posted on May, 5 2009 @ 04:18 PM
A great movie people should see is H.G. Wells, "The Shape of Things to Come".
H.G. Wells was a British Intelligence Agent from what I have gathered.
The movie came out in 1926, and it's a classic Black and White Early Sci-Fi film.
In the film, the controllers of humanity, a united air-force called "Wings Over the World" refer to themselves as the "Freemasonry of Science",
and shows the progress of humanity thoughout the twentieth century. The weird thing is, the twentieth century hadn't happend yet!!!
The movie shows WWII happening before it actually happened!!! In 1926!!!!
The movie shows people wandering around after the war with something called the "walking plague", and these people were lepers that had to be shot
on sight, since they carried the dreaded "walking plague". This movie shows the propaganda of war hype and orwellian control by government. It shows
the world breaking out in someting like the "bird flu", and it's reminiscent of the movie "V" For Vendetta in some ways, in how it showed the
control, and future.
If you have not seeen this, check it out! It's great science fiction, but now in this time and age, it's more reality than fiction. Also shows
the first rocket into space being built, and the "No Progress-ers" who fight to keep the project from taking off because they believe science is the
downfall of humanity.
Classic Stuff!