posted on May, 7 2009 @ 07:39 AM
Originally posted by Hazelnut
I don't know how you came to think you will see your end in the next few years. That must be very hard to live with.
I would think that the entire world would be feeling that we will all see the "end" as things continue to play out.
My entire life, up until the last year or so, I have always read the Bible about the end days, and thought - I won't have to worry about going
through all of that - I'll be gone by then.
But I can't continue to say that now - I think if people will start looking at prophecy, and what's going on in the world, we'd be hard pressed to
discount the "coincidences", as some people want to call it.
Personally, I'm watching for 'someone' to sign that 7 year peace treaty with Israel, and then 3.5 years from that, the treaty is broken - that is
when you can strap on your crash helmet.
Plus, read up on what the scientists say that the "2012"/galactic alignment is going to bring - and you'll see that it's the exact scenario(s)
described in the Bible that will occur in the last days.
Anyone seriously interested in what's coming upon us in the next few years need only look in Revelation and Daniel in the Bible. It lays it all out,
in pretty much detail, in those two books in particular. i.e. weather increasing, global religion/money/govt, false prophets/doctrines, people's love
waxing cold, scoffers of Jesus, and God, etc.