and Woman.
Up there, we are all together. Only at earth we are split. We couldnt exit if we would be together here. The whole world and creation wouldnt work. There would no 3rd dimension exist.

So what are we? We are builded out of the earth, got life with the breath of god, splitted into man and woman, and still life without really knowing...

I once had a vision, where i went back to my beginning. I saw me and a man, simple hugging each other and being in space. It was light and i felt a harmony where i know it cant exist one second at earth. I got a lot of "input" there, where i saw the beginning of life at earth, the people learning and got teached (from who? i dont know, maybe god, aliens (alias: gods of light), etc)
and then a split. And a birth at earth.
Where i am now, simple called, "feeling as half"?

OP, to your question "where do all people come from". We dont come really from somewhere. We still exist, forever. And earth is only a lesson for us all.


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