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UFO crashes and captured live ETs.

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posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by powers2010
What about THIS?

Military UFO Crash Footage

That's not a UFO, that an IFO, Genesis. And not military either, it was NASA's.

Project Genesis:

genesis probe

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by senshido

Originally posted by powers2010
What about THIS?

Military UFO Crash Footage

That's not a UFO, that an IFO, Genesis. And not military either, it was NASA's.

Project Genesis:

genesis probe

VERY cool!


posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Moonman1111

From what I have read and seen on various TV programs is UFO sightings shot up after we started testing nuclear weapons, I think that and the turmoil and the energy from the suffering of ww2 attracted them. How does one stop them from coming over to our side? I think the only thing that can keep them away is the Holy Spirit. That and maybe technology. Another question rises up, and thats the hybrids. What to do with them raises many moral and ethical questions.

How do we stop them coming over? Can spirit help you ask? What of the hybrids? This whole area is complex and most probably off topic in context with this thread, however each dimension should be allowed to progress into the next free of manipulation..3rd into 4th...4th into 5th at its own free will. Allowing these aliens to manipulate 3rd from their 4th position is wrong. It has come to the point that each of us must see this for ourselves and use our own free will but this is not easy. To over come their manipulation we must become aware of our inner power , again not easy when these entities keep coming through to our planet . They have been here for centuries but yes interest hightened when we became able to use nuclear weapons. Technology will do nothing to help keep them out, it is about becoming more aware of ourselves as Universal entities and taking responsability for our future and uniting.

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by Mr Green
reply to post by Moonman1111

From what I have read and seen on various TV programs is UFO sightings shot up after we started testing nuclear weapons, I think that and the turmoil and the energy from the suffering of ww2 attracted them. How does one stop them from coming over to our side? I think the only thing that can keep them away is the Holy Spirit. That and maybe technology. Another question rises up, and thats the hybrids. What to do with them raises many moral and ethical questions.

How do we stop them coming over? Can spirit help you ask? What of the hybrids? This whole area is complex and most probably off topic in context with this thread, however each dimension should be allowed to progress into the next free of manipulation..3rd into 4th...4th into 5th at its own free will. Allowing these aliens to manipulate 3rd from their 4th position is wrong. It has come to the point that each of us must see this for ourselves and use our own free will but this is not easy. To over come their manipulation we must become aware of our inner power , again not easy when these entities keep coming through to our planet . They have been here for centuries but yes interest hightened when we became able to use nuclear weapons. Technology will do nothing to help keep them out, it is about becoming more aware of ourselves as Universal entities and taking responsability for our future and uniting.

Ascending into higher dimensions is all a new age Maitreya inspired lie.

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 01:40 PM
"Ascending into higher dimensions is all a new age Maitreya inspired lie. "

yeah, i don't buy ANY of that New Age Consciousness talk - no, i don't have proof, just my opinion and instincts

but, it sounds like religion without a God involved - still just alot of wishful thinking from powerless people that aren't satisfied with the life they have here already

it seems to me that humans use escapism every chance they get and they think they are more important than the other animals here and they imagine other realms open to them that the other creatures aren't privy to

and, they justify all this by pointing at man's inventiveness and all the tricks we can do

but, none of it helps them escape their basic animal needs and we need exactly the same things a dog needs to thrive:

1. food
2. shelter
3. a mate
4. safety from things that would prey on us
5. companionship of our kind

and, maybe a few more - but, everything else is extra and WE place importance on it - but, if we get those things a dog needs, we can be happy

all that extra stuff is just a by-product of a mutated mind

i believe we're mutants or hybrids or whatever and it just confuses us

another way to look at it:

what if we gave dogs human intelligence? what would they do with it?

1. create technology to locate bones better
2. market aerosol sprays that smell like *ss
3. develop dating sites to meet b*tches
4. write medical journals about the health benefits of licking their b*lls
5. produce tv shows featuring dogs doing what other dogs wish they could do
6. worship a Dog God
7. speak of an afterlife for dogs
8. imagine that they could actually be greater than just a dog and spend alot of time contemplating a 'Higher Way' for dogs
9. use alot of escapism to wish there was some other place they could go where everything was as they wished it
10. tell each other that they are greater than the other animals because they can make things and talk alot about alot of things that don't change their condition

in other words, they'd still be dogs...

but, dogs are too busy being dogs right now - no one has given them more intelligence than they need to survive so, they don't waste their time - and, they don't need drugs or alcohol or psychologists to help them deal with their doghood

what do we, the relatives of apes do with our enhanced intelligence?

