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Crop Cirlces Explanation

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posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 03:17 PM
These crop circles are for man, in preparation for the alien in vasion which will be done in a controlled way. Public officials will announce it and show aliens and their crafts, but these creatures are not originally from other worlds. They are not alien beings, they will say they are here to help save the earth and make peace.

The crop circles, some done by man as a joke, others done with computer and lazer from crafts. Easily done with the right equipment.

posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 03:36 PM
Crop circles are true and false. If you havn't been watching T.V lately most complicated crop circles are made by humans. However the simple ones are strangly broken differently and still have a possiblity of aliens making them

posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 03:52 PM
Here is one of the best and most complete websites dealing with the Crop Circle Mystery and Research. Check it out and I'd like to hear from others and see what others have to say.

posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 03:54 PM
check out the documentary, Crop Circles: Quest for Truth (2002)

posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 07:16 PM
Some of you are living in extremely vivid's's like a bunch trekkers who refuse to take their spock ears off.

posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by Preest
Some of you are living in extremely vivid's's like a bunch trekkers who refuse to take their spock ears off.

While others of us assume the Role of Those who Claim to Know and Speak the Truth, Preest, although it's nothing more than a False Title, or An Empty Shell with No-Thing In-Side. No-Thing of In-Terest, No-Thing of In-Sight. Just remarks which serve only to destroy the ideas of others. Nobody here is trying to Claim that they alone have solved the mystery or mastered the technique. Some ideas may even be classified as nothing more than Creative Guesses. But atleast it's an effort to Create Answers.

All your effort so far seems to be in destroying the ideas of others. Why not offer up some of your own Creative Answers instead?? It is more Productive when searching for the Truth to Come up with Possible Answers than Shoot Them Down, don't ya think?

posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by mOjOm
While others of us assume the Role of Those who Claim to Know and Speak the Truth, Preest, although it's nothing more than a False Title, or An Empty Shell with No-Thing In-Side. No-Thing of In-Terest, No-Thing of In-Sight. Just remarks which serve only to destroy the ideas of others. Nobody here is trying to Claim that they alone have solved the mystery or mastered the technique. Some ideas may even be classified as nothing more than Creative Guesses. But atleast it's an effort to Create Answers.

All your effort so far seems to be in destroying the ideas of others. Why not offer up some of your own Creative Answers instead?? It is more Productive when searching for the Truth to Come up with Possible Answers than Shoot Them Down, don't ya think?
I do offer up creative answers...but I won't sacrifice common sense or coherence in favor of what you'd like to call, "creativity". I'm open to hundreds of possibilities and theories and I'm always willing to hear peoples ideas...until they sacrifice a bit of maturity and pop the spock ears back on.

I don't pretend to be sensitive, "know everything" or care what you think about my negativity. Everything I state is my opinion and if you can't handle my opinion then feel free to not read it. As long as people on this board can feel free to expound on aliens brain types, hybrid jesus and hitlers alien escape I will continue to voice my own opinions and ideas on how that # is crazy.

I speak what I see and whether you feel it's not "the truth" or you feel I'm not representing "the truth" (as if I ever claimed I did) just remember I feel the same way about many of you and sanity.

Have a great night man.


posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 10:56 PM
My interp of crop cricles, depends!

Most are man made,IMO. But the real question is, what about the others . . . Are we just acting in the way of our creators/intervenors? . . . In~that, celestials definately have ~ involvement . . .

posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 11:01 PM
Preest, all I'm saying is that you haven't shown evidence as of yet showing that Crop Circles AREN'T 'Government DisInformation, Galactic Gang Tagging, Art from Little Green Men, The Incredible Masterpieces of a Couple of Drunken Old Men, Quantum Physics Annomolies, or the Begining of a Mother Earth Consciousness Coming to Life'.

So far all I've seen by you is 2 posts. One stating that everyone is crazy to think that the Government is Hiding something and that Mankind is has created many incredible things.

