posted on May, 6 2009 @ 03:25 AM
How about everybody just take a nice breath of fresh air, and RELAX!
Then, turn OFF the TV, and make sure you give and recieve at least four hugs per day, and then maybe we can BEGIN to figure out how to make this world
a better place for one and all.
We need a re-start here, a new beginning, a clean slate and something novel and viral, born of love, as opposed to mass hysteria and paranoia and a
flu bug hatched in some Donald Rumsfeld invested CDC and WHO affiliated laboratory.
I think they want to inject us all with something to kill the pineal gland or something along those lines, but for now, there's still time to
overcome their plans with rising conscious awareness and fierce determination, to make it to the gate and individually and collectively, pass through
the royal arch and into the expansive realm of everlasting freedom, love and mutuality.
Pay them no heed and work from your own sphere of influence, however big or small, to re-make this world for all generations to come, starting with a
clear mind, and regular hugs. That's my prescription and antidote.
Think differently, adopt a novel perspective and prepare to recieve with open arms a new worldview - that's what we ought to be working on. Screw
these distractions! We don't have time for this nonsense any more, there are more important things to consider and be involved with.
[edit on 6-5-2009 by OmegaPoint]