1. find ways to eat even more
2. find ways to enjoy even more women than we can naturally encounter (porn)
3. wish there was a place that suited what we think we want/need
4. invent drugs to escape or cope with being us
5. invent ways to kill more
6. write books about how great we are and so much better than the others
7. invent lies and deception and exploitation

and, so on...

but, at the end of the day, we STILL need everything a dog needs and we still have all the functions a dog has (eat, sleep, sex, sh*t, play, die)

we just can't accept that's all we are - but, all we are is all we are and volumes of books of higher thought don't change our animal condition or nature

it's just mental masturbation and escapism to me - i just focus on eating and mating and staying safe and raising my young - that other stuff doesn't change anything and the more we presume to ADD to Nature, the more we unbalance a perfect system

and, after spending our lives pondering the unponderable, we DIE - just like any dog

if we hadn't killed off all the animals, we'd be reminded that we are food and we wouldn't have so much free time to think about things that don't matter

"give an ape a brain and he'll think he's the center of the universe"

we're basically, full of ourselves and our imagined greatness as we ruin the planet for everyone and still sh*t and die like dogs

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 01:43 PM
Roswell was the most famous UFO crash and this link takes you to the MJ12 Documents pertaining to the crash and events surrounding it ! For anyone who has'nt read them they are interesting !

Also the highest authority on Roswell imo is Stanton Friedman and his website is here :-

In fact Stan Friedman believes there were two UFO's that collided not struck by lightning ! The other crashed at Corona and he has written a book called Crash at Corona ! Hope i have contributed to the OP's thread !


posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by powers2010
ET_Man's answers to cybernet, myself and everyone on this page really explained, or even rather, hit some of what I know inside, and went further, clarifying or fitting in other information as well. Really good answers here.

I only wished I had gone on his thread earlier, I was kind of turned off by the disaster message, which may or may not be coming because I really believe our collective thoughts are creating this fabric around us and that we can do some work to change this around. It did occur to me that he could easily be in the know and substituting one thing for others, so as not to get shut down by TPTB, and now the information he is sharing on the metaphysics and how the multiverse and ET, Universe works, including the Spiritual, is really good. Fits in with my own experiences and what others who I've been drawn to have shared.

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 01:55 PM
WHAT Hit This Wind Turbine??!?

with no footage, i'm not gonna jump on the UFO bandwagon - BUT, what could possibly create this damage?

This Happened In Australia

no telling what this could be - i'd love to know more about this incident

Weird Creature Not Of Earth?

what makes this interesting to me is the fact that scientists are doing tests and scans on it and it a whole/intact corpse

what could it possibly be?

[edit on 29-12-2009 by powers2010]

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 04:09 PM
All I can say in my opinion is this, yes ET's DO exist, (I have seen them) YES they have crashed their crafts onto our planet, YES many of them still live amongst us and YES they are coming through from other dimensions, however, YOU must see beyond this, see yourself as a multi dimensional and Universal beings , do NOT see your self as a Earth bound entity because you are NOT. man is a being of light. Until many more wake up to what they actually are, these aliens will continue to come here and manipulate US. We are the like a NEW frontier to them, we MUST stand our ground. I base this on personal experience of their manipulating ways, my name is after a reptilian I had the mis fortune to encounter...the connection ends there for me. The reptilian alien has been around for a very long time, for me that does not make it my Master, it makes it a manipulator, Man is his own Master and he is very capable without any so called shadow Master. I live in hope of the day one of these reptilian aliens is actually caught alive by a human who can expose the truth for what it actually is.

[edit on 30-12-2009 by Mr Green]

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by powers2010
WHAT Hit This Wind Turbine??!?

with no footage, i'm not gonna jump on the UFO bandwagon - BUT, what could possibly create this damage?

[edit on 29-12-2009 by powers2010]

Brake/blade pitch related failure in high wind.

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 08:38 AM
The Height 611 UFO crash is a rare gem, a story definately worthy to be read.
It took to me some time because the informations available in english were laughable: now i can say it was worthy the time.
No aliens were found in the crash site, but as you will see there's no explanation for the material that has been found there: universities from Russia, Australia, England, Germany, Japan investigated on the debris, and the result was that the composition of the material was not terrestrial in its origion. NO heartly technology is able to product that stuff.
That was an UFO crash. But that list, circulating on the internet since years, is not reliable.
For example, it doesn't mention Gabinetto RS/33 and the italian UFO crash, which occurred close to Milan, and is documented from official documents: the incident had an impact so devistating that Mussolini was forced to create, indeed, a group of study fully dedicated to UFOs:
to overlook these facts is always wrong, especially if in the same list you mention misinterpretations, hoaxes and events that never occurred.
Anyway, here's the story of Gabinetto RS/33, and thank you for sharing

The discovery of some documents from the fascist era of Italy opens up new horizons for research on UFOs, and compels students of this subject to amend the official history of the flying saucers. Under "Il Duce", Mussolini, there was a secret government commission of enquiry, known as the RS/33 cabinet, which studied the UFOs.