Then the other post about how everyone is suffering from some kind of Sci-fi nerd disorder and refuse to see the truth.

Well, I'm asking you, to back up your claims, first of all. Second, until you do back up your claims, or can present some evidence to present an arguement against another persons idea, you shouldn't call people crazy and shoot down their ideas. I mean, what if it is Little Green Men?? Interdimentional Light Beings with an Artistic Side or something??? At this point it makes as much sense as anything else.

Personally, I think we are certainly capable of doing such things. Although the technology to create some of these designs along with the changes that happen to the plants themselves is more than a couple drunken old f*cks with some planks and rope. The Crop Circle Pros that are out there, maybe. But what kinds of equipment are they using to create the Electrical Disturbances. Or changes in the Stocks, which are most likely some kind of controlled Microwave.

How about the area that these teams are able to cover and then create such designs without being caught yet.

Even most telling, when it comes to Government Coverups, which you say is Not the Case. Why is it, that as many of them that appear and their incredible and artistic nature and mystery, why don't you see any coverage in the main stream news? Nothing, except of course some 'Specialist' now and then saying that they are all a bunch of B.S.

But ok, let's say there really is nothing of interest to report then. Well, if these Crop Circles are just some goofy prank and stuff, then why and HOW did those Two Drunken Old Fools make World Wide Coverage with such short notice?? I thought there was nothing to report right?? I guess the media only feels there is nothing of interest unless it's some Unsupported Theory to explain away the entire thing. Then it's major news and everyone goes along with the story.

Does it sound like an air tight theory there?? Doesn't something seem just a bit strange to you??

That's all I'm trying to say man. I just don't like reading threads where Ideas, even if very unlikely, are bashed and said to be crazy, but those who say the claim is all nonsense never present proof of why that is so, or have their own theory to put out there instead. You see what I'm saying. I'm awaiting whatever your theory may be, if you throw it out there. But until you do, Little Green Men are showing me more material than you. (BTW, I'm not some trekkie with Spock ears and sh*t on my head! I'm a Star Wars Fan with a Wookie Suit and Lazer Crossbow FYI!!!)

posted on Apr, 30 2004 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by Byrd
Actually, the information there's exactly why I think it's a hoax.

* It shows up in the same place as another complex one of a few years ago.

Why would someone with a message put a piece over here, and then a year later put one over THERE, etc? That is what would alert me to a hoax.

* They've gone from simple circles to landscape designs (if they were genuine, we'd have had the complex designs from the first.)

So... you say they should have just made something elaborate from the get-go? Do you just walk up behind someone who you know doesn't know you are there and just scream at him to get his attention? That's apparently what they are doing. Plus, they are illustrating something. I am willing to bet there is at least one more year of this place left, and it will jump to basic coding or something... something that is more advanced than ASCII. Oh, and I betcha that the next pic will be pixels! I'd put money on it.

* They speak English. Furthermore, they know 8-bit ASCII. This implies that they landed on Earth, went to Radio Shack, bought a Model I (or equivalent) and started learning system basics. In English. However, they don't bother to learn the English alphabet.

What language would you have them speak? Portuguese? Russian? C'mon, Byrd... I've seen you be more intelligent than this. What is the most commonly spoken language in the world today? As far as ASCII, I'd just use the same argument, except that I don't think ASCII is the most commonly used code... just commonly known, and easy to put in a picture. I guess they could've used binary, but that wouldn't make as much sense. Binary code is a little bit too universal. Obviously this message was sent to humans specifically, and not just a copy left on a bunch of different planets. As far as learning, I'm willing to bet they've been watching us for quite awhile and probably learned how to EMPHASIZE USING CAPS, but maybe didn't quite get the whole concept. If you are trying to communicate with someone you know absolutly nothing about (like if you went to a village) your best and fastest technique for communication would be to mimic habits. That's what it looks like they are trying to do. Writing in english isn't a science... so many rules, and almost all of them broken by one word or another. ASCII is set in stone... this means this, no if's, and's, or but's.

