posted on May, 5 2009 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by Phage
I've been registered there for a while but sometimes i just go out and look at random at everything I can see.
I try to look around everywhere and not focus on one spot too long so that I might see them in other places and so that I take it all in but I see
them 99% of the time crossing through the big dipper.
About 10 minutes ago I was out and seen 3 pass through within maybe 10 minutes of each other and every time I go out for a bit that seems to be the
exact spot I see them all.
The last time i saw one anywhere else was during the lyrid meteor shower, which crossed almost right by the star.
Maybe I'm just not catching them all or something but thank you and do you know of any other websites like heavens above by chance?