The cover of the magazine "Illustarzione del Popolo" showing a UFO Sighting in 1935 in Addis Abeba

The story of the newly discovered "Italian Fascist UFO files" had its start in 1996, when an anonymous person (whom we shall call "MR. X") began sending, to various central and local organizations, documents - both originals and photostats - relating to a series of UFO sightings which had occurred over Italy during the 1930s and 1940s. The communications, which had emanated from various regions in Italy, and even in France, were all rigorously anonymous and unsigned. One of the first packages was addressed to the Bologna daily newspaper *Il Resto del Carlino*, and *contained a bulky dossier of 34 photocopied pages covering various UFO
sightings in the regions of Italy between 1933 and 1940 - some of them in fact reports from the Royal Italian Air Force, with the recommendation "SAY NOTHING TO IL DUCE*"

*Note: IL DUCE stands for Mussolini


New Documents "Will Revolutionize UFOlogy"!
by Alfredo Lissoni
Flying Saucer Review, Volume 46/3, Autumn 2001, pp. 13 - 17

From: "alfredo lissoni"
Subject: from Italy...
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 15:58:44 +0200

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> >
Thanks to AGETI, Jimmy Marinkovicc and Phaeton
Subject: RAI DUE and UFOs
> >
Best wishes from Italy!
I read yours comments about the Italian UFO files (since 1933) on the =
web! Thanks!
Study about the Mussolini's UFO files is very interesting. This research
goes on; according to these secret files, there were many UFO-sightings
between 1933 and 1940 in Italy and a special secret Commission, during =
studied it; it was founded by Mussolini (with pilot Italo Balbo and =
Galeazzo Ciano; headed by Guglielmo
Marconi and senator Luigi Cozza and astronomer Gino Cecchini); the first =
UFO-case was in 1931 near Venice; in 1933 there was an UFO-landing in =
Lombardia, with UFO-recovery...; after this episode, Mussolini created =
the secret=20
UFO-commission "Gabinetto RS/33" (Cabinet Research and Espionage/33); he =
believed UFOs were Allied secret weapons, but Marconi was for the =
E.T.-hypothesis. We have three telegrams (they're four) about the UFO =
recovery near Milan in 1933, and a 'protocol' to the Prefect, for the =
Italian secret services and for newsspapers, to cover this news. The =
Italian MJ-12 was with the Italian teachers (University La Sapienza, =
Rome) Vallauri, Pirotta, Crocco (founder Italian rockets society), =
Debbasi o De Blasi, Bottazzi, Giordani and a mysterious "Ruggero =
Costanti Cavazzani" (alias). Gabinetto RS investigated, between 1933 and =
1940, many different Italian UFO sightings: in a case, an Italian =
fighter plane intercepted an UFO betwenn Ravenna and Rome; in August =
1936 there was a multiple UFO sighting (ad Adamskyan-cygar and two UFOs =
like Saturn) over Mestre and Venice. I think the German V-7 were =
developped after this Italian research about UFOs; in fact Mussolini =
given all the documents, during war, to the German experts...=20
Best wishes
Alfredo Lissoni (with Pinotti one of two Italian UFOresearchers about =
Mussolini's files...)

Telegram # 1

Image source: Italian National UFO center

Telegram # 2

Image source: Italian National UFO center

Original telegrams scans:

There are many infos about this stuff: it's jus a matter of time to gather all them

Three of the seventeen drawings found in Maderno

OVRA archive

OVRA components

In this letter an order has been given to the authorities to recover a landed flying object of unkonw origin and to put under arrest all the witness (task assigned to gabinetto r33)

Image Credits: Edicola WEB

Some links to italian national newspapers' articles about the UFO landed near Milan

la Nazione:
Mussolini has hidden Milano's UFO

La Repubblica:
When Mussolini spotted UFOs

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by internos

The Height 611 UFO crash is a rare gem, a story definately worthy to be read.
It took to me some time because the informations available in english were laughable: now i can say it was worthy the time.
No aliens were found in the crash site,

Thanks for your very detailed and informed post. That does seem to be a well documented UFO crash that was investigated. No bodies found though? Did they burn up in the crash maybe?

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by Mr Green

You are welcome

No, no bodies were found according to all the findings related to that crash: unless the bodies have melted together with the debris.

Also no bodies were found after the italian crash, at least not according to these documents from fascist era (they would be the tip of the iceberg though): there have been some alleged crashes in italy with alleged retrieval of alien corpse, but nothing with some corroborating evidence, as far as i know.
Ed. for spelling

[edit on 3/1/2010 by internos]

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by internos
reply to post by Mr Green

No, no bodies were found according to all the findings related to that crash: unless the bodies have melted together with the debris.

Also no bodies were found after the italian crash,

So again no bodies. Strange we have all these well documented crashes all over the world, even some with eye witness accounts of bodies yet still we have no actual bodies. Where do they go? They cant all burn up, some crash sites have the UFO still intact, I cant believe not one of these crashes has no body remains in at all.

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