* We didn't broadcast any messages to space using ASCII code. It would have been useless and indecipherable to any other civilization.

Exactly... we use binary instead... it's universal. The difference here is that we don't know who will receive the message, so we use the most universal things we can come up with. Since the crop message was to us, they don't have to worry about wether or not we know ASCII... they used our coding to communicate with us.

* They don't repeat the message around the world in other languages.

Really, man... they did. All they did was put it in the most common language and let us change it to other languages for them. Then, the media spreads it around. How did you find out about it? Through the media! So, in essence they got the message not only 'burned' into the field (funny pun if you think about the radiated nodes of the stalks
), but they also managed to get it burned to hard drives all over the world! Damn they are good...

* The "challenge" from the webpage was "I challenge you to duplicate this." The web designer is apparently unaware of all the programs we had in the 1970's and so forth that made pictures (like the Mona Lisa) with simple letters and numbers. We still have those around, andif you know where the software is, it's a trivial matter to lay it out.

Umm... not really getting your point. What the webmaster is saying is that this is nearly impossible to actually make. Yeah, you can lay it out on paper, but how are you going to do reference points and stuff, and manage to get everything accomplished so fast? It's one thing to use a tape as a 'compass' to make a circle, but it's another to make something as intricate as this. The disk, I can see being replicated by itself pretty easily... the rest I don't. I'm a graphic artist, and have been making computer art since we got our first 286 (we had the shiz... huge 5mb hard drive! And a modem... and color!). To lay something like this out takes some incredibly awesome skill, and couldn't be stomped into a wheat field... at least not without some distortions, which this has none.

* Why would space aliens run around mainly English-speaking countries, doing crop stuff (and obeying local laws about ownership and travel restrictions during the various hoof-and-mouth outbreaks)? Why don't they just land in the middle of the field and wait for someone to come say hello? Why don't they just hover overhead for awhile and then broadcast a message?

And that is the big question. Dunno... I'd definitly have to say so we don't shoot them? Really... I'd like to see you go land something in the middle of a farmer's field... just might get some buck in yer arse, lol. Really, to us it isn't obvious why they don't just land and introduce themselves, but I'm sure someone knows for sure. May be that they have some extremely strong opposition down here that they are trying to abvoid? That's about what I get from the ASCII message.

BTW, Byrd... not picking on ya directly (except for the one part I pointed out directly
). You just happened to provide me with a really good post to work off of to explain some of this stuff. I'm kinda glad you didn't go off on too much of a rant, this thing is already pretty long, hehe.

So, if this IS a hoax, someone put alot of thought into it. If it's NOT a hoax, I stated alot of reasons that explain why they send what they send. There's MY 2 cents(cubed)!

posted on Apr, 30 2004 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by chevin

Originally posted by Cardu
well Do THIS over the night

These specific crop circles have been proven to be authentic. These were not done by humans or hoaxes.

Notice the message in the ASCII text

posted on Apr, 30 2004 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by mOjOm
Preest, all I'm saying is that you haven't shown evidence as of yet showing that Crop Circles AREN'T 'Government DisInformation, Galactic Gang Tagging, Art from Little Green Men, The Incredible Masterpieces of a Couple of Drunken Old Men, Quantum Physics Annomolies, or the Begining of a Mother Earth Consciousness Coming to Life'.
I needn't prove any of those...because those aren't my theories. My theory is that at this point nothing can be proven...BUT...if one used a bit of common sense and asked themselves why an advanced lifeform capable of traveling great distances in space to come to Earth and avoid first contact to monitor us would leave markings in fields...WHY NOT THE SEARS TOWER? Why not the side of a mountain? Why not the face of the moon? Common sense says that if it is men...they're probably not drunk...and probably far smart than you and I put together. Which doesn't mean men making these is impossible...fact of the matter making these is far more plausible then aliens.

