reply to post by impaired
I don't believe he's ever heard that one before though I believe he caught your message.
He appears to be carrying some sort of machete?
Well meaning guy, just under some positive instruction. You know, truthy kinda thing.
It's a jungle out there though not as one would know eh?
One sits in Bliss in wait for the Land-Lord or is it Lord of the Land...infinitum?
Either way, however one would like to 'word' it, it doesn't look good from here.
Ones' compass is off the mark. The mark is a natural one led by magnetism? If one's Will were a magnet...would it not 'naturally' incline to
that which inspires one's will? What holds one back? Does truth not Ring like a bell when ^/captured/?.. by one's conscience? The 'Bell' has
quite a history in itself though few are worthy to >ring-it))))))).......^^^^^^^(((((((.?
Where for out though hither to another with such Rhapsodic feverment.
Not sure where that came from...kinda slipped off the tongue....freedom thing....... you know?
Will O Well....should one suggest are synonymous?
Should there be any question at all?
Reason and Intellect are not found anywhere else in the animal kingdom people-s.
There is a Reason for this and it should be no surprise that we are not 'alone' in the Universe,,,that's a good One. Always brings a chuckle
If one could climb out of oneself eh? I understand it's quite a disheartening experience. I consistently feel Edvard Munch SCREAMing in the ear of
another with deafly reply.
Some call it 'self discovery' some say it's just the _________. Niner struck the miner, one once said,..... long, long ago though not in such
['terms'/words]. Words, grammar and syn-tax evolve unto themselves as meaning
unto'themselves' therefor they are NOT to be trusted.
Trust your instinct and may your subconscious mind shed Light unto the conscious 'heresay'/heresy; your choice.
If one could see another for who they were, would they not be able to understand the motives of that person and thereby more accurately judge the
actions of another.
I believe the term 'homo-sapien' was ahead of itself in specie classification? Seems the Sapien or rather Sapience portion of the word has been
dis-placed in modern State academia. Wonder why? Should you ask further. ATS folk know though some choose to let 'their' Will run on idle for the
sake of Another. The Sun always rises and what is lost in the dark will return to such.... as a Hilloc unto the-E.
Folks need to embrace one another and appreciate the talents as well as shortcomings of another ......though should one not lend another a paddle if
their kayak is headed upriver? Seems unnatural, no?
Subconsciousness flows as a River unto a stream. Resistance is ultimately futile in the End.
After the decay, the people will try again, though on a higher plane? I believe so....though one has a choice...and the farther one goes in one
direction....the farther they get from their own? The human experiment? May we not fail ourselves?
There are laws unto humanity as there are laws unto the natural world around you. Why and how have the U.S. and the rest of humanity 'lost' it's
way? of ius-naturale jurisprudence? This was the idea behind the founding of this 'Republic'. There are still a few American Patriots out there
regardless of the 'national pride' idea. It's just a good idea to Do unto others as you would have Done unto you? It doesn't have to be
'recorded' in a Scripture for it not to be true. Natural Law Jurisprudence is from within and needs no interpreter just as a stone needs no
'description'; it simply
There was Truth long before there was papyrus or the skill to write lol&>....some more. That one always gets me. Could one imagine how many volumes
it would take for one to accurately transcribe a Truth to print if one were to take into consideration 'all' of the re-combinant scenarios of which
would have to be considered for one to accurately define a truth or even sub-truth as a subatomic particle is to an atom?
For every layer/plane of a truth, there is a natural law. There are layers of laws as there are layers of an OniOn. You witness it every day though
most 'accept' their condition&ing. Who gave a man the right to be the sculptor of another? Anyone? no? None I'm aware of. I suppose this is
why the crook dorns a C___K.
Run on sentence, so be it, let it Run forth like a Stallion with no fence, only Doors to the Matrix without.
'Good' night or Bright day?
Either way, truth is infinite.
Let you be the judge from here forth?
If 'you' say so.
[edit on 6-5-2009 by Perseus Apex]