Originally posted by mOjOmSo far all I've seen by you is 2 posts. One stating that everyone is crazy to think that the Government is Hiding something and that Mankind is has created many incredible things.
I posted several times on this same topic in another post on this board a few days ago in which I stated that man has created far more complex structures, designs and technology and for anybody to state that men aren't advanced enough to make crop circles YET aliens are possibly relying on primitive road mapping was preposterous.

Man aren't advanced enough to leave crop circles but aliens may be falling back on primitive marking habits? So...what are crop circles...advanced or primitive? You may want to go check my other posts...unless you feel they'll offend your sensitivities.

Originally posted by mOjOmThen the other post about how everyone is suffering from some kind of Sci-fi nerd disorder and refuse to see the truth.

Well, I'm asking you, to back up your claims, first of all. Second, until you do back up your claims, or can present some evidence to present an arguement against another persons idea, you shouldn't call people crazy and shoot down their ideas. I mean, what if it is Little Green Men?? Interdimentional Light Beings with an Artistic Side or something??? At this point it makes as much sense as anything else.

Personally, I think we are certainly capable of doing such things. Although the technology to create some of these designs along with the changes that happen to the plants themselves is more than a couple drunken old f*cks with some planks and rope. The Crop Circle Pros that are out there, maybe. But what kinds of equipment are they using to create the Electrical Disturbances. Or changes in the Stocks, which are most likely some kind of controlled Microwave.

How about the area that these teams are able to cover and then create such designs without being caught yet.

Even most telling, when it comes to Government Coverups, which you say is Not the Case. Why is it, that as many of them that appear and their incredible and artistic nature and mystery, why don't you see any coverage in the main stream news? Nothing, except of course some 'Specialist' now and then saying that they are all a bunch of B.S.

But ok, let's say there really is nothing of interest to report then. Well, if these Crop Circles are just some goofy prank and stuff, then why and HOW did those Two Drunken Old Fools make World Wide Coverage with such short notice?? I thought there was nothing to report right?? I guess the media only feels there is nothing of interest unless it's some Unsupported Theory to explain away the entire thing. Then it's major news and everyone goes along with the story.

Does it sound like an air tight theory there?? Doesn't something seem just a bit strange to you??

That's all I'm trying to say man. I just don't like reading threads where Ideas, even if very unlikely, are bashed and said to be crazy, but those who say the claim is all nonsense never present proof of why that is so, or have their own theory to put out there instead. You see what I'm saying. I'm awaiting whatever your theory may be, if you throw it out there. But until you do, Little Green Men are showing me more material than you. (BTW, I'm not some trekkie with Spock ears and sh*t on my head! I'm a Star Wars Fan with a Wookie Suit and Lazer Crossbow FYI!!!)
This board is crawling with children with severe mental issues, sci-fi obsessions and some are just paranoid nuts. If you chose not to believe that but chose to believe aliens might be the cause of crop circles then I'd have to ask what medication you take.

Honestly, I find your challenge for me to "BACK UP MY CLAIMS" awful funny...what claims? That the verdict is not in on crop circles but chances are they're done by men? You want me to back it'd be happy to back it up in a post...and I'd like to see you back up your claims that they're aliens and the government is conspiring to conceal they're true ready to back up your claims with real research or do you plan to use other peoples sites and links?

posted on Apr, 30 2004 @ 09:53 AM

Lemme start with the ancient proof and move my way up...

(1) The Pyramids at Giza
(2) The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
(3) the Statue of Zeus by Phidias
(4) the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
(5) The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
(6) The Colossus of Rhodes
(7) the Pharos of Alexandria.

Let's list a bit more proof that humans are totally capable of creating crop circles...

(1) The Easter Island Moai
(2) Stonehenge
(3) The Golden Gate Bridge
(4) The Sears Tower
(5) The Empire State Building
(6) The Statue of Liberty
(7) The Nazca Lines
(8) The Moon Landing
(9) The Atomic Bomb

There's my proof backing up my claims that man was highly capable of performing crop circles. Now then...prove that aliens were instead. Feel free to list alien accomplishments whether they be architectural or technological that may back up the claim that advanced alien species are leaving what essentially is primitive land markings.

[Edited on 4-30-2004 by Preest]

posted on Apr, 30 2004 @ 10:32 AM
That disc is a replica of the disk we sent with one of the Voyagers, if memory serves.

I suppose the other portion of the image is a portrait of the entity that received the disk.

So here's a theory....

An elite group of individuals with a lot of resources made a conspiracy. They sent out a disk on a craft that was never meant to return. Then when the disk is a faded memory they burn a crop circle using a modified microwave television from a satellite. The image is almost a replica of the described alleged encounters with the alleged entities known allegedly as "greys or grays". But notice the eyes. Most alleged victims of "greys" (in the U.s.) report wide bug eyes. But the eyes in the image show a more human eye with a pupil, it allegedly appears. So the alleged abductions (in the U.s.) are merely screen memories producted by sending entire streams of data thru ELF and EHF that are then picked up by suseptible brains. This small group of people are used to get others used to ideas of UFOs and Alien encounters. The crop circle image is a continuation but puts a more direct global contact and a more human element to it. This gets those that didn't like the mean aliens thinking that maybe these alleged aliens are more human than we thought.

If this wild alleded conjecture is correct then we should see increasing signs of an alleged friendly "encounter of the 3rd kind" by the alleged "grey" species on a more global scale than previous alleged encounters.

Why do they do it?

They are bored.

[Edited on 4-30-2004 by ShadowHasNoSource]

posted on May, 1 2004 @ 06:19 AM

Well, recently, there was a show that explained how crop circles can be made with a knowledge of geometry, a plank, string, and three people

Maybe if they hadn't actually SHOWED it, it would be less plausible...but they rather easily and quickly duplicated complex designs.... For me, case pranksters fit every single variable of the phenomenon...

Ask yourself, wouldn't an advanced alien race have other more effective means of communication (hell, how about a piece of paper and a pen?)....seriously....???

posted on May, 1 2004 @ 06:45 AM
I watched a video not too long ago of a camera man from England and a couple other ppl who caught a crop circle being created on camera. There was a light bouncing around and afterwards they found a crop circle there, a farmer on his tractor nearby also saw this as the light passed over him. No humans involved and it was in broad daylight, explain that?

posted on May, 1 2004 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by Sapphire
I watched a video not too long ago of a camera man from England and a couple other ppl who caught a crop circle being created on camera. There was a light bouncing around and afterwards they found a crop circle there, a farmer on his tractor nearby also saw this as the light passed over him. No humans involved and it was in broad daylight, explain that?

Better yet, here is a video of orbs flying above a field and the circle being formed as they do so.

posted on May, 1 2004 @ 02:52 PM
I might be wrong but i think that clip has been proven to be a fake.

posted on May, 1 2004 @ 04:14 PM
The video footage of a "UFO" creating a crop circle was proven to be a hoax.

IMO, the only hoaxing going on with crop circles are the people fooling themselves into believing the improbable over the probable.

I noticed alot of the alien/crop circle supporters keep making mention of "a few drunk guys" and some planks and rope but I'm honestly of the opinion that it's probably several dozen smart and artistic people working with quite a bit more than a couple planks and ropes. Of course that can't be proven but then in the face of the theory that crop circles are being created by an advanced species my theory sounds alot more plausible.

[Edited on 5-1-2004 by Preest]

posted on May, 1 2004 @ 05:20 PM
Only in your own mind!You are a cynical b*stard you know that....If someone was p!ss!ng on your back and told you it was only rain, you would believe that too!

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